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Showing posts with label Islamic Revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Revolution. Show all posts
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Iran's Last Monarch: The Events that Led to the Islamic Revolution | Last Persian Shah | Timeline
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Friday, February 04, 2011

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader has called the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia an "Islamic liberation movement".
In his address, during Friday prayers at Tehran University, he said that people are witnessing the reverberations of Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution.
Khamenei said of the current unrest that "this is what was always referred to as ... Islamic awareness in connection with Iran's great Islamic Revolution."
Khamenei has urged Egypt's protesters to follow in the footsteps of the Iranian revolution which toppled a pro-US leader and called on Egyptians to unite around religion.
Referring to the events in Tunisia in Egypt, he said that it is a sign of "Islamic awareness" in the region and that these movements will spell an "irreparable defeat" for the United States.
He said that the embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is a "servant" of Israel and the United States.
"For 30 years this country (Egypt) has been in the hands of someone who is not seeking freedom and is the enemy of those seeking freedom.
"Not only he is [sic] not anti-Zionist, but he is the companion, colleague, confidant and servant of Zionists. It is a fact that Hosni Mubarak's servitude to America has been unable to take Egypt one step towards prosperity."
The spiritual leader's remarks were received by cheering crowds of worshippers who, raising their hands, chanted "Death to America! Death to Israel!" >>> Source: Al Jazeera and agencies | Friday, February 04, 2011
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
THE GUARDIAN: Tehran sentences another activist to death and several others are arrested ahead of national day demonstrations
Iranian security forces are deploying in strength in Tehran and across the country to head off what opposition supporters hope will be massive protests to mark tomorrow's anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.
New arrests were announced today after another death sentence was handed down for a convicted "rioter" and large numbers of Revolutionary Guards and Basij militia arrived in the capital from outlying areas, opposition sources reported.
Official preparations to deal with the latest bout of internal unrest coincide with mounting international tensions after Barack Obama accused Iran on Tuesday of trying to build a nuclear weapon and warned it would face new sanctions within weeks.
The regime has repeatedly accused opposition supporters of serving foreign interests. >>> Ian Black, Middle East editor | Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
THE TELEGRAPH: Seven people have died in clashes in Tehran after an "unauthorised gathering" following a mass rally over alleged election fraud, Iran's state radio reported.
The report said the seven died in shooting that erupted after several people in the west of the capital "tried to attack a military location" on Monday evening.
More than 100,000 opponents of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had earlier marched through Tehran protesting at alleged vote rigging in last week's elections.The outpouring on to the streets was the greatest display of popular feeling since the Islamic revolution in 1979.
The state radio report was the first official confirmation of the shooting in Tehran's Azadi Square. Witnesses saw at least one person shot dead and several others seriously wounded after shooting from a compound for volunteer militia linked to Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard.
To cries of "death to the dictator", Iranians had protested against President Ahmadinejad's proclaimed re-election.
The rally, larger than anything seen in the capital since the demonstrations that toppled Shah Reza Pahlavi 30 years ago, openly defied the authorities. The interior ministry had banned the rally and warned protesters that live ammunition could be used against them.
US President Barack Obama said the world was "inspired" by the Iranian demonstrators and that he was "deeply troubled" by post-election violence.
"The democratic process, free speech, the ability of people to peacefully dissent - all those are universal values and need to be respected," he said. >>> By David Blair, Diplomatic Editor | Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
THE TRIPOLI POST: “In a world where no moral and ethical rules seem to prevent the strong and the powerful from devouring the rights of the weak, realism teaches us that only the strong and well prepared can survive.”
In 1979, the Islamic movement in Iran became the first movement in modem times to achieve a remarkable and significant success.
The details of how this success was achieved offer fascinating insights into the wisdom and courage of leadership that established an Islamic government in a country that was the hub of the CIA's espionage activities, and where a ruthless secret police particularly targeted those who wished to establish Islam. But that was thirty years ago.
A whole new generation of Iranians has matured since that transforming year, and today Iran faces a new set of internal and external challenges that must be recognized by the Islamic leadership of that country as well as Muslim leaders elsewhere.
Here, we can only highlight elements of the experience in Iran that are particularly important for the broader Islamic movement, rather than providing a detailed outline and analyses of the challenges that now confront Jomhuri-ye Islāmi-ye Irān.
Today, 70 percent of Iran's 70 million people are less than 35 years of age. 22.5 million Iranians (or 33 percent of the population) are between the ages of 15 and 29. This means that most Iranians have grown up without any experience or memory of pre-revolutionary times.
These young Iranians have no idea of the horrible conditions their parents and grandparents faced, nor of the tremendous sacrifices that were made to establish the Islamic state. These young men and women have no doubt heard about the Revolution, but the Revolution is not part of their own personal experience. They cannot really be expected to share the revolutionary fervour of their parents' generation.
