Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Richard Williamson 'Unrepentant' Over Holocaust Denial

THE TELEGRAPH: Richard Williamson, the Catholic Bishop soon to face trial in Germany on charges of denying the Holocaust, is apparently unrepentant, allegedly telling colleagues recently it was a "huge lie" that six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis.

The notorious English bishop also allegedly told colleagues from his ultraconservative brotherhood that "a completely new world order" had been built on the "fact" that Jews were systematically gassed in concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor.

Jews, he added, had become "ersatz saviours thanks to the concentration camps," according to a report in German news magazine Der Spiegel.

"The fact is that the six million people who were supposedly gassed represent a huge lie," it is claimed he wrote to fellow members of the Society of St. Pius X.

In a separate email, he is said to have written that "1.3 million deported people" were not gassed in the Treblinka, Majdanek, Belzec and Sobibor concentration camps as historians claim, but were rather transported to the Soviet Union.

Williamson is due to face court in the southern German city of Regensburg on April 16 over allegedly Holocaust-denying remarks he made to Swedish television in January last year. >>> David Wroe in Berlin | Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Piusbruderschaft: Williamson leugnet weiter den Holocaust

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Unbelehrbarer Bischof: Auch ein Jahr nach seiner Holocaust-Leugnung hält der Brite Richard Williamson nach SPIEGEL-Informationen an seinen umstrittenen Thesen fest. Aus Mails der erzkonservativen Piusbruderschaft geht hervor, dass Williamson "die sechs Millionen Vergasten" für "eine Riesenlüge" hält.

Hamburg - Bischof Richard Williamson bestreitet weiter den Holocaust. Während seine erzkonservative Piusbruderschaft direkt mit Papst Benedikt XVI. über Glaubensfragen verhandelt, bleibt der Brite uneinsichtig.

Vor einem Jahr hatte Williamson die katholische Kirche durch seine Ansichten in eine tiefe Krise gestürzt. Aus internen E-Mails der erzkonservativen Piusbruderschaft geht nach SPIEGEL-Informationen hervor, dass Williamson "die sechs Millionen Vergasten" nach wie vor für "eine Riesenlüge" hält. >>> | Samstag, 30. Januar 2010

Bishop Richard Williamson: Holocaust-denial