Friday, July 23, 2010

Carl Paladino: I'd Use Eminent Domain To Block Ground Zero Mosque

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: If elected governor, WNY's Carl Paladino vows in a new radio ad that he'd use the eminent domain laws to stop the construction of a controversial Islamic center/mosque near Ground Zero.

(I'm not sure he could actually do that, by the way, but I'm looking into it.)

Paladino says sure he can, and instead of a mosque, the site should be a war memorial.
"I've been driving land-use issues for 40 years, and I understand the full powers of the governor. If the ACLU or anyone else wants to challenge me in court, I'm ready for the fight," he said in a campaign statement.

"Andrew Cuomo supports the mosque. He says it is about religious freedom and he says the mosque construction should proceed. I say it is disrespectful to the thousands who died on 9-11 and their families, insulting to the thousands of troops who've been killed or injured in the ensuing wars and an affront to American people. And it must be stopped."
>>> Celeste Katz | Thursday, July 22, 2010