Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Mitt Romney Gains Four-point Lead Over Obama In Post-debate Poll

THE GUARDIAN: Republican candidate makes especially dramatic gains with female voters after strong performance in first debate

The storm clouds gathering over President Obama's bid for re-election have thickened with the release of a new poll from the respected Pew Research Center that gives Mitt Romney a four-point lead among likely voters.

The Pew survey of 1,511 adults was carried out over four days starting on the day after the first presidential TV debate last week. Its findings – including evidence that the Republican nominee is making dramatic headway with female voters, young people and those in the heartlands of the mid-west – appear to confirm that Obama's listless performance at the debate, and by contrast Romney's strong showing, has translated into a powerful political force.

"We found a dramatic shift from a significant Obama lead to a slight Romney edge among likely voters – and this is the first evidence that the debate appears to have impacted the race," said Carroll Doherty, Pew Research Center's associate director. » | Ed Pilkington in New York | Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Friday, October 05, 2012

Mitt Romney im Aufwind

Viele hatten den republikanischen Präsidentschaftskandidaten schon abgeschrieben. Doch dann hat Romney das erste der drei TV-Duelle mit einem couragierten und menschlichen Auftritt klar für sich entschieden. Präsident Obama hingegen wirkte müde.

10vor10 vom 04.10.2012

Thursday, October 04, 2012

US Election: Mitt Romney Gives Dominant Performance in First Presidential Debate

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney won a clear victory over Barack Obama in the first televised US presidential debate on Wednesday night, delivering an unexpectedly accomplished performance to revive Republican hopes of reclaiming the White House.

In a 90-minute clash in Colorado seen by tens of millions of voters, the former Massachusetts governor aggressively attacked Mr Obama over the weak state of the American economy at the end of his first term, while making an unusually impassioned case for why he, instead, should be elected in November.

He accused Mr Obama of inflicting a “trickle-down government” of ever-growing control by Washington on the American people, turning Mr Obama's accusation that the Republican challenger favours “trickle-down economics” against him.

"The path that we’re on has just been unsuccessful,” said Mr Romney. He accused Mr Obama of proposing only “bigger government, spending more, taxing more and regulating more”, adding: “That’s not the right answer for America. I’ll restore the vitality that gets America working again”. » | Jon Swaine, Denver, Colorado | Thursday, October 04, 2012

MAIL ONLINE: 'This was a disaster for the President' » | Anthony Bond | Thursday, October 04, 2012

BBC: Obama comes out swinging at Romney after debate: US President Barack Obama has accused Mitt Romney of being dishonest, after a televised debate that most observers agreed his Republican rival won. » | Thursday, October 04, 2012
2012 First Presidential Debate - Romney vs. Obama (Full)

THE GUARDIAN: Mitt Romney comes out on top as Obama stumbles in first debate: Republican candidate lifts conservative morale with a strong and forceful performance against a passive, lacklustre Obama » | Ewen MacAskill in Denver | Thursday, October 04, 2012

LE FIGARO: Romney domine Obama lors du premier débat : Face au président sortant, favori des sondages pour l'élection présidentielle américaine, le candidat républicain s'est montré à l'aise et déterminé. Entre les deux hommes, un désaccord sur le rôle de l'État. » | Par Laure Mandeville | D’envoyée special du Figaro à Denver | jeudi 04 octobre 2012

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Pour les médias américains, Romney est le vainqueur : La majeure partie des grands médias d'outre-Atlantique estiment que le républicain s'est montré plus offensif qu'Obama. Mitt Romney est désormais considéré comme un candidat sérieux à la Maison Blanche. » | Newsnet | Par Christine Talos | jeudi 04 octobre 2012

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Romney sticht Obama aus: Mit diesem Ausgang hat kaum jemand gerechnet: Mitt Romney gewinnt das erste TV-Duell gegen Barack Obama. Der US-Präsident wirkte müde und defensiv, sein Herausforderer angriffslustig und gewitzt. Ist das die Wende im Wahlkampf? » | Aus Denver berichtet Sebastian Fischer | Donnerstag, 04. Oktober 2012

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Romney ergreift den Strohhalm: Der Republikaner Mitt Romney hat der ersten Präsidentschaftsdebatte den Stempel aufgedrückt. In Steuerfragen, der Reform der Sozialversicherungen und allgemein der Rolle des Staates war der Kontrast zu Amtsinhaber Barack Obama besonders gross. » | Christoph Eisenring, Washington | Donnerstag, 04. Oktober 2012

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ann Romney Republican National Convention Full Speech 2012, Talks About Women, The Economy, and Husband Mitt

Mitt Romney's wife, Ann Romney, gave a much-anticipated address to the Republican National Convention on Monday night. There, she spoke of her marriage to Mitt Romney, their family and battles with her multiple sclerosis and breast cancer. She defined why she felt her husband was the leader that America needs at this time in terms that humanized and personalized the Republican presidential nominee.

