Thursday, November 18, 2010

Liberté religieuse: un rapport américain égratigne la Suisse

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: ETATS-UNIS | La Suisse, avec d'autres pays d'Europe, est citée dans le rapport publié mercredi par le département américain d’Etat sur les atteintes contre les libertés religieuses dans le monde.

Mercredi a paru le rapport publié par le département américain d’Etat sur les atteintes contre les libertés religieuses dans le monde. Comme chaque année pratiquement, cette étude officielle classe la Corée du Nord, l’Iran, la Birmanie, la Chine, le Soudan ou encore l’Arabie saoudite parmi les pays où les libertés religieuses sont les moins respectées.

Mais «plusieurs pays européens ont imposé de sévères restrictions à l’expression religieuse», a relevé mercredi la secrétaire d’Etat, Hillary Clinton.

«Les blessures persistantes provoquées par l’intolérance et la méfiance», a-t-elle ajouté, peuvent être aussi préjudiciables pour la liberté religieuse que les actes de gouvernements autoritaires ou de groupes extrémistes. >>> ATS | Jeudi 18 Novembre 2010

Clinton Critical of Religious Freedom in Europe

YAHOO! NEWS: WASHINGTON – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized Wednesday the state of religious freedom in Europe, as Washington highlighted policies and attitudes toward Muslim veils and Islam as a whole.

"Several European countries have placed harsh restrictions on religious expression," Clinton said, without elaborating as she unveiled the State Department's report on international religious freedom for the last year.

Her assistant secretary for human rights, Michael Posner, cited France's ban on wearing the niqab and other face coverings in public places and a Swiss motion passed last year that bans building new minarets.

Both measures have been criticized as intolerant moves stigmatizing Europe's growing Muslim population.

Posner acknowledged "growing sensitivity and tension in Europe" over Islam.

"What we are urging our European friends to do is to take every measure to try to alleviate that tension," he added.

The different attitudes toward Muslims in Europe and the United States are the source of frequent tensions and misunderstandings between both sides of the Atlantic.

"We have gone to court in the United States to enforce the right of Muslim women and girls to wear a burqa, and on the streets, in schools, et cetera," said Posner.

"That's our position. It's a position we articulate when we talk to our European friends." >>> AFP | Wednesday, November 17, 2010

For God’s sake, Hillary, STOP POLICING the world! You ruin America if you want to; we’ll try and save Europe if we can. By the way, why do you think America is hated by so many around the world? It is precisely because you interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Learn your lesson; and soon! I believe that you've got enough on your plate sorting out the mess over there. Concentrate on sorting that out first! – © Mark