Showing posts with label George W Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George W Bush. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2012

British Peer Lord Ahmed Suspended after 'Offering £10m Bounty on Barack Obama and George Bush'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A controversial British peer has been suspended from the Labour Party amid reports that he offered a £10 million bounty for the capture of President Barack Obama and his predecessor President George W Bush.

Lord Ahmed, 53, who in 1998 became the first Muslim life peer, was reported to have made the comments at a conference in Haripur in Pakistan.

A Labour Party spokesman said: "We have suspended Lord Ahmed pending investigation. If these comments are accurate we utterly condemn these remarks which are totally unacceptable."

According to Pakistan's Express Tribune newspaper Lord Ahmed offered the bounty in response to a US action a week ago.

The US issued a $10 million reward for the capture of Pakistani militant leader Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, founder of the Lashkar-e-Taiba group, who it suspects of orchestrating the 2008 Mumbai attacks in which 166 people died as terrorists stormed hotels and a train station.

The British peer reportedly said: "'If the US can announce a reward of $10 million for the (capture) of Hafiz Saeed, I can announce a bounty of £10 million (for the capture of) President Obama and his predecessor, George Bush." Lord Ahmed reportedly said he would arrange the bounty at any cost, even if he had to sell his own personal assets including his house. »

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Amnesty International exhorte le Canada à arrêter George W. Bush

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: COUP D'ÉCLAT | L’accusant de "crimes", incluant la "torture", l'ONG Amnesty international appelle mercredi le Canada à arrêter l'ex-président américain Gerge W. Bush lors de sa visite du 20 octobre prochain.

Amnesty International a demandé mercredi aux autorités canadiennes d’arrêter et de poursuivre en justice l’ancien président américain George W. Bush, lors de sa visite au Canada prévue le 20 octobre, l’accusant de "crimes", notamment de "torture".

Cette demande est contenue dans un memorandum remis par l’organisation humanitaire internationale aux autorités canadiennes le 21 septembre, a indiqué Amnesty dans un communiqué.

"Le Canada est tenu par ses obligations internationales d’arrêter et de poursuivre en justice l’ancien président Bush, compte tenu de sa responsabilité dans des crimes contre le droit international, dont la torture", a déclaré Susan Lee, directeur d’Amnesty pour les Amériques. » | AFP | Mercredi 12 Octobre 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dubya Rakes in a Cool $15million on Speaking Circuit. Because He’s Worth It?

MAIL ONLINE: Former president George Bush has raked in a whopping $15 million since leaving the White House, it was claimed today.

Despite insisting he wanted to keep a low profile, Mr Bush has padded his bank account by making scores of speeches paying between $100,000 and $150,000 a time.

The ex-president has made a point of saying he was staying away from politics after retiring to Dallas, Texas.

He turned down an invitation from Barack Obama to attend a ceremony at Ground Zero after Osama bin Laden was killed because he wanted to remain out of the spotlight.

But, according to iWatchNews, Mr Bush made time for three speeches in the week after the 9/11 event.

He earned three six-figure paydays speaking to hedge fund executives in Las Vegas, the UBS Swiss bank in New York and a professional golf gathering in Florida.

In all, Mr Bush is estimated to have delivered as many as 140 paid talks at home and abroad.

Almost all of the speeches are closed to the press so they do not get widespread coverage. So much for the quiet life... George W Bush rakes in staggering $15million on speaking circuit » | David Gardner | Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Pannen in Obamas Bin-Laden-Show

DIE PRESSE: Der Versuch, die Tötung des Terrorpaten auszuschlachten, wird von Ungereimtheiten und Widersprüchen begleitet. Die Tatsache, dass Osama bin Laden unbewaffnet war, stürzt die US-Regierung in Verlegenheit.

56 Millionen Amerikaner sahen zu, als Präsident Barack Obama zu mitternächtlicher Stunde am Sonntag mit der Entschlossenheit des Oberbefehlshabers und im Duktus des Politikprofessors den größten Erfolg seiner Amtszeit verkündete. 24 Stunden später schnellten seine Umfragewerte bereits in die Höhe, von mageren 47 auf 56 Prozent. Fotos aus dem Situation Room des Weißen Hauses zeigten den Präsidenten und sein Team, wie sie mit der Kommandoaktion der Navy Seals im pakistanischen Abbottabad mitbangten. Bei dem Einsatz stand auch die Reputation der Regierung auf dem Spiel.

