Sunday, May 31, 2009

Britons Are Just a Bunch of Barbarians!

'Barbarians': Jeremy Paxman speaking at the Hay on Wye Festival. Photo courtesy of MailOnline

MAIL Online: TV presenter Jeremy Paxman says Britons are a 'bunch of barbarians' - for watching so much television.

The Newsnight and University Challenge star made the astonishing attack last night on the very people whose viewing habits provide him with his living.

Appearing at the Hay on Wye Festival, Paxman could not hide his contempt for the British love of TV viewing.

He was at the festival to speak about his passion for Victorian art and it was the final question he received from the audience that sparked off his vitriolic rant.

A woman questioned him about why so few people visit art galleries in Britain these days and asked if he thought fuller explanations of paintings on the walls alongside them would bring in more visitors.

Paxman, who had been telling the audience how hugely popular paintings and art galleries were in Victorian times, replied: 'I think the basic problem is that we are a bunch of Barbarians, really.

'It is immensely depressing. Watching TV is the most popular leisure activity in this country now. I find this very depressing. Very depressing indeed. TV Presenter Jeremy Paxman Brands Britons 'Barbarians' for Watching Too Much Television>>> | Sunday, Mail 31, 2009