Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I Went Looking for the Few Remaining Tory Voters. They Don’t Want Farage, but They Don’t Want Sunak either

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: Even lifelong Conservative voters seem tired of the Tories. Signs are pointing to a total party collapse

Who are the people who will still vote Tory? True, there are not many left, but a solid core of 20% of the population will opt for more of the same, the lowest percentage in polling history, says Prof John Curtice. That many still seem willing to re-elect those who did such national damage is, to put it politely, perplexing.

Do they really back the exceptionally mean-spirited and squalid bribery of their party’s prospectus? Well, the great majority have better things to do than read manifestos. But go out and talk to ordinary Tory voters and you find their state of mind out of tune with their party’s hierarchy. That’s why most traditional Tories have fled, ignored by the manifesto writers who press on with deeper cuts to collapsing public services, adding to the 4.3 million children going hungry. » | Polly Toynbee | Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Any party that allows children to be raised in poverty, regardless of the party’s political stripe or hue, deserves to go the way of the dodo. There is absolutely no excuse for allowing the nation’s children to go hungry in this day and age. None whatsoever! If the Tories are able to look after their superrich buddies and chums — and they have a long history of doing that — then they are jolly well able to look after the nation’s children, too. The time has come for the Tories to be taught a painful lesson! — © Mark Alexander