Showing posts with label Islam in the US. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam in the US. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why Muslims Must Look in the Mirror

NEW YORK POST: If 2010 was the year America finally woke up to political Islam's ne farious reach on US soil, with luck 2011 will be the year we launch an offensive against it. One way to begin that process is through hearings that Rep. Peter King (R-NY), the new chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, plans to hold on American Muslim radicalization.

Attention to this issue offers an opportunity for American Muslims to confront the radicalization problem and provide solutions -- as only they can.

My group, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, believes these hearings will shed light on the diversity of American Muslims, giving our community a chance to step from behind the veil of Muslim victimization and address head-on the need for long-overdue ideological reforms. >>> M. Zuhdi Jasser * | Thursday, December 30, 2010

* M. Zuhdi Jasser, a physician and a former US Navy lieutenant commander, is the founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Plans 'Fuelling Anti-Muslim Protests Across US'

THE GUARDIAN: Religious leaders warn of Islamophobia surge with hate speech and opposition to new Islamic centres across America

A woman holds up a sign protesting plans to build a mosque close to the World Trade Centre site in New York. Photograph: The Guardian

The battle over plans to build a mosque near the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York is fuelling a surge in anti-Muslim protests across the US, including opposition to new Islamic centres from California to Georgia.

Religious leaders and civil rights activists warn that a tide of Islamophobia that has swept the country since the destruction of the twin towers is being heightened by political exploitation of the New York dispute before nationwide elections and is increasingly bound up with hostility to immigrants and other forms of racism.

They say the outpouring of condemnation at the "outrage" of a mosque close to the "hallowed ground" of the World Trade Centre site also goes hand in hand with the increasing acceptability of what they describe as hate speech.

A Florida church, Dove World Outreach Centre, is planning a "burn the Qur'an" day on September 11 and has already outraged Muslims by planting a sign on its front lawn that reads: Islam is the Devil.

The church's senior pastor, Terry Jones, has said he is "exposing Islam for what it is".

"It is a violent and oppressive religion that is trying to masquerade itself as a religion of peace, seeking to deceive our society," the church said. "Islam is a lie based upon lies and deceptions and fear. In Muslim countries, if you preach the gospel or convert to Christianity – you will be killed. That is the type of religion it is."

A leading Muslim educational institution, al-Azhar's Supreme Council in Egypt, has accused the Florida church of "stirring up hate and discrimination" and called on other American churches to condemn it. >>> Chris McGreal in Washington | Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

U.S.-born Cleric Is New Al-Qaeda Star

CNN: CNN's Deb Feyerick reports on Anwar al-Awlaki, who is accused of recruiting an army of lone-wolf insurgents.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Two US Men Arrested at JFK Airport on Terrorist Charges

THE TELEGRAPH: Two US men have been arrested at John F Kennedy airport in New York charged with conspiracy to kill Americans outside the country, according to US justice officials.

A TV crew outside the home of Mohamed Mahmood Alessa, who was arrested at JFK airport as he tried to board a plane bound for Egypt. Photograph: The Sunday Telegraph

The suspects were reportedly about to board planes to Egypt with plans to travel to Somalia to join with an extremist group there.

The Newark Star Ledger said the New Jersey men, Mohamed Hamoud Alessa 20, and Carlos Eduardo Almonte, 24, are both US citizens and quoted neighbors as saying they went to school in the United States.

"As of this moment I am only able to confirm that two arrests took place last night," an FBI spokesman said. >>> | Sunday, June 06, 2010

Federal Authorities Charge 2 New Jersey Men with Pursuing Dream of 'Holy War' in Somalia

THE STAR-LEDGER: The two New Jersey men arrested late Saturday night for planning to join a terrorist organization and wage violent jihad abroad, had engaged in paintball training, acquired military gear and apparel for use overseas and saved thousands of dollars toward their goal, according to the criminal complaint unsealed this morning.

The defendants, identified as Mohamed Mahmood Alessa, 20, of North Bergen, and Carlos Eduardo Almonte, 24, of Elmwood Park, were arrested at JFK International Airport. The men intended to take separate flights to Egypt on their way to Somalia to join a terrorist organization known as Al Shabaab, and wage violent jihad, according the criminal complaint, unsealed by U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Paul J. Fishman. >>> The Star-Ledger Continuous News Desk | Sunday, June 06, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Three Arrested in Connection with Times Square Bombing

THE TELEGRAPH: Three people have been arrested in connection with the failed Times Square car bomb after a series of morning raids in Massachusetts and New York.

The three people have connections to Faisal Shahzad and may have provided him with funds, US Attorney General Eric Holder said.

