Friday, November 30, 2007

Iran: Sanctions Won’t Stop Atomic Work

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YNET NEWS: EU envoy says meeting with Iranian negotiator Jalili on Iran's nuclear program was 'disappointing'; Jalili says demand that Iran halt works 'unacceptable'

The European Union said it was disappointed after talks with Iran Friday seen as a last chance to avert US pressure for tougher international sanctions over Tehran's disputed atomic program.

The absence of a breakthrough at the London talks means six world powers meeting in Paris on Saturday will try to agree on new penalties to propose to the United Nations, despite differences in their approach to halting Iran's nuclear program.

"I have to admit that after five hours of meetings I expected more. I am disappointed," EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana told reporters, adding he would meet Iran's negotiator Saeed Jalili again before the end of December.

Jalili told reporters after the meeting it was "unacceptable" to demand Iran halt its uranium enrichment program and that any new UN sanctions would fail to prevent Tehran from pursuing its atomic work.

"If some countries want to use the UN Security Council and its resolutions to stop Iran's atomic work, surely they will not be successful," Jalili said. >>>

Mark Alexander