Monday, February 11, 2008

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Seeks Protection in France

ASSOCIATED PRESS: PARIS (AP) — Former Dutch lawmaker Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the target of death threats over her criticism of radical Islam, said she has asked France to grant her citizenship because she cannot be assured of protection back home.

"I would be very honored and grateful if I were to become a French citizen, and the question of my protection could be resolved once and for all," Somali-born Hirsi Ali said Sunday on France-2 television. Hirsi Ali Seeks French Citizenship >>>

Brussel’s Urged to Fund Hirsi Ali’s Security

Ayaan Hirsi Ali in Search of Protection in Europe

Bernard-Henri Levy Argues that Europe Can't Let Ayaan Hirsi Ali Leave

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)