Sunday, June 10, 2018

BBC: A History of Art in Three Colours Episode 1: Gold

Donald Trump Picks a Fight with Justin Trudeau

After an already tense G7 meeting, U.S. President Trump took to Twitter to attack host Justin Trudeau. Trump left the summit early for a meeting with long-time foe Kim Jong-un, but he’s managed to leave a trail of broken friendships in his wake. CBC’s Wendy Mesley speaks with Foreign Affairs minister Chrystia Freeland about the nature of the Canada-U.S. relationship.

Is the Drive to Modernise Saudi Arabia Taking a Wrong Turn? | Inside Story

Female activists continue to be arrested in Saudi Arabia - two in the last three days. Rights groups say Mayaa al-Zahrani was detained for her posts on social media - expressing support for Nouf Abdul-Aziz al-Jerawi, who is also locked up.

Saudi security forces have arrested 17 activists in the past months - most of them women who have long campaigned for the right to drive. That is about to happen in two weeks time.

The first driving licences have been issued before the Kingdom lifts its controversial "men-only" ban. State media has accused the arrested activists of being foreign agents. As economic, political and cultural reforms are implemented, are Saudi leaders sending mixed messages?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Sami Hamdi - Editor-in-Chief, International Interest; Suad Abu-Dayyeh - Equality Now; Mamdouh Salameh - Oil economist

Embarrassing Defeat for the US in Its Efforts to Expel Venezuela from the Organization of American States (OAS)

At the OAS nineteen member states voted in favor, four against and eleven abstained when the US tried to have Venezuela sanctioned. US will not hesitate to bear tremendous pressure on member countries to get its way in Latin America. We speak to CEPR's Mark Weisbrot about the vote and how it came about

Trump Kim Summit: US President Donald Trump Arrives in Singapore – BBC News

Kudlow: Canada's Trudeau Stabbed Us in the Back

President Donald Trump's top economic adviser Larry Kudlow says Trump pulled out of backing the G7 communiqué in reaction to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's statement criticizing the United States.

Producing Nostalgia: Iranian Diaspora TV's Rebranding of the Shah | The Listening Post

Kayhan Life: Spotlight on a Global Iranian Community »

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Dave Rubin’s Interview with Tucker Carlson

How Does Direct Democracy Work in Liechtenstein? – VisualPolitik EN

Despite being a constitutional monarchy, most of the political decisions in this Principality are done through referendums. This includes economic policy, social spending and even… Citizenship!

Even the right to self-determination can be guaranteed by referendum. This means that any of the 11 municipalities inside of Liechtenstein can hold a popular vote to decide whether they want to stay in the country or become an independent nation. Sounds pretty crazy, right?

How is all of this possible? How can you manage to guarantee such a stable political system when people can vote in any crazy law they want with a referendum? Well… This is what we were wondering here at VisualPolitik.

And we figured the best way to answer these questions is by going to the country and asking. So, we did just that!

Trump Speaks at G7 before Heading to North Korea Summit

President Donald Trump makes remarks at the G7 summit ahead of his planned trip to Singapore for the North Korea summit.

Holocaust – Witness: Paula Gris

Holocaust survivor Paula Gris is interviewed on Shalom TV's original series commemorating the Six Million. An educator at the Breman Jewish Heritage Museum in Atlanta, Ms. Gris has been engaged in teaching children and adults since 1981.

Life Inside: Voices from North Korea – BBC News

Speaking to ordinary citizens inside North Korea is almost impossible, with visitors heavily policed and communication with the outside world blocked. But two residents were willing to speak to the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme, despite the threat of death or imprisonment.

In North Korea, where leader Kim Jong-un has almost godlike status, to question him out loud is for many unthinkable. Citizens are taught he is all-knowing, and told to inform on dissenters - including their own family members. By speaking out, market trader Sun Hui - not her real name - knows she is putting her life at risk.

Austria Crackdown – Government to Shut Down Mosques | Al Jazeera English

The Austrian government is shutting down seven mosques and expelling imams. It's part of measures by the chancellor Sebastian Kurz to target what he calls "political Islam" in the country. Al Jazeera’s Dominic Kane reports from neighbouring Germany.

Gaddafi's Son: Libya Like McDonald's for NATO - Fast War as Fast Food (July 2011)

With the war in Libya at the focal point of international relations, RT's gained access to Colonel Gaddafi's son in NATO-targeted Tripoli. Saif al-Islam thinks his country's wanted for its riches, but says the people won't let Libya fall under foreign control.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Holocaust – Witness: Gena Turgel

Auschwitz survivor Gena Turgel, who went from concentration camp victim to a woman honored by the Queen of England, tells her amazing story on the Shalom TV original series, "Witness."

Cameron 'Tried to Get Daily Mail's Editor Paul Dacre Sacked' over Brexit - BBC Newsnight (January 2017)

The proprietor of the Daily Mail told its editor that David Cameron pressed for him to be sacked during the EU referendum, BBC Newsnight has learned. Lord Rothermere told Paul Dacre the prime minister urged him to rein in his pro-Brexit editor, then suggested he sack him, a source told the BBC. A spokesman for Mr Cameron said he "did not believe he could determine who edits the Daily Mail". Emily Maitlis reports.

G7 Gets Underway amid Rising Tensions with Trump