Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Jeremy Hunt: Liz Truss Economic Plans Were ‘Good Thing to Aim for’

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Leaked recordings reveal chancellor ‘trying to achieve some of the same things’ as former prime minister

Jeremy Hunt said Liz Truss’s economic ambitions were a “good thing to aim for” and her disastrous mini-budget hadn’t left an impact on the economy, according to two leaked recordings obtained by the Guardian.

The chancellor was recorded at a meeting of students when he said he was “trying to basically achieve some of the same things” as the former prime minister, but that he was doing it “more gradually”. » | Jessica Elgot and Aletha Adu | Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Of ducks and clowns… If it looks like a clown, walks like a clown and talks like a clown, then it just may be a clown! – Mark Alexander