Sunday, March 06, 2016

Takeover of Zaman Newspaper: End of Democracy in Turkey

The latest government takeover of the Zaman media outlet in Istanbul is "not a surprise at all,' a journalist who had been working in the country told RT, adding that "the press has never been free in Turkey.'

Female Genital Mutilation: U.S. Doctors Call for 'Compromise Solution'

Sheila Gunn Reid reports on a paper entitled "Female Genital Alteration: A Compromise Solution" written by American doctors, that encourages a less invasive way to mutilate female genitalia but cultures that practice FGM have no intention of changing what they do or how they do it and a moral society shouldn’t give advice on the best way to do the wrong thing.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Raheel Raza: I Need Defense Against Fellow Muslims Trying To Kill Me, We Can’t Be PC

Read the Breitbart article here

Meet the Salman Rushdie of Sweden and Other European Freedom Fighters

Ezra Levant of interviews Swedish artists Dan Park and Lars Vilks, and Danish publisher Lars Hedegaard, all of whom have been attacked by both Muslims and their own governments for criticizing Islam.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Letter From German Nurse on Muslim Invaders

A riveting account from a nurse in Bavaria Germany you won't hear from the Mainstream media on the invasion going on in Europe by Muslims, who have no intention of assimilating to the culture of the host countries they are invading.

Stop the Tape! The Muslim Invasion of America

Special Report: Inside Muslim Majority Neighborhoods of Malmö, Sweden

Ezra Levant of continues his series on the effects of Muslim mass migration on Europe, this time with interviews with Muslim men in Malmö, Sweden. However, the conversation that troubled him most was one with a non-Muslim, native Swedish woman

Monday, February 29, 2016

Angela Merkel bei Anne Will: Die Kanzlerin in der Flüchtlingskrise | NDR

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel gerät in der Flüchtlingsdebatte immer stärker unter Druck. Bislang verteidigt die Bundeskanzlerin ihren "Wir-schaffen-das"-Kurs gegen die Kritik. Doch wie kann Deutschland die Flüchtlingskrise bewältigen?

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Genossin Merkel in der DDR

Angela Merkel wird in einem Buch vorgehalten in der DDR als FDJ-Funktionärin aktiv gewesen zu sein. Was ist wirklich dran?

Was Merkel treibt ist Hochverrat am Deutschen Volk!

Seid Ihr gefragt worden ob ihr diese Migranten wollt? Wo ist die Demokratie? Sie ist eine Farce! Deutschland erwache!

Buddhist ohrfeigt Angela Merkel!

Alle gegen Merkel - Unmut wächst – 17.1.2016

Immer mehr Menschen, selbst die Pressevertreter, zweifeln an der totalitären Willkommensidiotie der Kanzlerin. Trotzdem sind die Grenzen immer noch sperrangelweit offen. Die Frage ist, ob der Widerstand sich rechtzeitig in einem Politikwechsel manifestiert oder es irgendwann einfach zu spät ist.