Showing posts with label Manchester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manchester. Show all posts

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Demonstranten verlangen Camerons Rücktritt

TAGES ANZEIGER: Zehntausende Briten protestierten in Manchester gegen die britische Sparpolitik. Und Premierminister Cameron musste sich bei zwei Parlamentarierinnen für abschätzige Bemerkungen entschuldigen.

Die britischen Konservativen müssen eineinhalb Jahre nach der Regierungsübernahme ihre Sparpolitik gegen massive Kritik verteidigen. Zum Auftakt des Parteitags am Sonntag in Manchester protestierten 30'000 Menschen gegen das milliardenschwere Sparpaket der Regierungskoalition aus Konservativen und Liberaldemokraten.

Unter den Demonstranten waren zahlreiche Beschäftigte des öffentlichen Dienstes, etwa Beamte, Lehrer und Feuerwehrleute, aber auch Angestellte aus dem Privatsektor. Zu dem Protestmarsch hatte der Dachverband der Gewerkschaften (Trades Union Congress, TUC) aufgerufen.

«Cameron muss weg»

«Konservative, raus!» skandierten die Demonstranten, während sie am Veranstaltungsort des Parteitags vorbeizogen. Auf Transparenten standen Sprüche wie «Manchester, eine Stadt vereint gegen Einschnitte» und «Er muss weg», womit Cameron gemeint war.

Aussenminister William Hague schwor die Delegierten zum Auftakt der viertägigen Konferenz erneut auf Haushaltsdisziplin ein. «Die Konsequenz aus Kreditaufnahme und Schulden und kann nicht sein, dass man neue Kredite aufnimmt und neue Schulden macht», sagte Hague. «Das wäre nicht fair für die nächste Generation». » | miw/sda | Sonntag 02. Oktober 2011

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THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Thousands protest against Cameron's cuts: About 35,000 people have turned out in Manchester to demonstrate against government budget cuts as Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives opened their annual conference. » | AFP | Monday, October 03, 2011
Grande Bretagne: 35 000 personnes dénoncent les coupes budgétaires

CYBERPRESSE.CA: Environ 35 000 personnes ont défilé à Manchester dimanche, au premier jour du congrès du Parti conservateur britannique au pouvoir, organisé dans cette ville du nord-ouest de l'Angleterre, pour dénoncer les restrictions budgétaires, selon la police.

«Conservateurs pourris, dehors», ont crié les manifestants en passant devant le centre qui accueille la conférence nationale des Tories.

De nombreux fonctionnaires, dont des enseignants et des sapeurs-pompiers, mais aussi des employés du privé ont répondu à l'appel de la confédération des syndicats britanniques, le Trades Union Congress (TUC), qui a intitulé le défilé «L'alternative - emplois, croissance, justice».

«Je suis contre la politique du gouvernement de réduction du montant des retraites. Il y des milliers de personnes ici, mais connaissant les conservateurs, je doute qu'ils écoutent, a estimé Gerry Collier, 64 ans, employé dans une entreprise de vérification des alarmes incendie.

Les pancartes dans la foule affirmaient «Les coupes ne sont pas le remède», «Manchester, une ville unie contre les coupes» ou encore «Il doit partir», un message adressé au premier ministre conservateur David Cameron. » | Agence France-Presse | MANCHESTER | Dimanche 02 Octobre 2011

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Anti-dhimmitude! Muslim Woman Barred from Flight After Refusing Body Scan

THE TELEGRAPH: A Muslim woman is thought to have become the first passenger to be stopped from boarding a flight after refusing to go through a full body scanner for religious reasons.

The passenger was at Manchester Airport for a flight to Islamabad when she was selected at random to pass through the security screen.

She was warned she would not be allowed to board the Pakistan International Airlines flight if she did not comply with the request but she decided to forfeit her ticket.

Her female travelling companion also left the airport after she cited ''medical reasons'' for not wanting to go through the scanner.

