Showing posts with label Syrian rebels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syrian rebels. Show all posts

Monday, September 02, 2013

Lavrov: Rebels in Syria Inspired by American Actions

The White House is chasing ghosts by building a case for war in Syria based on inconclusive evidence. That's according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who reiterated the Kremlin's stance against intervention in Syria without UN backing. Let's get more from RT's Sean Thomas

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Haben syrische Rebellen Croissants verboten?

DIE PRESSE: Internationale Medien berichten, ein religiöses Gericht in Aleppo habe das gebogene Backwerk als "unislamisch" identifiziert. Die Meldung könnte aber auch ein Fake sein.

Sie mögen harmlos wirken und einen durchschnittlichen Betrachter nur an ein wohlmundendes Frühstück denken lassen. Doch ein Scharia-Gericht im syrischen Aleppo soll nun Croissants - und damit auch Kipferl - als Feind identifiziert haben: Das Gericht habe die Speise per Fatwa - einem religiösen Rechtsgutachten - verboten. Mit der Begründung, Croissants verherrlichten den "europäischen Sieg über die Muslime". Was demnach gegen das gebogene Gebäck spricht: Es sei von den französischen Kolonialherren nach Syrien importiert worden. Und es sei ursprünglich - als Kipferl - von den Europäern erfunden worden, um die Abwehr der Osmanen zu feiern. » | Red. | Dienstag, 08. August 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Horrific Video of Beheading Raises Questions of Arms Supply to Syrian Rebels

Another act of brutal violence reportedly by Syrian rebels has appeared on the web. Unverified video shows the beheading of 3 supposed government supporters. The title of the graphic footage suggests an orthodox Christian bishop was among the victims, although other reports claim he'd been shot dead in an assault on a monastery

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Inside Story Americas: Arming Syria's Opposition

What are the issues behind the US decision to provide 'direct military aid' to the Syrian opposition now?

'Intervention Will Make Syria 10 Times Worse Than Extremist-ravaged Libya'

Assad troops have made a strong push in recent weeks, and rebel leaders say they are in dire need of support. They've already got al-Qaeda-linked militants and foreign mercenaries fighting on their side, and are now set to start getting weapons from the West. Meanwhile, government forces have the backing of Lebanon's Hezbollah, and may soon get a four-thousand-strong troop reinforcement from Iran. The British National Party's Nick Griffin was part of a European fact-finding delegation that's just returned from Damascus. He told RT that any third-party involvement only aggravates the conflict.

My comment:

I smell the scent of Saudi behind this ludicrous decision to arm the rebels. The Saudis are pulling the strings here, if I am not greatly mistaken. In a few words, Cameron is the Saudi stooge, as is Obama. Remember that obsequious bow he made to the Saudi king? – © Mark

This comment is also to be found here

Monday, June 17, 2013

US Options for Arming, Training Syrian Rebels

Insight from Fox News military analyst Maj. Gen. Bob Scales

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Moscow Slams US Claims of Assad Chemical Weapon Use

The Syrian government has vehemently denied US claims its army has resorted to chemical weapons, describing American accusations as a 'caravan of lies'. While the US and its allies claim they have chemical clues against President Assad, news and reports on the ground suggest quite the opposite. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also stated that he felt there would be no point whatsoever for the Syrian army to resort to such tactics.

Friday, June 14, 2013

'Red Line' Crossed: US to Give Military Support to Syrian Rebels

Washington has given the green light for arming the Syrian rebels to prop up the opposition. A plan for a limited no-fly zone over Syria has also been drawn up. It comes after the U.S. administration concluded Assad's forces had used chemical weapons ''on a small scale''

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Warning! This Is One of Cameron's Most Stupid Suggestions! David Cameron Surprises Allies with Suggestion of Arming Syrian Rebels

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: David Cameron, the Prime Minister, has split the western alliance with his unexpected proposals to open the door to arming the Syrian opposition, just as the US is becoming alarmed at its Islamist make-up and human rights abuses.

Downing Street is floating striking proposals to alter the European Union's embargo on Syria to allow arming the rebels, under the pretext of recognising their "right to self-defence". Rebels are demanding a shopping list of weapons they say will allow them to "finish the job" of removing President Bashar al-Assad.

But with rebel groups openly admitting to executing prisoners, and radical Islamist groups taking more prominent roles in the fighting, Mr Cameron's initiative has caused surprise in the US state department and elsewhere.

"It's amazing," said one western diplomat familiar with the startled US response. "Questions have to be asked in London as to what Cameron is thinking."

The diplomat was speaking in Doha, the Qatari capital, where a disparate collection of Syrian exiles has spent the week with western and Arab backers trying to cajole them into a semblance of unity.

Mr Cameron and European allies, including France and Italy, believe that any success should be rewarded with a bolder approach by the West on providing arms. » | Ruth Sherlock, in Doha and Richard Spencer in Idlib Province, Syria | Saturday, November 10, 2012

My comment:

What is Camoron trying to do? Turn Syria into an Islamist stronghold, or what? Go back to sleep, David! We'll call you when we want your advice. – © Mark