Tuesday, May 03, 2022

As the US Supreme Court Moves to End Abortion, Is America Still a Free Country?

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: There is no condition more essential to democratic citizenship than a person’s control over her own body. We can’t call ourselves a free country without it

‘This will make women prisoners to their own bodies, and to men’s ideas of what those bodies must mean. It will make our country weaker, crueler, stupider and less vibrant.’ Photograph: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

It’s the worst possible outcome: according to a draft majority opinion published by Politico, the US supreme court has voted to overturn Roe v Wade, along with its sister decision Planned Parenthood v Casey. This momentous ruling will result in abortion becoming immediately illegal in an estimated 26 states when it is officially issued, likely sometime next month.

The draft opinion, authored by Samuel Alito, the most rabidly hateful member of the court’s archconservative wing, will upend 50 years of precedent and undo a landmark ruling that has profoundly shaped legal doctrine, popular conceptions of the law, and millions of American lives. It will make women prisoners to their own bodies, and to men’s ideas of what those bodies must mean. It will make our country weaker, crueler, stupider and less vibrant. » | Moira Donegan | Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Etats-Unis : un projet de décision de la Cour suprême qui supprimerait le droit à l’avortement a fuité : Le site « Politico » révèle que ce projet, encore en discussion, écraserait la décision dite Roe v. Wade (1973), qui avait accordé le droit à l’avortement en 1973, et renverrait à chaque Etat la possibilité d’adopter sa loi. »

La Cour Suprême américaine tentée de revenir sur le droit à l'avortement : Selon le journal Politico, qui s'appuie sur une fuite inédite de documents, la plus haute institution judiciaire des États-Unis s'apprêterait à annuler l'arrêt historique de 1973 qui garantit ce droit. »

What it’s like to live in a country with a near total ban on abortion: As the US teeters on the brink of outlawing abortion, an expert from Poland explains the practical and emotional consequences of such a ban »