More than 15,000 people have already passed through the £80,000 Rapiscan machine at the airport's Terminal 2. The Government introduced the scanner at Heathrow and Manchester airports last month.

Security staff use the X-ray machine to check for any concealed weapons or explosives but it has attracted criticism for also showing clear outlines of passengers' genitals. Civil liberties campaigners have criticised the scanners as an invasion of privacy.

Sources at Manchester Airport said the flight to Pakistan about two weeks ago was busy and that no other passengers objected when chosen to go through the full body scanner after check-in. >>> | Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Arrests as Rival Race Demonstrations Clash

TIMES ONLINE: Police have arrested 34 people amid tense scenes at an anti-Islamic demonstration in central Manchester.

The English Defence League (EDL), which opposes "radical Muslims" and Sharia Law, staged the protest, but the anti-far right group Unite Against Fascism (UAF) arranged a counter demonstration bringing both sides together in the city centre . >>> Simon Alford | Saturday, October 10, 2009

Monday, October 05, 2009

Grande-Bretagne : Les Tories ouvrent leur congrès sans étouffer la polémique sur l'Europe

LE POINT: Les Conservateurs britanniques, favoris des prochaines législatives, ont ouvert leur congrès annuel lundi à Manchester (nord-ouest de l'Angleterre) sans parvenir à étouffer la polémique sur leur position sur l'Europe et le traité de Lisbonne. S'exprimant devant les délégués à l'ouverture des débats, David Cameron, que les sondages donnent bien placé pour devenir le prochain Premier ministre, a souligné que pour la première fois depuis 12 ans, les Tories ont "une vraie chance de changer les choses".

Plusieurs responsables conservateurs ont présenté les premières mesures sociales qu'ils entendent mettre en oeuvre à leur arrivée au pouvoir. Mais le chef du principal parti d'opposition n'est pas revenu sur le sujet qui fâche, le traité de Lisbonne, ratifié par l'Irlande lors d'un second référendum vendredi. À sa place, ses lieutenants tentaient d'expliciter la position du parti, perçue comme confuse. Cameron a réaffirmé vouloir un référendum sur ce traité, déjà ratifié par le parlement britannique. "Je veux un référendum. Je ne pense pas que ce soit un bon traité", a déclaré Cameron dimanche sur la BBC, ajoutant que les Tories feraient campagne pour le non. >>> AFP | Lundi 05 Octobre 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tory Logo Goes Rainbow for Gay Conference Event

THE TELEGRAPH: The Tory blue tree logo has been turned rainbow for the party’s first gay pride disco at this year’s Conservative conference.

The logo was displayed on the Conservative Party website as part of events billed as Conference Pride at the annual political gathering in Manchester Photo: The Telegraph

Around 700 guests are expected at the event, which is being held in Canal Street, in the gay area of Manchester where the conference is being held, on October 6.

There will be a speech by Ben Summerskill, chief executive of the gay rights group Stonewall, and a performance from the singer Angie Brown.

Surprise guests will attend, including a mystery “senior shadow cabinet member,” who will deliver a speech.

A party spokesman said: “The logo is being rebranded in rainbow colours for this event, to reflect the nature of the night.

“We have all sorts of rebranding for all sorts of different events.”

Andrew Brierly, 29, a party activist from Clapham, south London, said the event is sign the party is modernising its image to appeal to new voters.

He said: "By hosting events like this it is hoped that voters will recognise that the Conservative party is at the forefront of agenda-setting politics. >>> Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent | Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Protests Before BNP Meeting

BBC: Protesters have gathered outside a pub in Manchester where the BNP leader Nick Griffin is to hold a news conference.

Mr Griffin faced angry protests when he tried to speak in London. Photo courtesy of the BBC

Mr Griffin was forced to abandon a similar event outside Parliament on Tuesday after he was pelted with eggs.

Mr Griffin, who has been elected to the European Parliament for the North-West region, called on other political leaders to condemn the attacks on him.

But Gordon Brown told MPs that mainstream parties needed to expose the BNP's "racist and bigoted" policies.

