Showing posts with label Franco-US relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Franco-US relations. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hollande-Obama, tandem transatlantique

Michelle Obama, François Hollande et Barack Obama, le 11
février, lors du dîner d'État organisé à la Maison Blanche
en l'honneur du chef de l'État français
LE FIGARO: La visite d'État à Washington a permis de souder deux présidents qui ont besoin l'un de l'autre en diplomatie.

Entre la chaleur de l'accueil, les fastes du dîner d'État et les éloges appuyés d'Obama à l'exemplarité du couple franco-américain en matière de coopération diplomatique et militaire, la visite de Washington aura été une bouffée d'oxygène pour François Hollande, loin des tracas de la politique française et de ses records d'impopularité. » | Par Laure Mandeville | mercredi 12 février 2014

LE FIGARO: Magie, amitié, caviar et bœuf aux échalotes, au menu du dîner d'État : François Hollande a été accueilli en grande pompe par le couple Obama, lors d'une réception à la Maison-Blanche mardi soir. » | Correspondante à Washington | Par Laure Mandeville, Rosa Chevassu | mercredi 12 février 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hollande Given Warm US Welcome amid Questions of a New 'relation spéciale'

US president Barack Obama and French president François
Hollande during a welcoming ceremony at the White House
THE GUARDIAN: Journalists ask Obama whether Britain is out as main object of American affection during press conference with French leader

The nuance may have been lost in translation, but there was no mistaking the diplomatic love-in that came to rescue of beleaguered French president François Hollande on his state visit to Washington.

So warm was the welcome by a US president still grateful for support over Syria, that one French journalist asked whether l’Hexagone had now replaced Britain as the main object of American affection.

“I have two daughters who are both gorgeous and wonderful, and that’s how I feel about my outstanding European partners,” replied a flustered Obama, still trying out his pronunciation of President “Hoolong”.

Sensing diplomatic triumph, and possible German envy, Hollande quickly replied that he had four children, before reminding his hosts that the British had once sought to hang American revolutionaries from the nearest rope.

Not even American jokes about the awkwardness of earlier French exchange trips could temper the “rapprochement” during their hour-long joint press conference. Read on and comment » | Dan Roberts in Washington |Tuesday, February 11, 2014

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Barack Obama refuses to say whether France has overtaken Britain as America's closest ally: I can no more pick between Paris and London than I can pick between Malia and Sasha, says president » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Tuesday, February 11, 2014