Sunday, December 13, 2015

Obama’s Weekly Address: Standing Strong in the Face of Terrorism

In this week's address, the President praised our country’s resilience in the face of terrorism, and discussed how we will keep America safe.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Saudi Media Flaunt American Who Converted to Islam: ‘I Have Joined the Religion of Truth’

BREITBART.COM: The Saudi news media continue to spotlight the story of an America employee at Jeddah’s international airport whose conversion to Islam went viral in the Kingdom last week after video of the event was published.

Last week, Breitbart Jerusalem reported on the video, in which a group of Saudis surround the American employee while they exclaim the “Shahadatain,” an Islamic pillar of faith, meaning, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is the prophet of Allah.”

After the American employee himself declares the “Shahadatain,” his Saudi colleagues shout, “Allahu Akbar,” meaning Allah is great, and they are seen hugging and kissing theAmerican over his conversion to Islam. It was not immediately clear when the video was taken.

On Friday, the Saudi Sabq news website published an extensive interview with the American, for the first time revealing his name to be Rick Harrison.

Harrison claimed that in America he was subject to propaganda against Islam. “Yet all those claims fell apart when I saw how my colleagues at the Jeddah airport treated me.” » | Ali Waked | Saturday, December 12, 2015

Die fehlgeleitete Frau Merkel! Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel: Denn so Bibelfest sind die Deutschen auch nicht mehr, wie sie manchmal tun

Donald Trump Travel Ban Statements

Robert Spencer on ISIS' Intent to Conquer Rome and Behead the Pope

I sat down recently with Robert Spencer, author of The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS, to discuss the terror group's plan for Rome. While the idea of ISIS conquering Rome may sound ridiculous, Quranic Muslims––not just in ISIS-–believe the fall of Rome must take place before the final battle against the infidel armies at Dabiq, Syria and the return of the Mahdi, the Muslim "messiah."

ISIS Threat to POPE: Fears for Holy Father as Terror Nuts Plot 'FINAL MASSACRE' in Rome

Pope Francis, who it is feared may be
next on ISIS's terror hit list
EXPRESS: EVIL Islamic State are plotting to kill POPE FRANCIS, the Vatican fears, after multiple propaganda videos threatening Rome were released by Daesh militants.

The Vatican has admitted it is a target for crazed jihadis due to its religious links. Any attack would send shivers across the globe.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin said recently the Vatican was considering whether to ramp up security.

He said: "The Vatican could be a target because of its religious significance.

"We are capable of increasing the level of security in the Vatican and the surrounding area.

"But we will not let ourselves be paralysed by fear."

Rome has been the subject of a number of threatening terror films released by the extremists in recent weeks.

It is thought the focus on Rome, and specifically the Vatican City, may be in response to the Pope's recent condemnation of the deadly terror attacks in Paris, as well as its status of the capital of the Catholic world. » | Joey Millar | Saturday, December 12, 2015

Donald Trump in Spat with 'Dopey' Saudi Prince as Muslim Row Rumbles On

THE TELEGRAPH: Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, whose wealth dwarfs even that of Mr Trump, uses Twitter to call on Republican front-runner a disgrace to all America

Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate who has shot to the head of the polls with a campaign based on hyperbole and bombast, has done it again, this time engaing in a very public slanging match with a Saudi prince.

Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who is thought to be worth $32 billion (£21 billion), called on the Republican frontrunner to withdraw from the race following his demand that Muslims to be banned from entering the US. » | Rob Crilly, New York | Saturday, December 12, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Donald Trump is a disgrace to his country, says billionaire Saudi prince: Alwaleed bin Talal exchanges angry views with US presidential hopeful after call to ban Muslims from entering US » | Emma Graham-Harrison | Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Gambia Now an Islamic Republic, Says President Yahya Jammeh

President Yahya Jammeh, pictured, is looking to the Arab world
for support to replace western aid funding to the Gambia,
according to critic Sidi Sanneh.
THE GUARDIAN: Leader who quit Commonwealth in 2013 says Muslim-majority state will still respect others citizens’ faiths but he wants to shake off ‘colonial legacy’

The Gambia has been declared an Islamic republic by President Yahya Jammeh who said he wanted to further distance the west African state from its colonial past.

The tiny, formerly secular country – named after the river from which British ships are said to have fired cannonballs to fix its borders – joins the ranks of other officially Islamic republics such as Iran and Afghanistan.

“In line with the country’s religious identity and values I proclaim Gambia as an Islamic state,” said Jammeh on state television. “As Muslims are the majority in the country, Gambia cannot afford to continue the colonial legacy.” Read on and comment » | Staff and agencies in Bangul | Saturday, December 12, 2015

Demokratieverachtung: Wie Deutschland seine politische Mitte verliert

Demokratieverachtung wächst, die Sitten verrohen

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Abendland-Patrioten im Bund mit Putin-Fans, Neonazis mit Linkspartei-Anhängern, Israel-Gegner mit Islam-Hassern: In Deutschland gewinnt eine Querfront an Zulauf, die wenig mehr eint als die Angst vor Veränderung und das Misstrauen gegen Eliten.