Jeder Präsident hätte den Triumph über die Tötung Osama bin Ladens, des Staatsfeindes Nummer eins, gebührend ausgeschlachtet. Ein Auftritt Barack Obamas im Beisein der Angehörigen von 9/11-Opfern auf dem „Ground Zero“, dem Krater des World Trade Center in New York, soll heute den glanzvollen Höhepunkt der PR-Strategie des Weißen Hauses markieren. Und was wäre staatsmännischer, als sich Schulter an Schulter mit George W. Bush über die innenpolitischen Gräben zu erheben und an die Einheit und die Größe der Nation zu appellieren? » | Vom Korrespondenten Thomas Vieregge | Mittwoch, 04. Mai 2011
Empire - The Long Search for Osama bin Laden

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

George W Bush 'Invited Son of Osama bin Laden to White House'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The son of Osama bin Laden has claimed he was invited to the White House in the final days of George W Bush's presidency in a last-ditch attempt to discover the whereabouts of the world's most wanted terrorist.

Omar bin Laden, the fourth son of the al-Qaeda leader, claims he received a visit from White House staff in January 2009 at his home in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

"They invited me to accompany them to the White House, offered to defend, help and protect me, on the condition that I helped them find my father," he told Spanish daily newspaper La Vanguardia, in an interview published on Monday.

But the 29-year-old said he refused because of filial duty. "I told them I was sorry but it wasn't something I could do. He is my father and I am his son, and as is the way the son must love and respect his father," he said, adding: "Even if in many cases a man may be against the ideas of his father."

But the son who was once groomed to take over from bin Laden later admitted that he had had no contact with his father for almost a decade. Read on and comment » | Fiona Govan, Madrid | Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Lies That Launched a War

The 2003 invasion of Iraq was sanctioned largely because of claims the country had weapons of mass destruction. The source of some of the alleged intelligence behind the claims was an Iraqi defector living in Germany, someone who has now admitted the evidence he submitted was false. Al Jazeera's Barnaby Phillips reports

Friday, March 04, 2011

Printemps arabe : une victoire de George Bush ?

LE POINT: En renversant Saddam Hussein, l'ancien président américain a-t-il semé les germes de la démocratie dans le monde arabe ?

L'expédition en Irak de George Bush aurait-elle permis la révolte actuelle du monde arabo-musulman ? Photo : Le Point

L'idée fait son chemin : George Bush aurait été un précurseur, peut-être même un visionnaire. Il voulait diffuser la démocratie à travers tout le grand Moyen-Orient, d'Alger à Karachi. L'expédition d'Irak devait constituer la première étape d'un ébranlement qui allait répandre les lumières à travers tout le monde arabo-musulman. L'entreprise a paru sombrer dans la triste réalité du chaos irakien et se noyer dans la colère suscitée entre Nil et Euphrate par l'intervention américaine dans l'ancienne Mésopotamie. Mais voici que ces jours-ci, les néo-conservateurs qui entouraient George Bush relèvent la tête. Et si, finalement, le printemps arabe leur apportait a posteriori une éclatante justification ? Si, au fond, la soif de liberté qui pousse les peuples à se révolter était la meilleure preuve de la justesse de leurs analyses ? L'argumentaire est séduisant, la dialectique subtile mais largement biaisée. >>> Par PIERRE BEYLAU, RÉDACTEUR EN CHEF DU SERVICE MONDE | Vendredi 04 Mars 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Saudi Arrested for Trying to Blow Up George Bush's Home Went to US as Student to 'Wage Jihad'

MAIL ONLINE: A Saudi national has been arrested in Texas after plotting to blow up the home of George W Bush.

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari is said to have come to America and bought chemicals and materials specifically to wage jihad on American soil and kill the former President.

