Monday, February 20, 2017

How Raids against Undocumented Workers Affect Agriculture

Steve Harrigan takes a closer look

Russia's UN Ambassador Dies at Age 64

John Hannah reacts to the death and latest leaks

Are Sanctions against North Korea Working? – Inside Story

It's no secret that North Korea is one of the most isolated countries in the world.

Joe: President Donald Trump's Media Statement 'Very, Very Dangerous' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Top Talkers: In an extraordinary move this weekend, Donald Trump called out most major U.S. media outlets as the enemies of the American people. The Morning Joe panel discusses the remark.

Being Muslim In America | NBC News

At the "I am Muslim too" rally in Times Square, New York, we asked what it means to be Muslim in America today.

France's Election: 'The Russians Are Doing What They Can to Bring Down Macron'

Amanpour's Full Interview with Iran's Javad Zarif

Christiane Amanpour speaks with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, in Munich, Germany.

Trump Tries to Explain Remark about Sweden amid Confusion - BBC News

US President Donald Trump has sought to explain why he referred to a security incident in Sweden on Friday which did not actually happen. Addressing a rally on Saturday, he had said, "look at what's happening last night in Sweden", as he listed parts of Europe hit by terrorist attacks. With no such incident reported in Sweden on Friday, the country asked the US administration for an explanation. Mr Trump tweeted on Sunday that he had been referring to a TV report.

Europe: US VP Mike Pence Takes Charm Offensive to EU and NATO in Brussels

Tucker Carlson Speaks Out On Trump's 'Sweden' Remark

Host of 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' reacts to president referencing story from his show

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Reince Priebus: Michael Flynn 'Wasn't Straight Or Honest' | Meet The Press | NBC News

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told Chuck Todd that he doesn't believe Michael Flynn acted illegally, but that he wasn't "straight" about conversations with the Russian ambassador

Kellyanne Conway's Media Missteps | AM Joy | MSNBC

Joy Reid and her panel examine Kellyanne Conway’s recent controversial appearances on political shows, as Donald Trump ramps up his attacks on the press.

"Stop Whining!" Jake Tapper Destroys Donald Trump on CNN

"Trump Crossed the Line." Chris Wallace Attacks Donald Trump on Fox News

Munich Security Conference Ends with Opposing Views on the Middle East

The final day of the annual Munich security conference has been spent hearing speeches painting radically different pictures of the Middle East and its conflicts.

The foreign ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia - along with Israel's defence minister - have all spoken and the landscape has changed dramatically.

Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports from Munich.

Was President Trump's Rally Message Effective?

Priebus: Executive Order on Refugee Program Coming Soon

Barack Obama - Interview about Donald Trump and the Future

1944 US Government-produced Film "A Challenge to Democracy"

The 1944 U.S. government-produced film "A Challenge to Democracy" gives an overview of the forced relocation of Japanese-American citizens and Japanese aliens during World War II.a President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the relocation on February 19, 1942 with an executive order.

1943 US Government-produced Film "Japanese Relocation" Addresses Relocation Camps

Produced in 1943 by the U.S. Office of War Information, the film "Japanese Relocation" addresses the internment of Japanese American citizens during World War II. President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the forced relocation on February 19, 1942 with an executive order.