At prime minister's questions, he called on all parties to "unite" to fight the BNP by showing they had solutions to pressing issues such as employment and housing.

And Conservative leader David Cameron said the battle against the BNP must be fought "doorstep to doorstep".

About 50 protesters have congregated outside the Manchester pub where Mr Griffin is planning to speak.

There is a heavy police presence there after Tuesday's chaotic scenes in London, when a BNP briefing broke up soon after starting in the face of angry demonstrators.

Mr Griffin said the fact that he was being prevented from speaking was a threat to democracy.

As well as Mr Griffin, a second member of the BNP was elected to the European Parliament on Sunday, for the Yorkshire and Humberside region. [Source: BBC] | Wednesday, June 10, 2009

THE INDEPENDENT: Police Let Mob Run Wild, Says BNP Leader

BNP leader Nick Griffin urged the police to "get a grip" of protesters who forced the party's MEPs to abandon their first joint press conference yesterday.

The British National Party leader spoke out after being besieged by around 40 protesters when he held a press conference in a Manchester pub today.

Mr Griffin, who along with Andrew Brons was elected as an MEP, said: "There wasn't a huge police presence yesterday. The police let the mob run wild.

"I think it's very sad that a hostile mob which is partly paid for by taxpayers and backed by Labour and the Conservatives is allowed to get away with mob violence on the streets of Britain in 2009.

"I've got to go and visit constituents in places like Preston and Andrew Brons has to go to places like Bradford. The police need to get a grip on these people and stop them throwing eggs and bricks.

"Like us or not we are a democratic party elected by people who have specific concerns they think we will address properly." >>> By Lucy Collins, Press Association | Wednesday, June 10, 2009

YOUTUBE: Condemnation over British Far-right Triumph in Europe Elections

Friday, April 10, 2009

Al-Qaeda Terror Plot to Bomb Easter Shoppers

THE TELEGRAPH: An al-Qaeda cell was days away from carrying out an "Easter spectacular" of co-ordinated suicide bomb attacks on shopping centres in Manchester, police believe.

Sources told The Daily Telegraph that the arrests of 12 men in the north west of England on Wednesday were linked to a suspected plan to launch a devastating attack this weekend.

Some of the suspects were watched by MI5 agents as they filmed themselves outside the Trafford Centre on the edge of Manchester, the Arndale Centre in the city centre, and the nearby St Ann's Square.

Police were forced to round up the alleged plotters after they were overheard discussing dates, understood to include the Easter bank holiday, one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year.

"It could have been the next few days and they were talking about 10 days at the outside," one source said. "We had to act." Police are now engaged in a search for an alleged bomb factory, where explosives might have been assembled.

If such a plot was carried out, it would almost certainly have been Britain's worst terrorist attack, with the potential to cause more deaths than the suicide attacks of July 7, 2005, when 52 people were murdered. >>> By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent | Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

’Boys Forced into Muslim Flogging Ritual’

TIMESONLINE: A devout Muslim encouraged two teenage boys to flog themselves until their backs were covered in bloody cuts, a jury was told yesterday.

Syed Mustafa Zaidi, 44, a Shia Muslim, was celebrating the traditional Ashura festival, a ritual act of lamentation commemorating the slaughter of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Husayn, and his followers in the 14th century. It involves Shia Muslims flailing themselves with a zanjeer zani, an implement with a wooden handle and five chains attached to sharp knives. The men whip themselves to recreate the suffering of the martyrs.

After flogging himself, Mr Zaidi was said to have forced the two boys, aged 15 and 13, to join in the annual ceremony that took place last January at a community mosque in Levenshulme, Manchester. The boys were left with bloody cuts across their backs.

It is the first case of its kind, involving the religious practices of Shia Muslims, to be brought to trial in Britain. Mr Zaidi denies two counts of child cruelty amounting to “wilful ill-treatment”. ’Boys Forced into Muslim Flogging Ritual’ >>> By Russell Jenkins | August 19, 2008

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