Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bill O’Reilly Not Returning To Fox News | MSNBC

Fox News trennt sich endgültig von Bill O’Reilly

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Bill O’Reilly ist Trump-Fan und einer der bekanntesten Fernseh-Moderatoren Amerikas. Doch nun hat ihn sein Sender vor die Tür gesetzt. Der Grund sind schwere Vorwürfe von mehreren Frauen.

Der konservativ geprägte amerikanische Sender Fox News hat sich nach Berichten über sexuelle Übergriffe von seinem Kult-Moderator Bill O’Reilly getrennt. Das Mutterunternehmen des zum Imperium von Medienzar Rupert Murdoch gehörenden Senders bestätigte die Personalie. „Nach einer sorgfältigen Prüfung der Vorwürfe stimmen das Unternehmen und Bill O’Reilly überein, dass Bill O’Reilly nicht auf Fox News zurückkehren wird“, hieß es in einer Stellungnahme der 21st Century Fox am Mittwoch. » | Quelle: pach./dpa | Mittwoch, 19. April 2017

Fox News 'to Drop Host Bill O'Reilly' after Harassment Cases

BBC: Fox News is reportedly about to drop the country's top-rated cable news host, Bill O'Reilly, amid claims he sexually harassed female colleagues.

The Wall Street Journal - owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also owns Fox News - reports the network is "preparing to cut ties" with the presenter.

Pressure on Fox has mounted since recent reports that five women received $13m in payouts because of Mr O'Reilly.

More than 50 sponsors have withdrawn ads from his show, The O'Reilly Factor.

US media report that the board of 21st Century Fox will hold a meeting about the matter on Thursday.

According to New York Magazine, executives were holding emergency meetings on Wednesday morning to discuss how to get rid of Mr O'Reilly. » | Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Republican Senators Furious That Trump Has Turned Presidency Into A “Trump” Brand Commercial

Republican Senator Joni Ernst, a hard-right member of the GOP, said that she and many of her Republican colleagues in the Senate are not happy that Donald Trump is spending so much time at Mar-A-Lago and so little time actually governing. They are beginning to see what everyone else sees: Trump has turned the Presidency into a giant commercial for the Trump brand. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

The Americans did something very stupid to elect Donald Trump into the White House. Trump is a man with no political experience; and even after this short time in office, it's plain to see. Further, he is being influenced by Ivanka, who is profiting from her position in the White House. But more importantly, can anyone explain to me what this young lady knows or understands about geopolitics? And that goes for her husband, Jared, too. How is he going to fix Middle Eastern problems? More especially, how is he going to fix the Palestinian question, particularly when so many experienced politicians before him have failed? The Trump administration is a disaster, it seems to me. God only knows what the next four years will bring. World war is, of course, not out of the question. – Mark

POLL: America's Opinion Of Ivanka Trump

It turns out that young women in America have a pretty unfavorable view of Ivanka Trump. Cenk Uygur, Francis Maxwell, and Hannah Cranston, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Top US & World Headlines — April 19, 2017

Transsexuality in Iran: Actor Brings Awareness Campaign to France

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Gives His Backing to François Fillon

Reports Indicate Fox News May Cut Ties With Bill O'Reilly | The Last Word | MSNBC

New reports - including from Murdoch-owned WSJ - say Fox News may be close to cutting ties with Bill O'Reilly. NYC Public Advocate Letitia James is asking for a probe into the sexual harassment scandal. Media Matter's Angelo Carusone also joins Lawrence O'Donnell.

Business Deal In China For Ivanka Trump's Company Raises Concern | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

MSNBC's Brian Williams and Stephanie Ruhle discuss the questions raised about the timing of a business deal for Ivanka Trump's brand in China.

Trump Doesn't Know Who Kim Jong Un Is

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Future of Europe: Surprise UK Snap Election All about Brexit

Trump's 100 Days: Diplomacy in Action

Poll: Who's Dumber, Bush Or Trump?

Mahmoud Ahmadenijad Calls for Regional Unity

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad is trying to put doubts over his candidacy to rest. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Ahmadenijad says he can improve the country. He also calls for unity among regional rivals, even though Iran is pitted against countries such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia over its support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the war in Yemen.

Ann Coulter Debates Trump's Syria Bombing

Is "In Trump we Trust" still true? Can Trump come back around on this issue?

All the Times Theresa May Refused to Call a General Election

Prime Minister Theresa May has called a snap general election on June 8 - after almost 12 months of continually denying she would do so.

Tim Farron on General Election - BBC News

The Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron has welcomed the snap call for a general election, saying they are now the only option for people who want to avoid a hard Brexit.

North Korea Ready to React to 'Any Mode of War' from US

North Korea is preparing for "any mode of war" triggered by US military action, Pyongyang's envoy to the United Nations warns, saying his country would respond to a missile or nuclear strike "in kind."

‘Frexit’ Concerns ahead of French Election

Five days before the first round of the French presidential election the candidates are frantically canvassing for votes.