Thursday, July 08, 2021

He Went from Banana Exporter to President: ‘I Am Not a Dictator’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The president clung to power in a protracted political battle that earned him many enemies.

MIAMI — It was a battle from the start for Haiti’s president, Jovenel Moïse.

Even before he took office, Mr. Moïse had to fight off accusations that, as a virtually unknown banana exporter, he was nothing but a handpicked puppet of the previous president, Michel J. Martelly.

“Jovenel is his own man,” Mr. Moïse told The New York Times in 2016, shortly after having won the election, trying to rebut the accusations. He promised to show results within six months in office.

After more than four years in office, he was killed in his home early Wednesday at the age of 53. He left a wife and three children. In his last year in office, as protests against him grew and he declined to step down, he had to defend himself in other ways: “I am not a dictator,” he told The Times earlier this year.

Mr. Moïse was the former president of the chamber of commerce in Port-de-Paix, the country’s northwest region, when he ran for president. When he emerged as a leading candidate in 2015, few people had ever heard of him. They called him “the Banana Man.” » | Frances Robles | Published: Wednesday, July 7, 2021; Updated: Thursday, July 6, 2021

Hitzewelle in Amerika wäre ohne den Klimawandel »nahezu unmöglich« gewesen

SPIEGEL: Der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen hat laut Forschern die Hitzewelle in Nordamerika mindestens 150 Mal wahrscheinlicher gemacht. Bei weiterer Erwärmung dürften solche Phänomene häufiger werden.

46,6, 47,9, 49,5 Grad: Das kanadische Örtchen Lytton riss in der vergangenen Woche gleich drei Temperaturrekorde hintereinander – an drei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen. Der bisher höchste je gemessene Wert in Kanada betrug 45 Grad, das war 1937. Nur einen Tag nach den jüngsten Meldungen wurde der Ort durch einen Brand nahezu vollständig zerstört.

Ist das Schicksal von Lytton ein Menetekel für die eskalierende Klimakrise? Laut den Befunden einer Schnellstudie führender Klimawissenschaftler, die dem SPIEGEL vorliegt, kann man das durchaus so lesen. » | Von Kurt Stukenberg | Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2021

EuroMillions : quel est le secret du gagnant de 30 millions d’euros ?

LE POINT : Selon « Le Parisien », ce père de famille s’est appuyé sur une méthode personnelle pour arriver à la combinaison de nombres gagnante.

9 -17-21-33-39, ainsi que les étoiles 7 et 11. C’est en cochant cette combinaison qu’un père de famille a remporté 30 millions d’euros à l’EuroMillions, le 11 juin dernier, à Châtellerault dans la Vienne. Seul Français vainqueur d’une super cagnotte en 2021 pour l’instant, le nouveau millionnaire n’avait pas choisi ces nombres au hasard, assure la Française des jeux au Parisien. Le vainqueur, qui a désiré conserver son anonymat, s’est appuyé au fil des années sur des statistiques et des formules mathématiques bien à lui avant de valider ses bulletins à l’EuroMillions. » | Par | mercredi 7. juillet 2021

Indonesien: „Ich habe noch nie so eine Krankheit erlebt“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINER ZEITUNG: Die Delta-Variante führt in Indonesien zu immer mehr Corona-Infektionen. Die Menschen sterben auf Parkplätzen, in Autos und in ihren Wohnungen. Kein Krankenhaus nimmt sie auf.

Die Grundschullehrerin Susi Johannes erinnert sich selbst nicht mehr daran, wie sie eingeliefert wurde. Sie hatte schon das Bewusstsein verloren, als ihr Ehemann sie zusammen mit einem Bekannten auf dem Motorrad in das Krankenhaus im Westen Jakartas brachte. „Es fiel mir schwer zu atmen. Mein Brustkorb fühlte sich so schwer an, als ob jemand einen Stein darauf gelegt hätte“, berichtet die 52 Jahre alte Covid-19-Patientin der F.A.Z. aus dem Krankenhaus.