"These are people who are connected to Mr Shahzad, we're still trying to determine exactly what the nature of that connection was.

"There's at least a basis to believe that one of the things that they did was provide him with funds and so we're trying to trace back" to determine the purpose of those transactions, Mr Holder said, calling the arrests a significant step.

Police cordoned off a small house in Watertown, a suburb about 10 miles west of Boston, where a neighbour reported seeing an FBI raid. >>> | Thursday, May 13, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

R.O.P. Strikes Again*! Times Square Car Bomb: Security Slip Let Faisal Shahzad Board Plane

THE TELEGRAPH: The suspect in the failed car bomb attempt on Times Square was allowed to board a plane and almost make it out of the country despite being on a no fly list, it has emerged.

Faisal Shahzad had boarded a jetliner bound for the United Arab Emirates before federal authorities arrested him. Although under surveillance since midafternoon, he had managed to elude investigators and head to the airport.

The night's events, gradually coming to light, underscored the flaws in the nation's aviation security system, which despite its technologies, lists and information sharing, often comes down to someone making a right call.

As federal agents closed in, Mr Shahzad was aboard Emirates Flight 202. He reserved a ticket on the way to John F. Kennedy International Airport, paid cash on arrival and walked through security without being stopped.

By the time Customs and Border Protection officials, using a no-fly list updated on Tuesday, spotted Mr Shahzad's name on the passenger list and recognised him as the bombing suspect they were looking for, he was in his seat and the plane was preparing to leave the gate.

At the last minute, the pilot was notified, the jetliner's door was opened and Shahzad was taken into custody.

After authorities pulled Mr Shahzad off the plane.

He later claimed to have been trained at a terror camp in Pakistan's lawless tribal region of Waziristan, according to court documents. That raised increased concern that the bombing was an international terror plot.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said that Mr Shahzad was cooperating with investigators and had waived his Miranda rights, which grant him the right to a lawyer and full US constitutional legal rights. >>> | Wednesday, May 05, 2010

*But Bloomberg wants Americans not to connect the dots! Fighting the Jihad this way, the West is going to need infinite resources, to say nothing of immeasurable patience and understanding. He wants the people of New York – and the rest of the West, I suppose – to “turn the other cheek”, indefinitely! So keep on turning that cheek folks! – © Mark

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Terrorism Suspect, Charged, Said to Admit to Role in Plot : A Pakistani-American man arrested in the failed Times Square car bombing has admitted his role in the attempted attack and said he received explosives training in Pakistan, the authorities said Tuesday. >>> Mark Mazzetti, Sabrina Tavernise and Jack Healy | Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Obama appoints two devout Muslims to Homeland Security posts. Presumably to keep Americans safe! Go figure! >>>

Statement by Secretary Napolitano on President Obama's Intent to Nominate David Heyman as Assistant Secretary for Policy and her Appointment of Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development >>>

Monday, May 03, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

PC Alert: Rev. Franklin Graham Banned by the Pentagon for Telling the Truth About Islam

TOWNHALL.COM: Franklin Graham, distinguished Christian minister and son of an American evangelical treasure (i.e. Billy Graham) was banned from praying at the Pentagon for their upcoming May 6th National Day of Prayer event because he called Islam “evil.”

Apparently Franklin didn’t get the memo that we can’t say squat about Islam anymore. Oh, hell no. Muslims are groovy no matter what they do, and anyone who says otherwise … is … well … evil … in the eyes of the thought police who’re heading up the United States of Political Horse Smack.

Check it out: When Muslims kill 3,000 Americans, we can’t call them “wicked.” When they abuse women, cut off little girls’ clitorises, stone unruly wives, honor kill their teenage daughters for texting someone not named Achmed [sic], and keep precious women in stone-age bondage worldwide, we can’t say that’s BS because that might offend them. And God forbid we should offend folks who’re six bubbles off level and don’t get basic women’s rights.

I’m scratching a bald spot on the back of my head on this one because we won’t put up with that bollocks with any other people or religion except with Islam; they get a free pass. Yes, we’re being whipped into believing that we’re misjudging them even though the preponderance of historical evidence indicates that those who believe they’re bogus are spot on. Read on and comment >>> Doug Giles | Saturday, April 24, 2010

FOX NEWS: Franklin Graham Regrets Army's Decision to Rescind Invite to Pentagon Prayer Service: Evangelist Franklin Graham said Thursday that he regrets the Army's decision to rescind its invitation to him for the Pentagon's National Day of Prayer service on May 6, but expressed "strong support" for the U.S. military. >>> Updated: Thursday, April 22, 2010

VIDEO: The Violent Oppression of Women in Islam >>> (Viewer discretion is strongly advised)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Americans Blame Britain for Rise of Islamic Extremism

It’s true that Britain has failed to come to grips with the problem of Islam; and the British government should take the blame for this. However, these senior US policymakers who seem to think that only Britain has the problem are living in cloud-cuckoo-land.

