Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Germany: Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Commemorated by German Leaders

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and President Joachim Gauck paid respects to the late former Chancellor of West Germany Helmut Schmidt at the German Chancellery in Berlin, Wednesday.

Fourth Republican Debate Highlights: 'Ask Israel' and Fight Isis 'Losers'

The eight top Republicans went head to head in the fourth debate in one of the most substantive yet volatile debates. Candidates also had moments of notable flare, declaring Isis ‘losers’ and promising they would not throw grannies off of cliffs

Read the Guardian article here | Ed Pilkington and Ben Jacobs in Milwaukee | Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Armistice Day: Nation Remembers War Dead

BBC: A two-minute silence has been observed across the UK to remember the nation's war dead on Armistice Day.

The silence began at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month - the time in 1918 when the guns fell silent along the Western Front in Europe.

War memorials, offices, schools, town halls, and churches all hosted events.

The Princess Royal was at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, while veterans and serving personnel laid wreaths at the Cenotaph in London.

Armistice Day follows similar ceremonies on Remembrance Sunday to pay tribute to all those who died in World Wars One and Two and in every conflict since. (+ BBC video) » | Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Germany: Merkel Pays Tribute to Dead Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt

German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave a public statement on the death of former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in Berlin, Tuesday, praising the former German leader and offering her condolences to the relatives of the statesman.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Survivors Remember Kristallnacht: Susan (Strauss) Taube

In this interview with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust survivor Susan (Strauss) Taube shares her memories of Kristallnacht, the November 1938 pogroms.

To learn more about Kristallnacht, visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum here

Survivors Remember Kristallnacht: Johanna (Gerechter) Neumann

In this interview with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust survivor Johanna (Gerechter) Neumann shares her memories of Kristallnacht, the November 1938 pogroms.

Remembering "Kristallnacht": The Night of Broken Glass

Belgium: EU Slams Turkey’s Human Rights Record in Accession Report

“Turkey needs to commit to renewed reforms in the areas of the rule of law and fundamental human rights,” stated European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn during a press briefing at the European Commission in Brussels, Tuesday. Hahn’s comments follow the release of a report on Tuesday, assessing the country's potential candidacy to join the EU, while highlighting Ankara’s alleged crackdown on media outlets and potential human rights abuses.

Cameron: Brexit Could Pose National Security Risks

Leaving the European Union may have implications for national security, Prime Minister David Cameron said in a speech outlining his EU renegotiation plan, as his pro-EU reform campaign shifts gears.

Robert De Niro: We All Need to Get Past the 'Bullsh*t & Nonsense' in US-Russia Relations

Oscar award winning actor Robert De Niro opened his latest ‘Nobu’ restaurant in Moscow on Monday. Speaking at the opening alongside his business partner, Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa, De Niro said “we all need to get past the bullshit and the nonsense, and make the world that’s best for all of us,” in reference to bettering relations between his native United States and Russia.

Jihadists Shell Latakia University, Bus Stop, Killing and Wounding Dozens of Civilians

At least 23 people have been killed by shelling in the Syrian city of Latakia. Another 65 were injured, RIA Novosti reported citing a source in local police.

François Hollande-Hassan Rouhani Elysée Lunch Binned Over 'Wine Row'

THE TELEGRAPH: Official lunch between the presidents during the Iranian president's historic trip to Paris next week scrapped after French decline request to serve halal meal and no wine

Wine is considered a key ingredient of France's global prestige and the French president perhaps its ultimate ambassador.

So when Iran's president asked for bottles of Bordeaux and Burgundy to be removed from the table at the Elysée Palace during his historic trip next week, the answer was a polite "non".

Hassan Rouhani is visiting Paris as part of a four-day tour of Italy and France beginning November 14, making him the first Iranian president to travel to Europe in a decade.

