Saturday, December 01, 2007

Why Doesn’t ‘New Labour’ Ban Breathing, and Have Done with It? Another Step Towards Total Control of the People, Another Step Towards a Police State

What they should ban is corruption in politics!

THE TELEGRAPH: Drivers could find themselves over the legal alcohol threshold after a single drink under plans being drawn up by the Government to lower the drink drive limit.

Police could also be given powers to stop and breathalyse drivers at random, even if their driving gives no cause for concern.

A Department for Transport consultation to be launched in the New Year is set to propose reducing the legal blood-alcohol limit for driving by almost half.

It is thought that the limit could be cut from 80mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood to 50mg. The 80mg limit allows a man of average height and weight to drink as many as four units of alcohol, or two pints of normal-strength beer, and still remain within the law. Women can drink three units, the equivalent of a large glass of average strength wine.

Cutting the limit to 50mg could put drivers over the limit after one strong pint of lager or a glass of wine.

A reduction would bring Britain into line with most other European countries. One drink may put you over the limit >>> By James Kirkup

Mark Alexander