An diesem Wochenende soll vor dem Kanzleramt in Berlin wieder demonstriert werden. Es geht gegen den deutschen Kriegseinsatz in Syrien, gegen die Flüchtlingspolitik der Bundesregierung und gegen irgendwas mit Amerika. Interessant ist, welch breites Bündnis von ganz rot bis sehr braun zur Teilnahme aufruft. Selbsternannte Abendland-Patrioten schreiten Seit an Seit mit Putin-Fans, Neonazis mit Anhängern der Linkspartei, Israel-Gegner mit Islam-Hassern. » | Ein Kommentar von Alexander Neubacher | Samstag, 12. Dezember 2015

Eric Trump Explains Donald's 'Frustration' with Obama

Dec. 04, 2015 - 5:59 - Son of 2016 GOP candidate reacts to president's refusal to say 'radical Islam'

Friday, December 11, 2015

Russische Justiz bezichtigt Chodorkowski des mehrfachen Mordes

Der frühere Öl-Manager und Kreml-Kritiker Chodorkowski sass zehn Jahre wegen Betrugs und anderer Vergehen im russischen Lager. Vor zwei Jahren hat ihn Putin überraschenderweise begnadigt. Nun hat ihn Moskau erneut zur Verhaftung ausgeschrieben, diesmal wegen Mordes. Über die Hintergründe der Vorwürfe - das Gespräch mit Daniel Wechlin, NZZ-Korrespondent in Moskau.

Imam Agrees with Trump: "It Would Be Wise to Stop Temporarily Accepting Any New Muslim Immigrants"

12 News

12 NEWS: Read the article here »

Omar Alghabra: Justin Trudeau's New Anti-Semitic Foreign Affairs Pick

We've all seen those pictures of Justin Trudeau, praying at a mosque, dressed up like a medieval desert tribesman.

Read the rest »

Worlds Apart: Anjem Choudary on the Islamic Caliphate

The beheading of journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff by the Islamic State sparked shock and outrage. What’s driving the ideology and rise of one of the world’s most notorious terrorist organisations, and will its Caliphate ever be able to coexist peacefully with the community of nations? Oksana is joined by Anjem Choudary, British imam and lawyer, to reflect on these issues.

Radical Imam, Anjem Choudary, Tells Pam Geller She Should Be Slaughtered

Radical Imam Anjem Choudary told Pamela Geller on Hannity that she should be tried in Shariah Court and slaughtered for speaking out against radical Islam.

Italy's Lombardy Bans Burqas After Terror Attacks

THE TELEGRAPH: Northeastern region of Lombardy has amended legislation in order to outlaw the burqa and niqab from public offices and hospitals

Lombardy, the most populous and wealthiest region in Italy, has approved a ban on wearing the Islamic veil and burqa in hospitals and local government offices in the wake of recent terrorist attacks in Europe.

Current law across Italy already prohibits helmets, clothing or any other items that make identification difficult in public places without a justifiable motive.

But the new legislation in Lombardy, which comes into force on January 1, 2016, marks the first time an Italian region has explicitly outlawed Islamic face coverings.

Simona Bordonali, head of security, civil protection and immigration in Lombardy, said “serious terror attacks” in recent weeks had forced the region to reinforce its security measures. » | Alice Philipson, Rome | Friday, December 11, 2015

Any Threats to Russian Military in Syria Will Be Destroyed - Putin

Jihadists in Syria pose a direct threat to Russia, Putin has told a defense meeting in Moscow, adding that any targets threatening the country's military there should be destroyed. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Islamic State’s influence in Syria continues to expand.

Related »

French Should Not Feel Guilty About Voting Front National, Says Le Pen

Head of the Front National party Marine Le Pen makes a final plea for support to voters on Thursday before the second round of regional elections. Le Pen topped the first round in Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie with over 40 percent of the votes. On the Beau-Marais estate, which was once a communist stronghold, one polling station saw Le Pen take 70% of the vote

Russia Plans $40 a Barrel Oil for Next Seven Years as Saudi Showdown Intensifies

THE TELEGRAPH: 'We will live in a different reality,' said a top Kremlin official. The message is aimed squarely at Saudi Arabia in a war for market share

Russia is battening down the hatches for a Biblical collapse in oil revenues, warning that crude prices could stay as low as $40 a barrel for another seven years.

Maxim Oreshkin, the deputy finance minister, said the country is drawing up plans based on a price band fluctuating between $40 to $60 as far out as 2022, a scenario that would have devastating implications for Opec.

It would also spell disaster for the North Sea producers, Brazil’s off-shore projects, and heavily indebted Western producers. “We will live in a different reality,” he told a breakfast forum hosted by Russian newspaper Vedomosti.

The cold blast from Moscow came as US crude plunged to $35.56, pummelled by continuing fall-out from the acrimonious Organisaton of Petrol Exporting Countries meeting last week. Record short positions by hedge funds have amplified the effect.

Bank of America said there was now the risk of “full-blown price war” within Opec itself as Saudi Arabia and Iran fight out a bitter strategic rivalry through the oil market. » | Ambrose Evans-Pritchard | Friday, December 11, 2015

Russia: Putin Tells Armed Forces to "Act Very Tough" against Threats in Syria

In case of any threats to the Russian forces in Syria, the military must "act very tough," President Vladimir Putin said in Moscow, Friday. Speaking at the annual expanded meeting of the Russian Defence Ministry, he stated that "any targets that threaten the Russian group or our ground infrastructure must be destroyed immediately."