Monday, November 04, 2013

Germany 'Should Offer Edward Snowden Asylum after NSA Revelations'

THE GUARDIAN: Writing in Der Spiegel, more than 50 high-profile Germans add to increasing calls for Berlin to welcome NSA whistleblower

An increasing number of public figures are calling for Edward Snowden to be offered asylum in Germany, with more than 50 asking Berlin to step up it support of the US whistleblower in the new edition of Der Spiegel magazine[.]

Heiner Geissler, the former general secretary of Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats, says in the appeal: "Snowden has done the western world a great service. It is now up to us to help him."

The writer and public intellectual Hans Magnus Enzensberger argues in his contribution that "the American dream is turning into a nightmare" and suggests that Norway would be best placed to offer Snowden refuge, given its track record of offering political asylum to Leon Trotsky in 1935. He bemoans the fact that in Britain, "which has become a US colony", Snowden is regarded as a traitor.

Other public figures on the list include the actor Daniel Brühl, the novelist Daniel Kehlmann, the entrepreneur Dirk Rossmann, the feminist activist Alice Schwarzer and the German football league president, Reinhard Rauball.

The weekly news magazine also publishes a "manifesto for truth", written by Snowden, in which the former NSA employee warns of the danger of spy agencies setting the political agenda. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Sunday, November 03, 2013

SPIEGEL ONLINE: NSA-Affäre: US-Politiker wollen Snowden keine Gnade gewähren: "Wer die Wahrheit ausspricht, begeht kein Verbrechen", sagt Edward Snowden. Doch das Weiße Haus und der US-Geheimdienstausschuss teilen diese Meinung offensichtlich nicht - und sprechen sich gegen eine Begnadigung des ehemaligen Geheimdienstmitarbeiters aus. » | sun/AP/AFP | Sonntag, 03. November 2013