It is also true that Muslims in America are rather better integrated (for the moment at least); but long-term, we ALL have a huge problem with Muslims living here in the West. Truth to tell, we should never have allowed so many Muslims in. Fact is, Prophet Muhammad exhorted his followers NOT to INTEGRATE with the infidel; so American Muslim or British, they are ALL a problem for us here in the West. And this is an undeniable fact also.

So don’t be so smug and naïve over there, Stateside. You’ll have your troubles, too. Just wait; they are a-comin’.
– © Mark

THE TELEGRAPH: Britain has been accused of being a “menace to the outside world” as American anger over the UK’s perceived failure to tackle Islamic extremism intensified.

Senior policymakers in the United States said the attempted suicide bomb attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who is thought to have become radicalised in London, was further evidence that one of the biggest threats to US security came from Britain, where the capital has been dubbed “Londonistan” by critics.

There was also criticism of the “ghettoisation” of British Muslims, compared with the “assimilation” of Muslims in America.

Muslim immigrants to the US were much better integrated in society and considered themselves Americans “within a generation” because the US embraced the “melting pot” concept, said Marc Thiessen, former chief speechwriter for President George W Bush and a former Pentagon aide.

“That doesn’t exist in Europe in the same way and particularly in Britain, which is a more socially stratified society than the US,” he said. “They live in Muslim ghettoes and feel alienated from the larger society and not accepted.” >>> Toby Harnden in Washington | Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Muslim, a Jihadi, Arrested Over Terror Plots in US

THE TELEGRAPH: Boston man arrested over terror plots in US and Iraq >>> | Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Airline Bomb Plot: A Reminder that Britain Is At War with Islamist Militants

THE TELEGRAPH: The conviction of three home-grown al-Qaeda terrorists who conspired to blow up seven transatlantic flights from the UK to the US and Canada underscores the savage and brutal nature of the enemy we are facing. The would-be Muslim suicide bombers planned to carry out the biggest terrorist atrocity since 9/11, which if executed would have claimed the lives of thousands of Britons and Americans. It would have been a mass slaughter of men, women and children by evil and barbaric fundamentalists driven by a belief in militant Islam and an intense hatred of the Judeo-Christian world and the values of liberty and freedom that underpin it.

The attempted airline terror attacks are a stark reminder that the West, and Britain and the United States in particular, is engaged in a global war against an Islamist enemy that seeks its destruction. These al-Qaeda operatives and their terror masters who planned to bring carnage to the skies over the Atlantic, targeted the Anglo-American alliance because it represents the central bulwark in the defence of the free world. It is no coincidence that al-Qaeda did not attempt to bomb flights out of Paris, Brussels or Berlin. They chose targets that symbolized the Special Relationship between their greatest enemies – the US and the UK, the two nations who are bearing the overwhelming burden in both blood and treasure in the battle to defeat Islamist terrorism.

These latest convictions at Woolwich Crown Court followed the successful conviction last year of the Muslim fanatic Mohammed Hamid – dubbed “Osama bin London” - who ran a series of British terror training camps. Unfortunately they represent just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the scale of the British-based terrorist threat. According to MI5 there are over 2,000 known terrorist suspects in the UK, with up to 200 terror networks in operation. There have been at least 15 major attempted terrorist attacks in Britain since 9/11, with over 1,200 terrorism-related arrests. >>> Nile Gardiner* | Monday, September 07, 2009

*Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. He appears frequently on American and British television and radio, including Fox News Channel, CNN, BBC, Sky News, and NPR.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Islamic Circle of North America Kicks Off Bus Ad Campaign

CBS5.COM: San Francisco – The Bay Area Chapter of the Islamic Circle of North America will launch a bus ad campaign in San Francisco on today to encourage people to break stereotypes about Muslims.

People can expect to see the hot line (877) WHY-ISLAM and the Web site on the sides of more than 140 buses because the ICNA wants to make a point.

"This is our complaint: We want to give the right picture of Islam. It is not about terrorism. It is about peace,'' ICNA representative Mariam Chan said.

Between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. eastern time, anyone can call the hot line with questions about Islam. The Web site also offers free brochures. Chan said a common misconception is that Muslims are terrorists.

"If one Muslim person is not right, don't blame Islam from the few number of presentations,'' Chan said. "So many Christians have problems. You would not say it's allowed in Christianity.''

