Wednesday, August 09, 2017

North Korea Threatens Guam after Trump's 'Fire and Fury' Warning

Trump Threatens North Korea with ‘Fire and Fury’

Donald Trump has threatened North Korea ‘with fire and the fury like the world has never seen’ if the rogue state makes any more threats to the US. The president’s comments come on the day that fresh evidence emerged that Pyongyang has overcome one of the last major technical obstacles to being able to hit the US or western Europe with nuclear-armed missiles

Read the Guardian article here

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Australia Plans 'Postal Vote' on Gay Marriage

Wilkerson: Trump "Needs a Good War" and Pence is Waiting in the Wings to Lead It

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Paul Jay discuss the significance of the Comey affair, the prospect of the rise of VP Mike Pence as the real power in the White House, and the danger of war as a way out for a dysfunctional administration

Wilkerson: Trump Is Clueless on North Korea

As the US pushes through new sanctions on North Korea, direct negotiations are the only way to defuse the nuclear standoff, says Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson

Lawrence O’Donnell On GOP & Birtherism Regrets: 'Better Late Than Never' | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell considers the GOP senator who says he wishes his party had stood up to birtherism. Jonathan Capehart and fmr. GOP Rep. David Jolly discuss what Trump learned by launching his Republican political career by attacking Barack Obama's citizenship.

Monday, August 07, 2017

An Ideological Battle Takes Hold in the White House | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former Amb. Michael McFaul and Business Insider's Natasha Bertrand discuss National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster's recent remarks about Russia and if President Trump agrees.

Top US News & World Headlines — August 7, 2017

Inside Story - Why Is Israel Moving to Ban Al Jazeera?

The government of Israel has made a request to withdraw accreditation for Al Jazeera's journalists reporting in the country.

The move comes as no surprise after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the media network of incitement in its coverage of the recent protests around the al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

Calls to shut the network down are not uncommon. The most recent from the four Arab nations blockading Qatar, who have made similar accusations against the broadcaster. So, what's behind this decision? | Presenter: Martine Dennis

New Sanctions on North Korea 'Fail to Dispel Doubts'

Sunday, August 06, 2017

Waking Up With Sam Harris: Is This the End of Europe? | With Douglas Murray

Sarah Haider: Ex-Muslim

Sarah Haider is a former Shia Muslim. Today, she is an atheist, humanist and activist. In this short interview, Sarah speaks about Islam, her apostasy, and her work with the Ex-Muslims of North America.

What Not to Do in Berlin: A Nazi Salute

Two Chinese tourists have been arrested in Berlin accused of making the Nazi salute outside the German parliament.

Israel Plans to Shut Down Al Jazeera

Israel plans to revoke media credentials of Al Jazeera journalists and close the network's office in Jerusalem. The Israeli government accused Al Jazeera of inciting violence, a claim which the network denied in a statement. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher reports.

Israel Moves to Close Al Jazeera, Ban Its Journalists

Israel is moving forward to revoke media credentials of Al Jazeera journalists and close the network's office in Jerusalem, the country's communication minister has announced.

Ayoub Kara made the announcement on Sunday during a press conference, where Al Jazeera was barred from attending.

"We have based our decision on the move by Sunni Arab states to close the Al Jazeera offices and prohibiting their work," Kara said, adding that the channel is being used by groups to "incite" violence.

Al Jazeera's Marwan Bishara discusses Israel's move.

The Jesus Question: A Conversation with Dr. Robert M. Price

On June 6, 2015, Seth Andrews presented Dr. Robert M. Price, author and expert on the historicity of Jesus, with several questions in regard to the Christ story.

Al Jazeera World - Islamophobia in the USA

"Islamophobia in USA" is an investigation by Aljazeera Arabic correspondent Abdullah Elshamy into who and what's behind the rise of anti-Islamic feeling in the US – what they think, how they operate and where their funding comes from.

The 11th September attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 was a watershed moment in America's relationship with the Arab world. Amid the grief and US military response that followed, American fear of the threat of international terrorism grew.

George W Bush's so-called 'crusade' against what he labelled the 'axis of evil' fueled suspicion of the Middle East as a whole and as US military action increased and led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, this fear turned into one of Arabs generally and Muslims in particular.

With the rise of ISIL and the way the mainstream American media reports on it, fear of Islam further increased, tending to demonise Muslims and portray them and their faith as dangerous and violent. Donald Trump is a textbook fascist and we will see whether or not that translates into fascist policies.

Hank Johnson, Democratic Congressman of Georgia Elshamy's investigation uncovers a network of Islamophobic writers, campaigners, funders and politicians who combined to bring about the conditions in which Donald Trump would be elected President in November 2016.

US: Anti-Muslim Attacks on the Rise

The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says the number of anti-Muslim attacks have risen sharply across the country.

Cuba Nervous of Trump's Travel Restrictions

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Can the US and Russia De-escalate Rising Tensions? - Inside Story

It was all-out verbal warfare this week as the United States imposed fresh sanctions on Russia.

US President Donald Trump reluctantly approved the new measure, saying the US would side with its allies and friends against Russian subversion and destabilisation. He added that considered the sanctions bill seriously flawed, and he said he was only signing it for the sake of national unity.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev responded by saying the sanctions end hopes for improving Russia's relations with the new US administration. He said Trump had been "fully outwitted" and his administration had "shown its total weakness by handing over executive power to Congress in the most humiliating way."

Trump then tweeted that the US relationship with Russia was at "an all-time and very dangerous low". "You can thank Congress", Trump said.

As the crisis between the two countries deepens, what's behind this latest escalation?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: John Herbst - Director of the Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council and former US ambassador to Ukraine; Pavel Felgenhauer - Columnist with the Novaya Gazetta newspaper; Lilit Gevorgyan - Senior economist and country risk analyst at IHS Markit