Zuvor hatte ihre Familie vergeblich versucht, in mehreren Krankenhäusern Jakartas ein Bett für sie zu ergattern. Sie war kurz nach ihrem positiven Testergebnis Mitte Juni schon einmal eingewiesen, dann aber wieder entlassen worden. Einige Tage später verschlechterte sich ihr Zustand, die Sauerstoffsättigung in ihrem Blut fiel auf einen gefährlich niedrigen Wert. „Ich habe noch nie so eine Krankheit erlebt“, sagt die Indonesierin, die neben den Lungenschmerzen vor allem an Fieber und Kopfschmerzen leidet. » | Von Till Fähnders, Singapur | Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2021

Le président haïtien Jovenel Moïse assassiné

LE FIGARO : Cet assassinat ne fait que confirmer la situation dramatique de la nation la plus pauvre d'Amérique.

Haïti poursuit sa descente aux enfers. Cette fois, c'est le président Jovenel Moïse qui a été assassiné dans sa résidence privée dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi. Une bande armée aurait pénétré chez lui, le tuant et blessant de deux balles son épouse, qui a été transférée à l'hôpital. Elle était dans un état très critique mercredi après-midi et devait être évacuée à Miami, selon l'ambassadeur haïtien aux États-Unis, Bocchit Edmond. Alors que la garde présidentielle est composée d'une trentaine de personnes, le commando semble être entré puis être sorti de la résidence du président sans incident. C'est le premier ministre Claude Joseph qui a annoncé les meurtres. » | Par Patrick Bèle | mercredi 7 juillet 2021

Haitis Präsident Jovenel Moïse ermordet »

Après l’assassinat du président Jovenel Moïse en Haïti, quatre « mercenaires » tués »

Vatican : dix responsables bientôt jugés pour un scandale financier

LE POINT : Ils seront jugés par le tribunal du Saint-Siège pour leur rôle supposé dans une affaire d’investissements douteux, explique « Catholic News Agency ».

Le Vatican est secoué par un scandale financier de grande ampleur. Le 3 juillet dernier, le Saint-Siège a annoncé le renvoi de dix personnes devant son tribunal pénal. Elles devront répondre notamment des chefs de détournement de fonds, abus de pouvoir, extorsion, corruption, subornation de témoin, blanchiment et fraude. En cause : l’achat ruineux d’un immeuble de standing à Londres, explique Catholic News Agency.

L’investissement au cœur du scandale est un immeuble dans le chic quartier londonien de Chelsea, sur Sloane Avenue, 17 000 mètres transformés en une cinquantaine d’appartements de luxe. Entre juin 2013 et février 2014, Secrétairerie d'État (le gouvernement du Vatican) emprunte 200 millions de dollars (170 millions d’euros) au Crédit Suisse pour investir dans le fonds de l’homme d’affaires italien Raffaele Mincione, Athena Capital Global Opportunities. Au 30 septembre 2018, les actions ont déjà perdu plus de 18 millions d’euros de leur valeur et « la perte globale est estimée à un montant beaucoup plus important », écrit Vatican News. » | (avec AFP) | jeudi 8 juillet 2021

When Will Monaco Reach Herd Immunity?

MONACO LIFE: Just over 40% of the eligible population in Monaco are still unvaccinated as health authorities in nearby France warn of a possible “fourth wave” by the end of July.

The latest data by the Prince’s government shows that, as of 1st July, 20,178 people in Monaco had received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine, equivalent to 58.6% of the eligible population aged 12 and older. Of those, 88% had also received their second shot.

While the figure places Monaco high in the chart of vaccination rates per country – the United Arab Emirates has a vaccination figure of 64%, followed by Chile with 57% and the UK at 50% – it does mean that close to 40% of the eligible population in Monaco is still unvaccinated, despite ample supplies.

Health authorities are continuing their push for everyone over the age of 12 to take advantage of Monaco’s vaccination programme, which uses Pfizer exclusively. As of 28th June, even cross-border workers employed in the public sector are now able to access the free shot. » | Cassandra Tanti | Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Outrage over Crackdown on LGBTQ WeChat Accounts in China

THE GUARDIAN: Dozens of WeChat accounts have been blocked and then deleted without warning

An online clampdown of social media accounts associated with China’s campus LGBTQ movement has sparked outrage, solidarity and backlash against the authorities’ treatment of the country’s sexual and gender minorities.

