Thursday, April 13, 2017

Verfassungsreferendum in der Türkei: Erdogan wirft Europa Faschismus und Islamfeindlichkeit vor

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Drei Tage vor dem Verfassungsreferendum in der Türkei hat Staatspräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan Europa erneut eine faschistische und islamfeindliche Haltung vorgeworfen. «Das Make-Up im Gesicht Europas zerfliesst», sagte Erdogan an einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in der Schwarzmeerstadt Giresun. «Das darunterliegende faschistische, rassistische, fremdenfeindliche und islamfeindliche Gesicht hat angefangen, sich zu zeigen. Sie haben nun angefangen zu zeigen, dass sie islamfeindlich sind. Sie können Muslime nicht ertragen.» » | dpa | Donnerstag, 13. April 2017

Calls Grow to Fire Sean Spicer After He Says Hitler Didn't Use Chemical Weapons During Holocaust

Lawmakers and Jewish organizations, including the Anne Frank Center, are continuing to call for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to be fired, after Spicer compared Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Hitler and falsely claimed Hitler never used chemical weapons. In fact, the Nazis systematically used poison gas as part of its genocide of 6 million Jews. The Nazis began experimenting with gas with the specific purpose of carrying out mass murder in the late 1930s. We speak to Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect.

Stephen Cohen: Will Syrian State Collapse & Fall into More Chaos If Assad Is Toppled?

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, "I think it is clear to all of us that the reign of the Assad family is coming to an end." But what will Syria look like if the U.S. pushes for regime change in Syria? Professor Stephen Cohen predicts Syria could fall into even more chaos

Turkey's Last Battle? “We’re Fighting to Save Democracy from Dictatorship”

Chris Matthews: It's a Battle between Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner | Hardball | MSNBC

Kristen Welker, Susan Page and Nick Confessore debate the growing tensions in the White House between Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon.

'100% Fabrication': Assad on Accusations of Chemical Attack in Idlib

The chemical incident in Idlib province blamed on Damascus was a “100 percent fabrication” as the Syrian military has already dismantled chemical weapons stockpiles, President Bashar Assad told AFP.

Eric Trump Admits Nepotism Got Him This Far In Life, But Swears He’s Not Incompetent

During an interview with Forbes that appeared online this week, Eric Trump admitted that nepotism got him where he is in life because of nepotism, but he swears that he’s great at what he does. After all, Eric tells us that daddy would have fired him long ago if he weren’t amazing at business. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Ridge: Former Chemical Weapons Inspector, Jerry Smith

Jerry Smith, a former chemical weapons inspector in Syria, spoke to Sophy Ridge about the human impact of the suspected chemical weapons attack, which killed at least 87 people.

Assad Says Syria Chemical Attack Was Fabricated

The deadly gas attack in Syria is "100% fabrication", says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He explains here what he thinks really happened, in his first interview since the incident.

Who Really Has the Chemical Weapons - the Syrian Government or UK/US de facto Backed Militants?

We speak to the Associate Editor of the Spectator magazine, Middle East Eye columnist, Peter Oborne on the similar hallmarks this time round in Syria to WMD in Iraq and genocide in Libya.

Assad Says Army 'Gave Up' All Chemical Weapons

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said his government handed over all its chemical weapons stockpiles in 2013 and could not have been behind last week's suspected sarin attack.

Syria's Assad Denies Use of Chemical Weapons

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad said a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town was a "fabrication" to justify a US military strike, in an exclusive AFP interview.

Assad Says US 'Not Serious' About Fighting Terrorism

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accuses the United States and the West of not being "serious" about fighting terrorism in the region.

Syria's Assad Says Chemical Attack Is Pure Fabrication

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad said a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town was a "fabrication" to justify a US military strike, in an exclusive AFP interview.

A Heartfelt Message to Our President | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

What kind of man is Donald Trump?

White House Claims on Syria Chemical Attack ‘Obviously False’ - Prof. Theodor Postol of MIT

Earlier the US released a declassified intelligence brief accusing Syrian President Assad of ordering and organizing the chemical attack on civilians in the rebel-held town in the Idlib province. At the same time, the report 'contains absolutely no evidence' to prove this, says Theodore Postol, Professor in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and leading CW expert.

'Most Beautiful Piece of Chocolate Cake' Trump Orders and Tells Xi of Syria Strike over Dessert

US President Donald Trump gave an intimate account of his state of mind as he ordered the launch of 59 Tomahawk missiles on Syria last week, and implied that China’s leader Xi Jinping agreed with his decision.

Russia Vetoes West’s Syria Resolution at UN Security Council

Moscow has vetoed a US-backed resolution condemning the Khan Shaykun incident on April 4 as a chemical attack while demanding that Syria open up its military bases to inspections.

Can Russia Abandon Assad? – Inside Story

US President Donald Trump's inauguration was expected to usher in a new era of close ties with Russia. The past week, however, shows that's not happening. Harsh words have been traded over the Syrian conflict. It started with the chemical attack in Idlib last week, blamed on the Russian-backed Assad regime, followed by the US strike on a Syrian airbase.

Rex Tillerson's visit to Moscow has done little to ease tensions. Tillerson met with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov to discuss the future of the Syrian President. The US wants Assad gone. But Russia wants to know what America's real intentions are. And what the West is planning for a Syria without Assad?

Presenter: Sohail Rahman. Guests: Alexander Nekrassov, Russian political analyst and former Kremlin adviser; Wa'el Alzayat, former senior Syria adviser to Samantha Power, the US Ambassador to the United Nations under President Obama; Ian Black, visiting senior fellow at the Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics.

Trump Undercuts Bannon, Whose Job May Be in Danger

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s grenade-lobbing pugilist of a chief strategist, has a fitting nickname for his West Wing office: “the war room.”

But more and more, war is being waged on Mr. Bannon himself. And it is unclear how much longer he can survive in his job.

His isolation inside the White House, after weeks of battle with senior aides aligned with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, appeared to grow even starker this week after Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Bannon in two interviews and played down his role in the Trump presidential campaign. » | Jeremy W. Peters and Maggie Haberman | Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Bannon’s Worldview: Dissecting the Message of ‘The Fourth Turning’ »