Saturday, February 23, 2019

How Much of a Problem Is Anti-Semitism in Europe? l Inside Story

French President Emmanuel Macron introduced a bill this week that would make anti-Zionism a criminal offence. Anti-Semitism, hostility and prejudice directed against Jewish people, is already illegal in France.

Anti-Zionism, opposition to the state of Israel, could now follow. Elsewhere in Europe, 12 MPs resigned from their parties in the UK, citing the failure to deal with anti-Semitism as one of the reasons. The EU says hate speech and harassment are becoming the new norm. So why are Jewish people being singled out?

Presenter: Hoda Abdelhamid | Guests Yossi Mekelburg, professor in International Relations at Regent's University; Michal Bilewicz, Chair at the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw; Hugo Drochon, Political Theorist at the University of Nottingham