Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hungary Taunts Merkel over Terror and Says 'Our Problem Is Not in Mecca, But in Brussels'

EXPRESS: THE BITTER divisions ripping the European Union apart intensified today as Hungary launched an eviscerating attack on Brussels over migration and taunted Angela Merkel for failing to protect German people from Islamist terror.

In an astonishingly savage tirade the country’s leader Viktor Orban described the EU elite as serial “failures” and openly goaded struggling western European nations, describing them as “stagnated and incapable of change”.

The hardline Prime Minister called for a radical overhaul of the European project, decrying the growing loss of sovereignty to Brussels as a disaster and “one of the greatest threats in Europe today”.

And he issued a stunning rebuke to Mrs Merkel on migration, blaming recent terror attacks on the mas influx of refugees and saying Hungary no longer looked up to its near neighbour as a paragon of stability and common sense. » | Nick Gutteridge | Wednesday, July 27, 2016