Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tories ‘Never Really Recovered from Brexit’ and Left Them ‘Divided’ | Andrew Neil

Jun 25, 2024 | "It divided them, drained them of energy, diverted them from getting on with other things." Andrew Neil says the Conservative party "never really recovered from Brexit" and are still dealing with its consequences during this election campaign.

As my regular visitors will know, I have been saying since the very beginning that, because of Brexit, the Tories deserve to go into oblivion, and in all probably will end up there too, just like the Whigs before them.

The Tories deserve nothing less than the fate of the dodo for their destruction of the UK economy, their creation os such poverty, and their destruction of UK communities, and their creation of a ‘them and us’ culture — a culture of the haves and have-nots, with the haves being able to reach for the stars and the have-nots being thrown into the abyss. – © Mark Alexander