"I want to talk to you tonight not about politics and not about party," Ann Romney began. "Tonight, I want to talk to you from my heart about our hearts."

Ann Romney said she wanted to talk about the love she has for Mitt Romney, their children and their grandchildren. She also said that she wanted to talk about the love of average Americans, men and women, who labor in anonymity.

"I have seen and heard stories of how hard it is to get ahead now," said Romney. "You know what? I've heard your stories." She said that the women of America feel the burden of America's economic struggles.

"I love you women," exclaimed Romney. "You are the ones that have to do a little bit more and you know what it's like to work a little harder during the day to earn the respect you deserve at work. And then you come home at night and help with the book report because it has to be done."

"You are the best of America," Romney said. "You are the hope of America. There would not be an America without you. Tonight, we salute you and sing your praises."

Ann Romney said that it is the women of America who feel the bad economy the most. She said that there was another way for America's women. "We're too smart to know there aren't easy answers but were not dumb enough to know there aren't better answers," Romney said to applause.

Ann Romney said that her battles with MS and cancer mean her marriage to Mitt Romney is a real marriage and not a "storybook marriage."

She praised her husband's morals and leadership, and ability to work with Democrats -- noting that it was not necessary to agree with him to know he is a strong leader. "No one will work harder, no one will care more and no one will move heaven and earth to make this country a better place to live," said Ann Romney to a standing ovation.

"I can tell you that Mitt Romney was not handed success — he built it," said Romney. She also talked about her husband's business background as a personal mission to help others:

This is important — I want you to hear what I'm going to say: Mitt doesn't like to talk about how he helped others because he sees it as a privilege — not a political talking point. We are no different than the millions of Americans who quietly help their neighbors, their churches and their communities. They don't do it so that others will thank them. They do it because there is no greater joy. Give and it shall be given unto you.

"This man will not fail," Ann Romney concluded. "You can trust Mitt."

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Republican Romney Names Paul Ryan as Running Mate

BBC: US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has named fiscal conservative Paul Ryan as his running mate in November's election.

Mr Ryan, 42, is a congressman for his home state of Wisconsin.

Ohio Senator Rob Portman and former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty had also been tipped to run with Mr Romney as vice-presidential candidate.

The BBC's North America Editor Mark Mardell says the decision is a bold and ideological choice.

Recent opinion polls suggest a close race between Mr Romney and President Barack Obama in November's poll, with Mr Obama tending to have a slight lead in most surveys.

Analysts say Mr Romney will be hoping to regain momentum in the campaign after a series of pro-Obama campaign advertisements attacking his record.

Mr Ryan is best-known for a controversial alternative budget which he produced to counter President Obama's plans in 2011 and 2012, known as the Path to Prosperity. » | Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday, August 04, 2012

US Election 2012: It's Not Just the Gaffes - Romney's Foreign Policy Vacuum Leaves Lasting Damage

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The goal of a foreign policy tour in the middle of an American campaign is to appear presidential, writes John Avlon. But in the absence of real policy, however, it was the gaffes that became the lasting memory.

Mitt Romney got back to the USA after his magical misery tour through Britain, Israel and Poland and promptly decamped to the Midwest swing states where his poll numbers have been dipping precipitously.

The goal of a foreign policy tour in the middle of an American campaign is to appear presidential – a subtle psychological reinforcement of the idea that the man can be trusted to represent the nation on the world stage.

The famously risk-averse Romney had scheduled what should have been a seamless tour, starting with a visit to the Olympics - a beloved cornerstone of his campaign biography as a turnaround artist. But as British readers know all too well, things didn't quite work out as intended.

When the leading British Conservatives – Prime Minister David Cameron and Mayor Boris Johnson – disrespect the visiting conservative presidential candidate, you know things have gone horribly wrong.

Team Romney was on the defensive for the rest of the trip, with meticulous photo opportunities spoiled by unforced errors. My personal favourite came courtesy of an over-zealous aide who rebuked the travelling press corps for shouting questions at the candidate after he deposited a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw.