This becomes clear as one walks through the streets of Iran's major cities and meets these young men and women. They are not really all that interested in a by-gone revolution, and perhaps have heard too much about it. As is the case with young people everywhere, they are more interested in the future--especially their own futures- than in the past.
Of course, there is still a generation of Iranian Muslims who took part in the Revolution and who remember what Iran was like before 1979, and this generation is able to guide many institutions of contemporary Iran, but this situation is changing. As the new generation takes over, the spirit of the Revolution diminishes. >>> By B Y Muhammad | Friday, February 20, 2009
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – Free delivery >>>
B Y Muhammad,
Islamic Revolution,
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
IRNA: Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei here on Tuesday said the Iranian nation's courage, steadfastness and constant presence on the scene accounted for the glory of the system, the country's progress in various spheres and its great success in the nuclear field.
Addressing members of the Assembly of Experts, the Supreme Leader said the upcoming 8th parliamentary election is an important issue which requires people's massive turnout and their correct choices that will bring prosperity, dignity and glory to the nation.
Referring to significant achievements of the Islamic system of government over the past 29 years, Ayatollah Khamenei cited Iran's peaceful nuclear activities in which the Iranian nation has scored great success and made remarkable progress.
"Those who used to call for suspension of Iran's nuclear activities now say they are ready to accept our progress provided that it will not continue indefinitely," said the Supreme Leader.
Ayatollah Khamenei also praised the role of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to this end, adding that the seventh Majlis, unlike efforts by certain people in the previous term, insisted on the country's nuclear stand.
Vigilant presence of people and solidarity of officials in all issues would strengthen the Islamic system, said the Supreme Leader. Supreme Leader: Nation’s Steadfastness Accounts for Its Glory, Success >>>
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
IRNA: Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Monday night in a meeting with representatives of Leadership Experts Assembly, "Building a model society and introducing Islamic Revolution are our nation's missions."
According to IRNA's Presidential Office reporter, Ahmadinejad added in his brief address, "The Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran are both great divine gifts, not only awarded to the Iranian nation, but to the entire mankind."
The IRI President added, "Yet, we had better say that the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran were the greatest events of the contemporary history, since they marked the continuation of the path laid before the mankind by divine Prophets (P), next to the appointment of Prophet Muhammad (P) as messenger of Allah (SWT), and the martyrdom of the Prophet's grandson Imam Hussain (P)."
He said, "Like those great events, the Islamic Revolution, too, was a long leap towards mankind's reaching the peak of perfection." The President added, "The Iranian nation, the practicing Alims, and the followers of the idea of leadership of the blessed (Wilayah) are shouldering the responsibility of keeping on hoisting the flag of a movement whose nature is the same as the revolutions of divine Prophets (P).
President Ahmadinejad reiterated, "The Iranian nation also has two heavy responsibilities, one of which is constructing Iran, since the message of a revolution would be heard and welcomed when it would be accompanied by practical models.
He added, "Such model making would lead to leading the mankind towards the peak of perfection, and assist the world nations in embracing eternal salvation in the Hereafter, by convincing them that Islam is capable of presenting an ideal model for social life."
The head of our country's Supreme Cultural Revolution Council said, "Our culture and our administrative structure must be reshaped rapidly so that their basis would be the divine laws of Islam so that we would be able to claim that we have reached the status of a model society that can be the witness for the entire mankind." He added, "By grace of God such a movement began as of the victory of the Islamic Revolution despite the entire heavy obstacles and hindrances on its way, which have been removed one after the other, and the movement of the Islamic Revolution aimed at constructing a model society has kept on accelerating ever since then."
Ahmadinejad reiterated, "Our nation's second important mission is introducing the Islamic Revolution to the entire mankind. Today the mankind has reached a point of dissatisfaction with the status quo of the social life and is so desperately in pursuit of better lives that the nations' minds are quite ripe for grasping such truths." The President said, "Based on such presuppositions, the only perfect school of thought that can lead the human society towards blessed life in this world and salvation in the other world is Mohamedan Islam."
He noted, "We need to elaborate the divine rules of this school of thought and present to the world nations a model of social life based on it, while atop those who shoulder this responsibility there are the Alims who gain the divine thoughts from the origin of divine revelations, or from the Prophet (P) and the Infallible Imams (P)." After the President's address a number of Leadership Experts Assembly presented their viewpoints on various issues.
The prominent officials present at the meeting included the Speaker of the IRI Parliament, the Government spokesman, and a senior advisor of the President. [Source: Nation's missions, building model society, introducing Revolution – Ahmadinejad]
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
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