Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Growing Number of Latinas Are Converting to Islam

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and is projected to become the second largest religion in the United States. There are 200,000 Latino Muslims living in the U.S. and a growing number of Latinas are converting to the religion. So, in this election cycle when attacks are being fielded left and right, imagine being a woman, Latina, and a Muslim. We spoke to some about why they decided to convert and the struggles they've faced.

Trump Will Be Most Bigly Tremendous Vacation-taking President Ever

--After criticizing former President Obama for taking vacations, Donald Trump has already had 15 days of vacation time which makes up about 30% of his presidency so far

Above the Law? Fillon, Le Pen Dismiss Corruption Probes

Wilders: I’m No Trump But Media Equally Tough On Me

The Dutch are voting in a general election today. It's a tight race between the anti-establishment Party for Freedom, and premier Mark Rutte's ruling party.

‘Travel Ban Is Last Resort’: Germany Threatens to Stop Turkish Politicians from Entering Country

Germany has threatened to ban Turkish politicians from entering the country, after relations between Berlin and Ankara reached a new diplomatic row. Angela Merkel’s chief of staff Peter Altmaier has said that an entry ban would be a 'last resort' measure.

Scotland Leaving EU No Matter What - PM

BBC: The prime minister has claimed that Scotland will be leaving the European Union regardless of whether or not it votes for independence.

Speaking during an exchange with the SNP's Angus Robertson, Theresa May also warned against "constitutional game-playing".

Mr Robertson had accused Mrs May of breaking promises to secure a UK-wide agreement on Brexit.

She said there would be further talks with devolved administrations.

The heated exchange, at Prime Minister's Questions, came after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced plans to call for a second independence referendum in response to the UK voting to leave the EU.

Ms Sturgeon wants the vote to be held in the autumn of next year or the spring of 2019, to coincide with the conclusion of the UK's Brexit negotiations. » | Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What Will the Dutch Decide? (Parts 1 & 2)

‪Erdoğan Calls Merkel a ‘Terrorist Supporter,’ Says Turkey Will Go to ECHR over Netherlands Rally Row‬

Turkey will challenge the Netherlands in the European Court of Human Rights over its refusal to allow Turkish officials to enter the country and deliver campaign speeches, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has warned.

Hizb ut-Tahrir Jokes about a Muslim Takeover of Australia

'Mr Gay Syria': Changing Perceptions of a Suppressed Community

Dutch Election: Will Populism Win or Lose in the Netherlands? - BBC Newsnight

Will the Dutch general election be the latest uprising led by the forces of populism, or the first recent sign of resistance to them? Newsnight’s Gabriel Gatehouse reports from The Hague.

Netherlands General Election: Dutch Go to Polls in Test of Far-right Strength

Breitbart Leaks Audio Of Paul Ryan Trashing Trump

Ramos: America Has Never Been White

Jorge Ramos reacts to Iowa Rep. Steve King's tweet in agreement with Geert Wilders, a right-wing extremist, regarding race and immigrants.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Do Egyptians Still Want Change? – Inside Story

Could London Refuse Second Scotland Referendum? "They Wouldn't Dare!"

War of Words between the Netherlands and Turkey

France Presidential Race: Fillon Placed Under Formal Investigation Over 'Fake Jobs'

Obaid: Life Beyond Faith

Born in India and raised in Canada, Obaid began questioning faith at a young age - early-on his sense of wonder was kindled by Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and science classes. Moved by the rationality and logic of evidence-based thinking and a scientific worldview, he stopped believing entirely by the time he was 16 years old.

Obaid’s line of work has taken him across the globe: he has spent time in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Sudan and Haiti. He learned first-hand how damaging sectarian violence can be to a society, experiences which led to him realizing the dangers of faith.

Today, Obaid is an unflinching advocate for free speech and inquiry. He sees religion to be inherently opposed to free thought and speech, which he considers the best tools to break free from the chains of faith.

Hope, Fear and Uncertainty in London as Brexit Looms