Showing posts with label Tim Walz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Walz. Show all posts

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Team Trump Goes On The Attack – The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Aug 8, 2024 | With the Harris-Walz ticket surging in the polls, Team Trump and his MAGA goons have gone on the offensive. Steve Schmidt breaks down the latest attacks from the Republican party and how the Democrats should respond.

The Lincoln Project: Coach

Aug 8, 2024 | Coach needs you to get off the couch and vote. The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Trump Faced a Rebellion of Campaign Staff after Car-crash Interview

Aug 7, 2024 | "There was a staff rebellion inside Trump's campaign." Trump's campaign is struggling after Kamala Harris took over the Democratic nomination.

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen: Welches Rezept hat Trump gegen Harris?

Aug 7, 2024 | In den USA hat Kamala Harris ihren Vize Tim Walz vorgestellt. Die Präsidentschaftskandidatin der Demokratischen Partei dominiert die Schlagzeilen schon seit über drei Wochen, seit sich Joe Biden aus dem Rennen genommen hat. Wir fragen heute: Welche Antwort hat Donald Trump auf den Hype um Harris?

Bis jetzt habe der republikanische Kandidat Donald Trump die Antwort auf Kamala Harris und ihre Wahlkampfstrategie noch nicht gefunden, sagt USA-Experte Christian Lammert. Trump könnte noch mehr aufs Inhaltliche setzen, etwa auf die Wirtschaftspolitik oder die Migration. Und in diesem Bereich sei Trump und seinem Umfeld in den letzten Tagen schon etwas gelungen. Als die Börsenkurse in den USA Anfang Woche sanken, hat auf Social Media der Hashtag #KamalaCrash getrendet.

Harris and Walz Hold First Campaign Rally Together

Vice President Kamala Harris and her newly announced running mate, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, went on the attack against the Trump-Vance Republican ticket during a raucous rally in Philadelphia.

Watch the NYT video here.

Kamala Harris Introduces Running Mate Tim Walz at Philadelphia Rally

Aug 7, 2024 | Vice-president Kamala Harris and Minnesota governor Tim Walz appeared together for the first time as the Democratic party's White House ticket at the start of a multi-day tour of swing states they hope to win in November.

After earlier announcing her choice of Walz as her running mate, presidential candidate Harris touted Walz's background before predicting that he would earn a new title in November: Vice-president of the United States.

Tim Walz, Harris’s charismatic running mate, to help Harris make the case against Trump: ‘I feel ecstatic’.

Harris and VP pick Tim Walz fire up Philadelphia rally-goers

It should be obvious to all now that the orange fossil with hair like shredded wheat is yesterday’s man. His message is so tired and passé. He has been upstaged by this dynamic duo: Harris and Walz. Hope for America has returned! – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Kamala Harris se dit «fière» d'avoir choisi Tim Walz comme colistier, le camp Trump dénonce un «dangereux gauchiste»

LE FIGARO : La candidate du parti démocrate Kamala Harris a choisi le gouverneur du Minnesota comme colistier. Une annonce qui n’a pas tardé à être vivement critiquée par le camp républicain, et saluée par le camp démocrate.

L'équipe de campagne de Donald Trump a été la première à réagir à sa nomination, en qualifiant ce mardi 6 août Tim Walz de «dangereux gauchiste», peu après que plusieurs médias américains ont annoncé que ce gouverneur du Minnesota avait été choisi comme colistier par Kamala Harris en vue de la présidentielle de novembre. «Tout comme Kamala Harris, Tim Walz est un dangereux gauchiste extrémiste, et le rêve de Harris et Walz» de transformer les Etats-Unis à l'image de la Californie, représente «le cauchemar de tout Américain», a déclaré dans un communiqué Karoline Leavitt, porte-parole de l'équipe de campagne de l'ex-président républicain. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mardi 6 août 2024

Reaction: Kamala Harris Picks Tim Walz as VP | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Aug 6, 2024 | Kamala Harris has officially announced Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. Steve Schmidt shares his thoughts on the newest member of the Democratic ticket.