Friday, July 29, 2016

Merkel Must Go! Germans Plan ‘Huge’ Demonstration over Leader’s Open-door Asylum Policy

EXPRESS: GERMAN activists are planning to hold a “huge” protest in Berlin tomorrow against Angela Merkel’s open door asylum policy.

Thousands are expected to gather in the capital’s historic Washington Square for an anti-immigration rally, where they will be addressed by right-wing politicians. News of the gathering is being spread under the hashtag #Merkelmussweg - meaning Merkel must go - which has been used more than 1,500 times in 24 hours reaching hundreds of thousands of people.

Police are preparing for crowds of around 5,000 people from across the country to gather in the capital city from 3pm, with counter-demonstrations by anti-fascist groups also expected.

The march is being organised by a coalition of anti-immigrant groups in Germany, where fears have been stoked by a succession of terrorist attacks carried out by refugees. » | Nick Gutteridge | Friday, July 29, 2016