"Kiss my ass," shouted the Romney spokesman. "This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."

Martin Scorsese couldn't have written better dialogue. Read on and comment » | John Avlon, American Way | Saturday, August 04, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Obama's Lead Over Romney Among Latinos Widening

LOS ANGELES TIMES: President Obama's advantage among Latino voters is getting larger, a new poll suggests, even as Mitt Romney's campaign released what it said was its ninth ad in Spanish.

The poll by Latino Decisions, released Wednesday, showed support for Obama rising to 70% of registered Latino voters, compared with 22% for Romney. If that margin held until the election, it could play a significant role in battleground states with sizable Latino populations, such as Florida, Nevada and Colorado.

Romney isn't ceding the Latino vote, though. He has used Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as a surrogate, and has not discouraged speculation that Rubio could be a vice presidential pick. And his latest Spanish-language ad features his son, Craig, who learned fluent Spanish as a missionary, and makes mention of something Mitt Romney rarely speaks about: the fact that his father, George Romney, was born in.Mexico. » | Mitchell Landsberg | Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Brad Pitt's Mother Attacks Barack Obama On Gay Marriage

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: As the rock-star president who publicly backed gay marriage, Barack Obama has long enjoyed the support of Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt – but not, it seems, the actor's rather more traditionalist mother.

While her son is a champion of gay rights, Jane Pitt has thrown her support behind the Republican candidate Mitt Romney, attacking Mr Obama for his liberal views on abortion, same-sex marriage and his links to the firebrand pastor Jeremiah Wright.

Calling on Christian voters to accept Mr Romney – who is a Mormon – Mrs Pitt said she would be happy to [vote] for a "family man with high morals" who shares "Christian conviction" on homosexuality over the likes of Mr Obama.

"Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney's opponent, Barack Hussein Obama – a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright's church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage," she wrote in Missouri's Springfield News-Leader. » | Peter Foster, Washington | Friday, July 06, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

US Election: Barack Obama Opens Up Double Digit Lead Over Mitt Romney

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Barack Obama has opened up a double-digit lead over Mitt Romney in a new national poll, even though most say the US is on the wrong track.

While most surveys in recent weeks indicate a tight race for the White House culminating in the November election, but the new Bloomberg National Poll has President Obama leading his Republican challenger 53-40 per cent among likely voters.

And while the public gives the incumbent low marks on handling the economy, they prefer Mr Obama's vision over Mr Romney's for building on the recovery, despite a wave of poor economic data that has emerged in the past month.

Respondents to the June 15-18 poll say they prefer Mr Obama's vision over Mr Romney's by 49-33 per cent, up seven points since March, when the Republican nominee had yet to be decided.

The two campaigns have hammered each other on who would do better at boosting job growth and improving economic conditions overall.

Mr Romney argues that Mr Obama is in over his head, while the Obama re-election campaign paints Mr Romney, a multimillionaire ex-businessman and investor, as a former corporate raider bent on improving conditions for the wealthy. » | Source AFP | Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Inside Story: What Happened to Hope and Change?

With the presidential campaigns in full swing, we ask if they are based on fear and negativity. Inside Story US 2012

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Barack Obama Calls Mitt Romney 'George' in Latest Election Gaffe

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: President Barack Obama mistakenly confused Mitt Romney with his father George on Monday at a fund-raiser in New York – the latest in a string of election gaffes from US presidential candidates.

During a speech at the New Amsterdam Theater in Times Square, the president mixed up his Republican opponent with former Michigan Governor George Romney while contrasting their economic policies.

“We are not going back to a set of policies that say you’re on your own and that’s essentially the theory of the other side. You know, George Romney,” Mr Obama said.

As the audience roared with laughter at the president's parapraxis, Mr Obama, who was not using an autocue, attempted to explain the mistake before continuing with the speech, later referring to Mitt Romney as “Governor Romney” – a title both men share.

“Governor Romney is a patriotic American, he’s had great success in his life and he’s raised a beautiful family,” the president said. “But he has a theory of the economy that basically says, if I’m maximising returns for my investors, for wealthy individuals like myself, then everybody’s going to be better off.” » | Amy Willis, Los Angeles | Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Friday, June 01, 2012

Nancy Reagan Endorses Mitt Romney

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Nancy Reagan, the 90-year-old widow of President Ronald Reagan, has announced that she is endorsing Mitt Romney in this year's contest.

