Sunday, October 24, 2010

Al-Kaida ruft zu Anschlägen in den USA und Europa auf

KRONE: Ein amerikanischer Sprecher des Terrornetzwerks Al-Kaida hat Muslime zu Anschlägen in den USA und Europa aufgerufen. In einem Video, das am Samstag auf einer von Extremisten betriebenen Internetseite veröffentlicht wurde, richtet sich Adam Gadahn (Bild) an Einwanderer islamischen Glaubens in den "erbärmlichen Vororten" von Paris, London und Detroit sowie an Gaststudenten und -arbeiter. >>> | Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010

Video Tells Muslims to Attack U.S., Europe

FORT WAYNE JOURNAL GAZETTE: CAIRO – A U.S.-born al-Qaida spokesman on Saturday urged Muslims living in the United States and Europe to carry out attacks there.

In a 48-minute video posted on militant websites, Adam Gadahn directed his appeal to Muslim immigrants in what he called the “miserable suburbs” of Paris, London and Detroit, as well as those in the West for study or work.

“It is the duty of everyone who is sincere in his desire to defend Islam and Muslims today, to take the initiative to perform the individual obligation of jihad ... by striking the Zio-Crusader interests,” he said, referring to Western and Jewish interests.

Gadahn, who has been hunted by the FBI since 2004, also sought to discredit attempts by moderate Muslim leaders to suppress the “jihadi awakening.”

He spoke in Arabic in the video, which was made available by the U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist activity. [Source: FWJG] Associated Press | Sunday, October 24, 2010