Showing posts with label Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brown. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Libyan Ultimatum

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Despite denials, talk persists of pressure and plots behind the freeing of the Lockerbie bomber

They are expecting a magnificent party in Tripoli a week on Tuesday when Libya marks the 40th year in power of Muammar Gadaffi and pays tribute to the deft diplomatic footwork of Saif al-Islam, his son.

The only man convicted for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988 is finally home; and the suave, shaven-headed Saif, whose name means “sword of Islam”, is credited with a key role in making it happen.

An agreement struck long ago between Tony Blair and Gadaffi had threatened to fall apart with potentially catastrophic consequences for Britain: it has emerged that Libya threatened to freeze diplomatic relations if Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, said to be suffering from cancer, was not released under a prisoner transfer agreement with Libya.

In the end, he was freed by Scotland on “compassionate” grounds and escorted home to Tripoli by Saif, who thrust Megrahi’s hand into the air as they came down the steps of Gadaffi’s airliner to a hero’s welcome that has outraged the families of Lockerbie’s victims.

Yesterday the protests were undimmed, but the official responses were evasive — unsurprisingly, because behind Megrahi’s release lie weeks of intrigue between Westminster, Tripoli, Edinburgh and Washington.

Apart from the unfortunate Lockerbie families, everyone seems to have got what they wanted. Gadaffi and his son have their man. Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish justice secretary, who signed the release order, has burnished his humanitarian credentials. Gordon Brown has preserved Britain’s politically and economically valuable new relationship with Libya while avoiding any blame for the release. And American politicians have been able to bluster in protest while exercising none of their considerable clout to stop it happening.

The whole exercise reeks of realpolitik and moral evasion.

The reality is that Megrahi’s freedom is a product of the effort to bring Libya out of dangerous isolation. This is as much to America’s advantage as Britain’s, but Washington has too much baggage to be openly involved; it bombed Libya in 1986 in punishment for supporting terrorism, and Gadaffi remains a bogeyman to many Americans. So Britain takes the lead — except when it can devolve the dirty work onto a Scottish politician. >>> Matthew Campbell | Sunday, August 23, 2009

Monday, November 12, 2007

Brown Warns Iran

THE TELEGRAPH: Gordon Brown has stepped up the pressure on Iran by warning that sanctions would soon be placed on oil and gas companies and financiers wanting to invest there.

In his first major foreign policy speech, the Prime Minister warned Iran that it had to comply with non-proliferation rules on nuclear weapons or face further consequences. He once again refused to rule out military intervention.

He also urged Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf to release political prisoners immediately and lift restrictions on the media, but stopped short of calling for Commonwealth action to be taken against the country.

In a speech to the Lord Mayor's Banquet in London, Mr Brown said: "Iran has a choice - confrontation with the international community leading to a tightening of sanctions or, if it changes its approach and ends support for terrorism, a transformed relationship with the world." Brown warns Iran of investment sanctions (more) By Andrew Porter

Mark Alexander

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Enge Beziehung zwischen London und Washington wird unter Druck kommen

SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: Großbritanniens designierter Premierminister Gordon Brown will Zeitungsangaben zufolge eine Kehrtwende in der Irak-Politik vollziehen und die britischen Soldaten rasch abziehen. Die Position der USA dürfte damit stark geschwächt werden.

US-Präsident George W. Bush sei von Beratern gewarnt worden, dass der Nachfolger von Tony Blair bereit sei, die traditionell besonders engen Beziehungen zwischen London und Washington durch einen baldigen Abzug der bislang noch 7100 britischen Soldaten zu gefährden, berichtete die konservative Zeitung The Sunday Telegraph. Panik im Weißen Haus (mehr)

Bush gets ready for Iraq U-turn by Brown

Mark Alexander