Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Netanyahu Stands Firm Against Demands from Barack Obama

THE TELEGRAPH: Israel stood firm against demands from Barack Obama on Monday to cease the construction of Jewish settlements and embrace the "two-state solution" to achieving peace in the Middle East.

Barack Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office. Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, in his first meeting with the US president, made it clear that while he welcomed Mr Obama's commitment to the region, he was more concerned about dealing with the threat of Iran than peace talks.

Mr Obama was unable to secure any commitments on ceasing the construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank or embracing the "two-state solution" to achieving peace in the Middle East.

Sitting side by side in the White House, the two leaders hailed the friendship between their two countries but remained far apart on how to proceed towards a resolution of the 60-year conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. >>> By Alex Spillius in Washington | Monday, May 18, 2009