In a case chillingly similar to Times Square bomb plotter Faisal Shahzad, who is now serving a life sentence, Aldawsari allegedly planned to place a bomb in heart of New York City during rush hour.

he chemical engineering student also allegedly planned to destroy dams, nuclear power plants and target three former U.S. soldiers who had worked at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Investigators monitoring the 20-year-old found he wrote a string of deranged blog postings demanding he be ‘granted martyrdom’.

It also emerged he had been planning such an attack since he was a child and had got good grades in school and won a scholarship so he could travel abroad to kill.

Aldawsari has been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and, if convicted, he could face the death penalty. Saudi man arrested for trying to blow up George W. Bush's home came to US as a student specifically to 'wage jihad' >>> Daniel Bates in New York | Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Monday, February 07, 2011

George Bush Issued Travel Warning by Human Rights Organisations

THE GUARDIAN: Former president vulnerable to 'torture' prosecution, says US group after Swiss trip cancelled amid protest and arrest threats

Human rights groups have vowed to track George W Bush round the world after their success in forcing him to cancel a trip to Switzerland amid concerns over protests and a threatened arrest warrant.

Katherine Gallagher, a lawyer with the New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights, said: "The reach of the convention against torture is wide. This case is prepared and will be waiting for him wherever he travels next.

"Torturers, even if they are former presidents of the United States, must be held to account and prosecuted."

Although Bush has travelled freely round the world since leaving the White House in January 2009, human rights groups believe he is vulnerable to prosecution after admitting in his autobiography last November that he authorised waterboarding and other interrogation techniques.

"Waterboarding is torture, and Bush has admitted, without any sign of remorse, that he approved its use," said Gallagher, who is also vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights.

Bush's staff, as well as US embassies around the world, will have to factor into their planning of future trips whether a country is a signatory to the convention on torture, as most countries are, which should at least theoretically trigger near-automatic action by legal authorities, and negotiate with governments to ensure there will be no arrest warrants. They will also seek assurances that Bush has diplomatic immunity. >>> Ewen MacAskill in Washington | Monday, February 07, 2011

Related >>>

Sunday, February 06, 2011

George W. Bush Cancels Visit to Swiss Charity Gala over Fears He Could Be Arrested on Torture Charges

MAIL ON SUNDAY: Former U.S. President George W. Bush has cancelled a visit to Switzerland over fears he could have been arrested on torture charges.

Mr Bush was due to be the keynote speaker at a Jewish charity gala in Geneva on February 12.

But pressure has been building on the Swiss government to arrest him and open a criminal investigation if he enters the country.

Criminal complaints against Mr Bush alleging torture have been lodged in Geneva, court officials said.

Human rights groups said they had intended to submit a 2,500-page case against him in the Swiss city tomorrow for alleged mistreatment of suspected militants at Guantanamo Bay.

Left-wing groups have also called for a protest on the day of his visit, leading organisers at Keren Hayesod's annual dinner to cancel Mr Bush's participation on security grounds.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch and International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) said the cancellation was linked to growing moves told him accountable for the use of torture, including waterboarding.

He had admitted in his memoirs and TV interviews to ordering the use of the interrogation technique which simulates drowning.

Reed Brody, a lawyer for Human Rights Watch, said: 'He's avoiding the handcuffs.' >>> | Sunday, February 06, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thursday, November 11, 2010

David Cameron*: Waterboarding Does Not Save Lives

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: David Cameron has flatly contradicted George W Bush and said he does not believe that waterboarding, the controversial interrogation technique, saves lives.

The British prime minister, speaking at the G20 summit in South Korea, repeated the official British line that torture was wrong, and he went further, attacking policies pursued by the Bush administration on the detention and treatment of prisoners which he said had helped to radicalise people and made the West "less safe".

Mr Bush memoirs, which were published this week, asserted strongly that the waterboarding of prisoners had averted huge terrorist attacks on key London targets. The former US president also said that he did not believe that waterboarding constituted torture. >>> Andrew Porter in Seoul | Thursday, November 11, 2010

* This man is turning out to be a naïve fool! – Mark

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Amnesty International fordert Anklage von George W. Bush: Einsatz von Waterboarding gegen einen Terrorverdächtigen erlaubt

NZZ ONLINE: Amnesty International hat die Anklage des früheren US-Präsidenten George W. Bush wegen seiner Anordnung zum Einsatz von Waterboarding gegen einen Terrorverdächtigen verlangt.

