Saturday, June 09, 2018

Trump Speaks at G7 before Heading to North Korea Summit

President Donald Trump makes remarks at the G7 summit ahead of his planned trip to Singapore for the North Korea summit.

Holocaust – Witness: Paula Gris

Holocaust survivor Paula Gris is interviewed on Shalom TV's original series commemorating the Six Million. An educator at the Breman Jewish Heritage Museum in Atlanta, Ms. Gris has been engaged in teaching children and adults since 1981.

Life Inside: Voices from North Korea – BBC News

Speaking to ordinary citizens inside North Korea is almost impossible, with visitors heavily policed and communication with the outside world blocked. But two residents were willing to speak to the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme, despite the threat of death or imprisonment.

In North Korea, where leader Kim Jong-un has almost godlike status, to question him out loud is for many unthinkable. Citizens are taught he is all-knowing, and told to inform on dissenters - including their own family members. By speaking out, market trader Sun Hui - not her real name - knows she is putting her life at risk.

Austria Crackdown – Government to Shut Down Mosques | Al Jazeera English

The Austrian government is shutting down seven mosques and expelling imams. It's part of measures by the chancellor Sebastian Kurz to target what he calls "political Islam" in the country. Al Jazeera’s Dominic Kane reports from neighbouring Germany.

Gaddafi's Son: Libya Like McDonald's for NATO - Fast War as Fast Food (July 2011)

With the war in Libya at the focal point of international relations, RT's gained access to Colonel Gaddafi's son in NATO-targeted Tripoli. Saif al-Islam thinks his country's wanted for its riches, but says the people won't let Libya fall under foreign control.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Holocaust – Witness: Gena Turgel

Auschwitz survivor Gena Turgel, who went from concentration camp victim to a woman honored by the Queen of England, tells her amazing story on the Shalom TV original series, "Witness."

Cameron 'Tried to Get Daily Mail's Editor Paul Dacre Sacked' over Brexit - BBC Newsnight (January 2017)

The proprietor of the Daily Mail told its editor that David Cameron pressed for him to be sacked during the EU referendum, BBC Newsnight has learned. Lord Rothermere told Paul Dacre the prime minister urged him to rein in his pro-Brexit editor, then suggested he sack him, a source told the BBC. A spokesman for Mr Cameron said he "did not believe he could determine who edits the Daily Mail". Emily Maitlis reports.

G7 Gets Underway amid Rising Tensions with Trump

Question Time – June 7, 2018

This week's Question Time, filmed in Reading. Topics discussed include grammar schools and the Brexit white paper.

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Paul Dacre's Legacy as Daily Mail Editor: Discussion - BBC Newsnight

Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre is to stand down in November. What has been his influence on British political debate? Lord Adonis and Daily Mail political columnist, Peter Oborne, have very different views.

Trump Frees Alice Johnson; What About Thousands Still Serving Life for Nonviolent Drug Offenses?

President Trump has commuted the life sentence of a woman who was imprisoned for a first-time nonviolent drug offense, after her cause was taken up by reality television star Kim Kardashian West. Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old grandmother from Memphis, was released Wednesday from federal prison in Aliceville, Alabama, where she had been serving her sentence for nearly 22 years. While Alice Marie Johnson has been released, thousands of other prisoners are still serving life without parole for nonviolent drug offenses. We speak with Jennifer Turner, who was part of the legal team representing Johnson in her application for clemency. She is a human rights researcher with the American Civil Liberties Union and author of the ACLU report titled “A Living Death: Life Without Parole for Nonviolent Offenses.”

Top US News & World Headlines — June 7, 2018

Tommy Robinson Is in Prison and This Is Why

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Wolfgang Schäuble on Brexit and the Issues Facing Europe - BBC Newsnight

How does Brexit rank among Germany’s concerns? Mark Urban speaks to President of the Bundestag and Germany's former finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, on the issues facing Europe.

Is the New Italian Government about to Kick Out Migrants en masse?

Top US News & World Headlines — June 6, 2018

Why Is the US Separating Migrant Children from Their Parents? | Inside Story

The UN has urged the Trump administration to immediately stop separating migrant children from their families at its border with Mexico. It said on Tuesday the practice was a serious violation of international law. But the US is the only country in the world that has not ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child. And has recently adopted a zero tolerance policy with undocumented migrants.

Hundreds of children who cross its southern border have been held in custody since October. It followed an executive order issued by the president. The US defends its policy by saying it's a way to stop illegal immigration. So, can the UN convince the US to stop its policy of separating families?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Angelo Guisado - Civil Rights Lawyer at the Center for Constitutional Rights; Marsha Catron - Former Spokeswoman for the US Department of Homeland Security under the Obama administration; Jennifer de Haro - Managing Attorney at the Refugee and Immigrant Centre for Education and Legal Services

Iran Nuclear Deal: "Neither Trump Nor Netanyahu Have Any Plan B"

Michel Barnier Is Negotiating Brexit for the 500 Million EU Citizens That Remain

The Complete Skinny on Obesity

Millions have watched Dr. Robert Lustig's YouTube videos on the role sugar plays in obesity. In this compilation of the popular YouTube series "The Skinny on Obesity," Dr. Lustig and his UCSF colleagues dig deeper into the root causes of the obesity epidemic. Discover why what we eat is as important as how much we eat. Understand the effects of stress on obesity rates, and why some predict that the next generation will die younger than the current one due to obesity and the many health problems it causes.