Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cheney Orders 'Dithering' Obama to 'Do What It Takes to Win' in Afghanistan

MAIL ONLINE: Dick Cheney has emerged from the shadows once again to attack Barack Obama's Afghanistan strategy.

The former vice president accused Mr Obama of 'dithering' over a troop surge and urged him to 'do what it takes to win'.

He also claimed that the strategy Mr Obama announced in March bore a 'striking resemblance' to a secret review of the war conducted by the Bush administration as part of the presidential transition.

''Make no mistake. Signals of indecision out of Washington hurt our allies and embolden our adversaries,' Mr Cheney said last night while accepting an award from a conservative national security group, the Center for Security Policy.

Mr Cheney disputed claims by White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel that the Bush administration had been adrift concerning the war in Afghanistan.

Mr Emanuel said the Obama administration had to start from the beginning to develop a strategy for the eight-year-old war.

To the contrary, Mr Cheney said, the Bush administration undertook its own review of the war before leaving office and presented its findings to Mr Obama's transition team.

'They asked us not to announce our findings publicly, and we agreed, giving them the benefit of our work and the benefit of the doubt,' Mr Cheney said.

The strategy Mr Obama announced in March bore a 'striking resemblance' to what the Bush administration review had found, the vice president said. >>> | Thursday, October 22, 2009