The campaign is a national educational outreach program. The ICNA has also paid for billboards and other bus ads throughout the country to encourage a more authentic point of view on the faith.

The kick-off will take place near Justin Herman Plaza at 77 Steuart Street in San Francisco at 11 a.m. [Source:] Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>

Monday, February 02, 2009

Islamic Association Seeks to Teach Americans about the Quran

YEMEN OBSERVER: An Islamic Association in Oklahoma has presented an impressive idea for non-Muslims in America to learn more about the faith.

The organization began in 2003 after the unfortunate treatment by American soldiers of the Holy Koran in the Guantanamo Bay prison facility.

The association decided to teach Americans about Islam and Muslims, and they recently decided to print the Holy Quran in English. This English language version will come with explanations of the Holy verses, an introduction to Islam, the fundamental of Islam, and how to deal with Islam. This idea has yielded considerable success, and the organization has raised a lot of contributions from Muslims and non-Muslim Americans. The organization has said they have received many requests from non-Muslim Americans for a copy of the Holy Quran. [Source: Yemen Observer] Observer staff | Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hat tip: Dhimmi Watch >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>

Saturday, January 31, 2009

AIM* Congratulates First Muslim in Obama's Administration

INDIANMUSLIMS.INFO: New Delhi: Association of Indian Muslims in America (AIM) congratulated on January 29 Mr. Rashad Hussain whom the new US President Barrack Obama appointed on January 28 as Deputy Associate Counsel to President.

Washington DC based AIM represents a majority of Indian Muslims who live in US.

Kaleem Khwaja of AIM in his statement thanked Obama's brave step. AIM appreciated President Obama and said that he is trying to implement his campaign promise of bringing more diversity in the upper echelons of the US administration. It expressed its elite that the first high level Muslim appointed in Obama's administration is an Indian-Muslim.

Rashad Hussain, 30, is a lawyer born in US in 19789 [sic]. His parents migrated to US from India and live in Plano, Texas and now they are naturalized citizens. He earned his bachelor's degree in both philosophy and political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Master's degree in Public Administration and in Arabic & Islamic Studies from Harward University. He holds a law degree from Yale University. He received highest honors for his philosophy thesis, "Assessing the Theistic Implications of Big Bang Cosmological Theory."

Rashad Hussain recently served as a Trial Attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice. Prior to that, he was as a Law Clerk to Damon J. Keith on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

Rashad has worked extensively on Capitol Hill, the seat of the US Congress in Washington DC, both as an intern in the office of former US House of Representatives Democratic Party Leader Richard Gephardt in the summer of 2000, and as a legislative aide on the House Judiciary Committee, where he worked for a year and a half and reviewed legislation such as the USA Patriot Act. >>> Mudassir Rizwan | Friday, January 30, 2009

*Association of Indian Muslims of America (AIM) >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>

Monday, December 22, 2008

America on the Brink: Predictions

NEWS WITH VIEWS: Political Correctness and Freedom of Speech

The first thing that Socialists do when they gain power is try to silence free speech. Conservative Talk radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Laura Ingram, Lou Dobbs, etc. are already being criticized by “Progressives” in Congress. There is a serious effort underway right now to bring back a failed law, the oxymoronic "Fairness Doctrine," in a bold, open attempt to silence opposing political views. Internet news sites such as,,, and many others will be silenced along with talk radio. In order for darkness (lies) to prevail, light (truth) has to be snuffed out.

Public scrutiny and criticism of elected officials will be forbidden. Any person exposing political corruption will be labeled anti-government. If they persist in attempting to correct that political corruption, they will be called a terrorist! All police departments around the country will be required to have terrorist units.

[In a communist country of my birth I remember that one could criticize any capitalist country one wishes as long as it wasn't yours or another communist country. Criticism of any official brought police in black uniform to your door usually at night when everyone was asleep.]

Religious Persecution and Sharia Law

Traditional churches will be attacked by Socialists, Feminists and Homosexuals. Christians will increasingly be ridiculed and called bigots because of their religious beliefs. Church services will be regularly disrupted. Under pressure, many church leaders will give-in, capitulating for the sake of peace. They will give up their moral principles, or face the anti-discrimination laws that will be passed to force churches, organizations and people to comply with the immoral doctrines of the socialist, secular humanists.

Since Christians are extremely apathetic today anyway, Islam will begin to become “acceptable” as an alternative to Christianity in America. It’s already spreading like wildfire in America’s prisons. Islamic (religious) Sharia law has gained a foothold in Great Britain and other European countries, with little or no opposition from Christian leadership. Sharia Law is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution or America's concept of religious freedom. >>> By Paul Walter | Monday, December 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)