Länder wollen Ausnahmeregelungen für Bierzelte oder Eckkneipen
Ein einheitliches Rauchverbot in deutschen Gaststätten wird es vorerst nicht geben. Die Ministerpräsidenten der Bundesländer einigten sich darauf, dass Ausnahmen möglich sein sollten. So soll in kleinen Kneipen weiterhin gequalmt werden dürfen. Löchriges deutsches Rauchverbot
Mark Alexander
on a German theme, mark, did you check pi lately?
Duh! What on earth is "pi"? Please explain.
P.I., with J.S and A.J. etc.
Article 21st. march.
I'm still none the wiser. Which article on 21. March? Please explain in more detail. Is this something in German or English? Cryptic puzzles were never my strong point.
"Pedestrian I."
Ah ha! In actual fact I haven't for a little while. Why? Has anything changed?
I have just been over there, but I don't see anything unusual. Should I?
The article of 21st. March about Dr.
Udo Ulfkotte. Excuse my roundaboutness, just the mood I'm in.
I found it interesting.
here is another!
When I went on to Udo Ulfkotte's website, the video that came up couldn't be played by my bowser (Safari). There is a basic incompatibility there somewhere.
I shall do, Rustresistance.
Rustresistance, I have read the article you suggested. It makes for very depressing reading. Very depressing reading indeed!
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