Mr Romney and his wife Ann "joined me at my home for some lemonade and cookies and I offered my firm endorsement of his campaign for president," Mrs Reagan, who lives in Bel Air outside Los Angeles, said in a brief statement.

Mr Romney has already earned enough delegates to win the nomination to face Democrat Barack Obama in the November 6 presidential election but does not officially become the nominee until the party convention in Tampa, Florida at the end of August.

"I am thrilled that after Tuesday's primary he is the clear choice, having won the magic number of 1,144 convention delegates," Mrs Reagan said.

"Ronnie would have liked Governor Romney's business background and his strong principles, and I have to say I do too." » | Source: agencies | Friday, June 01, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mitt Romney Wins the Republican Nomination

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney finally won enough delegates to clinch the Republican nomination on Tuesday, ending a long and bruising journey to become his party's challenger to Barack Obama.

Mr Romney won 71 per cent of the vote in the Texas primary, inching him above the 1,144 delegates needed to secure his place as the Republicans' presidential candidate.

The former Massachusetts governor has been the de facto nominee since his last major rival, Rick Santorum, dropped out of the race in April and marked the milestone with only a simple statement, saying he was "honoured" and "humbled" at his victory.

"Our party has come together with the goal of putting the failures of the last three and a half years behind us. I have no illusions about the difficulties of the task before us," he said.

"But whatever challenges lie ahead, we will settle for nothing less than getting America back on the path to full employment and prosperity." » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Wednesday, May 30, 2012

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

US Election: Mitt Romney under Growing Pressure to Dump Donald Trump over 'Birther' Row

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney is under growing pressure to cut his ties with Donald Trump after he refused to denounce the businessman for continuing to propagate the so-called 'birther conspiracy' that Barack Obama was born outside the US.

The row over Mr Trump threatened to engulf Mr Romney on the day that he will be officially confirmed as the Republican presidential candidate after voters in the Texas presidential primary pushed him 'over the top', securing him the 1,144 delegates he needed clinch the nomination.

Mr Romney, who was due to be hosted by Mr Trump at a $2m (£1.3 million) fund-raising event in Las Vegas, declined to criticise the property mogul turned reality television star for saying last week that he still believes Mr Obama was born in Kenya.

"I don't agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don't all agree with everything I believe," Mr Romney said on his charter plane en route to Nevada, "But I need to get 50.1 per cent or more and I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people." Repeating the conspiracy theories over Mr Obama's birth has been widely condemned as "dog whistle politics" – or a thinly-veiled attack on the President's race – and leaves Mr Romney vulnerable to accusations that he's tacitly defending racism.

Although Mr Romney has said that he personally accepts that Mr Obama was born in Hawaii, his equivocating response to Mr Trump provoked fierce criticism from both the Obama campaign and commentators in his own party.

The Obama camp released a video comparing Mr Romney's refusal to distance himself from Mr Trump with the conduct of John McCain, the 2008 Republican candidate, who on several occasions publicly slapped down voters who suggested that Mr Obama was not American-born and a Muslim. » | Peter Foster, Washington | Tuesday, May 29, 2012

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Barack Obama Is Facing His Jimmy Carter Moment

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: As Mitt Romney closes the gap, it is 1980 all over again for the man in the Oval Office.

Until recently, Barack Obama’s re-election was regarded as inevitable – in the same way that summer follows spring, or a monsoon follows a hosepipe ban. The president’s poll lead over Mitt Romney was strong, while the Republican’s character was assassinated by a primary fight that permanently spoiled the reputation of his party. To court the GOP’s conservative base, Romney was forced to adopt positions on abortion, contraception, health care and welfare that are thought to be unpopular among moderate swing voters. Obama, by contrast, is the man who killed bin Laden and toppled Gaddafi. A choice between Obama the moderate statesman and Romney the craven conservative is surely no contest at all.

But in the last two weeks, things have changed. Obama’s re-election is no longer guaranteed; some pollsters think it is unlikely. Day by day, the odds are improving that Mitt Romney will be the next President of the United States.

What changed? For a start, voters are getting gloomier about the economy. Joblessness remains high and debt is out of control. According to one poll released this week, only 33 per cent of Americans expect the economy to improve in the coming months and only 43 per cent approve of the way that the president has handled it. Voters think Obama has made the debt situation and health care worse. The man who conducted the poll – Democrat Peter Hart – concluded that “Obama’s chances for re-election… are no better than 50-50.” » | Tim Stanley | Friday, May 25, 2012