Die Regierung von Präsident Obama sei verpflichtet, strafrechtliche Schritte gegen Bush zu unternehmen, nachdem dieser sich in seinem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Memoiren zu dem Einsatz der umstrittenen Verhörmethode bekannte, sagte der Vertreter von Amnesty International, Rob Freer, am Dienstag. >>> sda/afp | Mittwoch, 10. November 2010

Matthew Norman: How did this wastrel ever find his way to the White House? : It takes a certain minimal intelligence for the truly dim to have a notion of their own dimness, but this is denied George Bush. He has the self-awareness of a bison >>> | Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Ex-President George W. Bush Rips Wisdom of Barack Obama, Sarah Palin and John McCain to Friends

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: WASHINGTON - Two years of retirement haven't dulled George W. Bush's political zest - and President Obama and Sarah Palin are among his under-the-radar targets.

The 43rd President has told friends the ex-Alaska governor isn't qualified to be President and criticizes Arizona Sen. John McCain for putting Palin on the 2008 GOP ticket and handing her a national platform.

"Naming Palin makes Bush think less of McCain as a man," a Republican official familiar with Bush's thinking told the Daily News.

"He thinks McCain ran a lousy campaign with an unqualified running mate and destroyed any chance of winning by picking Palin."

As he prepares for the Tuesday launch of his memoir, "Decision Points," Bush scrupulously gives his successor a public pass - a statesmanlike stance urged by his father, President George H. W. Bush.

"I want my President to succeed because if my President succeeds my country succeeds, and I want my country to succeed," Bush typically says when asked about Obama.

"He won't call Obama by name but he won't trash him," a confidant noted, referring to Bush's comments in post-presidency speaking appearances, which have netted him millions, often at $100,000 or more a pop.

Still, he thinks Obama has failed as a President - a judgment supported by this week's robust Republican gains. >>> Thomas M. Defrank, Daily News Washington Bureau Chief | Friday, November 05, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tender Moments, Bush-style! A US-Canadian Love-in!


Check it out here

Monday, July 12, 2010

Erasing the George W. Bush Administration Online

DANIEL PIPES: Here's a pet peeve: Through eight years of the two George W. Bush administrations, I linked hundreds of times to White House and Department of State documents, plus less frequently to other U.S. government departments and agencies. I made efforts to link to original documents (and not news articles, much less blogs) because, having earned a Ph.D. in history, I value primary sources.

I assumed during those years that the documents, being part of the U.S. government's permanent record, would remain available so long as the government and the internet were functioning – in other words, a long time.

I assumed wrong. On coming to office, the Obama administration in an instant removed thousands (millions?) of pages, abruptly making dead and useless all those links to the prior administration's work. Latterly I learned that the Bush administration pulled this same trick against its Clinton predecessor. Finish reading and comment >>> Daniel Pipes | Friday, June 25, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

George W Bush's Daughter Supports Barack Obama's Health Care Legislation

THE TELEGRAPH: Barbara Bush, one of George W Bush's daughters has admitted that she supported President Barack Obama's health care legislation.

Bush twins Barbara and Jenna Bush. Photo: The Telegraph

In the latest example of a member of the former Republican president's family disagreeing with his key policies, Miss Bush, 28, said health care should be a right for everyone, not a privilege.

"Why do, basically, people with money have good health care and why do people who live on lower salaries not have good health care?" she said on Fox News.

"Obviously the health care reform bill was highly debated by a lot of people, and I'm glad the bill was passed," she said.

During the debate over the bill last year, her father, whose government made no effort to reform health care despite steeply rising costs, said he was worried that reform would encourage government to supersede the private sector in proving health insurance. The bill was opposed by every Republican in Congress. >>> Alex Spillius in Washington | Monday, June 14, 2010