Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Islamic Culture Not Compatible with European Values: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni | Reupload

Dec 18, 2023 | Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni may have just touched a raw nerve with a loaded comment about Islam at a far-right gathering in her country. According to various media reports, Meloni's potentially explosive observation came at a political event held by the far-right Brothers of Italy in Rome, where she reportedly said that "there is no place for Islamic culture in Europe".

On this matter, Giorgia Meloni is absolutely right, and she should be respected for having the courage to state this hard fact: Islamic culture and Western culture are totally and utterly immiscible. This combination will never work. One culture will win out in the end; and it will be the culture that is the stronger and the culture that gives birth to the most babies. Enough said! Western governments can pass all the laws they want to shut their citizens up, but those laws won’t change a thing. Facts are facts. Moreover, Islam is a proselytizing religion which will get its own way by fair means or foul. – © Mark Alexander