Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Keith Ellison and Matthew Segal on Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’

The Free Speech Wars Have Begun

"From Gamergate, to Ben Affleck's 'Gross and Racist' tirade, to trigger warnings and safe spaces, to Hillary's 'deplorables' comment, to punching Nazis, and now to the mayhem after Milo Yiannopoulos tried to speak at UC Berkeley, the battle over free speech is now front and center in the American psyche."

What's Trump's Foreign Policy? - Inside Story

He's only been in office for less than a month, but United States President Donald Trump has made it very clear that it's about the country first.

The Glazov Gang – Trump’s Travel Restrictions: Mohajer vs. Greenfield

Middle-East Matters: Is There New Hope for Gay Rights Activists in Lebanon?

Steve Bannon's Ex-business Partner Julia Jones Speaks to CNN

Canada's Dark Secret - Featured Documentary

The story of Canada's residential school system and the indigenous survivors who bear witness to its abuses.

Historic Vote Confirms Betsy DeVos

Despite historic opposition, Betsy DeVos is the new Secretary of Education. John Iadarola and Michael Shure, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you how she was confirmed.

Appeals Court Weighs Trump's Travel Ban

Three federal judges grilled lawyers from the Justice Department and Washington state as they considered whether to lift a US-wide block on President Donald Trump's travel ban.

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Robert Reich: President Trump Spewing 'Venom' At Independent Powers | MSNBC

What is the president trying to do when he attacks judges? Is he trying to stand up for himself, or is there something darker at play? Robert Reich from the University of California at Berkeley joins to discuss.

Fillon Fights Back: Can Right-wing Candidate Ride Out Penelopegate Scandal?

Trump's America: Democracy at the Tipping Point

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Some have criticized the image on the cover of this week's DER SPIEGEL, but the symbol it depicts is a serious one: the very real threat that President Donald Trump poses to liberal democracy.

Ultimately, indifference is deadly. The apathy. The feeling of impotence. And the idle silence that follows. People, including journalists, start thinking they can't do anything anyway. That proved to be the case in Turkey and Hungary and it has long been the situation in Russia and China as well. Will it also happen in the United States?

When democracy begins to erode, it seldom happens very quickly. Looking back, one can often determine the moment in which it became serious -- usually it was an election. How could Turkey have elected Erdogan, Russia Putin, Hungary Orbán and how could America have chosen Donald Trump with a clear conscience? When political discourse leads to a situation in which the discourse itself is replaced by demagogy, and when that demagogue is brought to power through a democratic process, then it's possible that democracy itself will be replaced by autocracy. » | A Commentary by Klaus Brinkbäumer | Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Piers Morgan: Media Determined to Bring Trump Down

Did Der Spiegel Magazine Go Too Far with the Image of President Trump Decapitating Lady Liberty?

Democratic Senator Lays Out Case Against Betsy DeVos | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., discusses why he's not in support of Betsy DeVos as education secretary. Sen. Warner also discusses the latest in the relationship between President Trump and Putin.

Ukraine Flares Up: Worst Fighting in Nearly Two Years (Parts 1 & 2)

Bill O'Reilly's Exclusive Interview with President Trump

Feb. 06, 2017 - 10:17 - Bill and President Trump discuss Iran, Mexico and the future of healthcare on 'The O'Reilly Factor'

France Presidential Election: What You Need to Know - BBC Newsnight

As the fight for the French election heats up, Evan Davis went to Lyon to see the leading candidates Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron in action.

Murphy: Travel Ban ‘A Textbook Mistake’ In Terror Fight

Senator Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, tells Greta Van Susteren that President Trump’s travel ban is already “bulletin-board material” for terrorist recruiters.