He had been due to join François Hollande for a formal lunch at the presidential palace on November 17, but the meal was scrapped after the Elysée reportedly rejected Iran's request to serve a halal meal with no wine. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Tuesday, November 10, 2015

LE MONDE : Hassan Rohani refuse de participer à un repas à l’Elysée où sera servi du vin » | Par Yves-Michel Riols | mardi 10 novembre 2015

Mort d'Helmut Schmidt : François Hollande salue un grand Européen

L'ancien chancelier allemand Helmut Schmidt est mort mardi à 96 ans. Pour le président François Hollande, "c'est un grand Européen qui vient de s'éteindre".

Helmut Schmidt, Former West German Chancellor, Dies Aged 96

Helmut Schmidt gestures during a speech he made at his
birthday party in Hamburg in January 2014.
THE GUARDIAN: Docker’s grandson led West Germany from 1974 to 1982 as it rose to become a global economic powerhouse

Helmut Schmidt, an elder statesman of German politics who led West Germany as it rose to become a global economic powerhouse, has died aged 96.

Schmidt’s doctor, Heiner Greten, told the German news agency dpa he died on Tuesday afternoon in Hamburg. He had been receiving treatment at home after his health deteriorated earlier this week.

The grandson of a docker became chancellor of West Germany in 1974 after the resignation of fellow Social Democrat Willy Brandt, triggered when a top aide to Brandt was unmasked as an East German agent. Schmidt served until 1982, when he lost power to conservative Helmut Kohl.

A centrist, Schmidt steered the country through a wave of homegrown terrorism, preached free-market economics to his party and embodied pragmatic politics in a Europe divided by the iron curtain. » | Staff and agencies in Berlin | Tuesday, November 10, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Helmut Schmidt: 'Britain's empire has gone, though you think it still exists': Germany's former chancellor believes a lack of leadership has added to the crisis at the European institutions he helped forge » | Larry Elliott, Economics editor | Sunday, December 22, 2013

David Cameron Sets Out EU Reform Goals

Anne Will - "Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik - Große Geste, kleiner Plan?"

Sendung vom 30.09.2015 - Angela Merkel - wegen ihrer Flüchtlingspolitik steht sie zunehmend in der Kritik auch in den eigenen Reihen. Ihre Umfragewerte sinken. Und jetzt mahnt auch Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck, unsere Aufnahmekapazität sei begrenzt. Muss Deutschland bei der Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen Obergrenzen setzen? Ist Merkels Politik planlos oder planvoll? Schadet Deutschlands Flüchtlingspolitik am Ende auch Europa?

'Sick of Islam,' Muslims Turn to Christ

WORTHY NEWS: (Worthy News) - Kurdish Muslims in Iraq are turning to Christ after witnessing first hand the brutality of ISIS as it wages violent jihad in the name of Islam.

According to The Gospel Herald, a ministry leader in Iraq said his organization can not keep up with the demands for Bibles by Muslim refugees Bible since ISIS invaded their homeland.

"They're just sick of Islam," he said. "People are very hungry to know about Christ, especially when they hear about miracles, healing, mercy and love. As terrifying and horrifying as ISIS is, they did us a great favor because they came and have shown them all the killing, saying that it's all in the Quran verses. So now we don't have to say much -- we just say the truth." » | Joseph DeCaro | Monday, November 9, 2015

Spain: Catalan Independence Vote Divides Barcelona

Some dozens of people gathered in front of the Catalan Parliament in Barcelona to watch on a giant screen the vote of the deputies accepting to began the process of secession from Spain, Monday. The aim is to achieve political independence by 2017, despite strong opposition in Madrid. Seventy-two pro-independence parliamentarians voted in favour of the resolution for secession from Spain, with only 63 voting against.

Refugee Crisis Could Lead to EU Collapse, Luxembourg FM Warns

Luxembourg's Foreign Minister has claimed the European Union could collapse shortly.

This viewpoint is shared by a number of other EU politicians - but they have different reasons for believing a break-up is possible.

Monday, November 09, 2015

Angela Merkel Has Set Europe on a Path to Implosion

Within Europe, Angela Merkel has set Europe on a dangerous pathway. As of last week, citizens in Germany are increasingly convinced that only violence is going to solve the crisis caused by Merkel’s politics. This is a very dangerous development and once Germany goes down that road, this trend will spread to other countries in Europe.