Dozens of WeChat accounts run by LGBTQ university students were blocked and then deleted on Tuesday, without warning. Some of the accounts – a mix of registered student clubs and unofficial grassroots groups – had operated for years as safe spaces for China’s LGBTQ youth, with tens of thousands of followers.

Attempts to access the WeChat accounts were met with an error message which said the content had been blocked and account deactivated “after receiving relevant complaints”. Other messages said the accounts “had violated regulations on the management of accounts offering public information service on the Chinese internet”, Reuters reported. » | Vincent Ni, China affairs correspondent, and Helen Davidson in Taipei | Thursday, July 8, 2021

China's LGBTQ+ community seize census chance to stand up and be counted »

Australia Covid Update: NSW Records 38 Cases, Highest Daily Number Since Sydney Outbreak Began

THE GUARDIAN: Gladys Berejiklian urged people to restrict movement and not visit family members unnecessarily during Sydney lockdown, as Queensland recorded two coronavirus cases

New South Wales has recorded 38 new local Covid-19 cases, including 20 people who were in the community for part or all of their infectious period, as the premier urged people to further restrict their movement.

Gladys Berejiklian said on Thursday those numbers, the highest in NSW since the current outbreak began, were “too high” but that it was still “achievable” for the lockdown to end next Friday, “assuming everybody does the right thing”

. But she backed away from a suggestion NSW would just lift lockdown regardless of case numbers, saying “you can’t live with the Delta variant unless you have a certain proportion of the population vaccinated”.

“We need to get those numbers down,” she said. » | Australian Associated Press and Calla Wahlquist | Thursday, July 8, 2021

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Cambridge University Accused of Faustian Pact in Planned £400m Deal with UAE

THE GUARDIAN: Rights advocate says proposed partnership with emirates raises ‘profound concern’ and Cambridge documents note ‘values gap’

The University of Cambridge has been accused of entering “a Faustian pact” over plans for a £400m collaboration with the United Arab Emirates in what would be the biggest deal of its kind in the university’s history.

According to internal documents seen by the Guardian, the 10-year collaboration would help Cambridge, one of the wealthiest higher education institutions in the UK, “weather the challenges faced by universities as a result of Covid, Brexit and a constrained funding environment”.

The documents state that the UAE has pledged to commit £312m – the biggest single donation by far that the university has received – and £90m will be paid in kind through Cambridge staff time. » | Sally Weale | Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Netherlands Crime Journalist Peter R. de Vries Shot in Amsterdam | DW News

Jul 7, 2021 • Dutch crime journalist Peter R. de Vries was fighting for his life after being shot and wounded in a gun attack in the center of Amsterdam on Tuesday evening.

De Vries, 64, was taken to hospital in a seriously wounded state. He had been taking part in a live television show where he was a regular guest and was shot close to the RTL studios.

In 2019, de Vries wrote on Twitter that he had been informed by police and justice officials that he was on the hit list of a fugitive criminal.

According to NOS, de Vries had recently acted as an adviser and confidant to a state witness testifying against an alleged drug kingpin, who was extradited to the Netherlands from Dubai in 2019.

Harry Nilsson : Without You

ABBA : Our Last Summer

Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (Official Music Video)

Franklin Graham: LGBTQ+ Pride Celebrates Sin, Like Adultery or Murder

ADVOCATE: “This is an entire month set aside to celebrate a lifestyle that God defines as sin,” the homophobic religious leader wrote on Facebook at the end of Pride Month.

Right-wing preacher Franklin Graham says celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride is like celebrating “lying, adultery, or murder.”

Graham’s comment came in a Facebook post Saturday, marking the end of Pride Month. He quoted the BBC as saying “Pride has gone mainstream” and went on to lament that fact. “This is an entire month set aside to celebrate a lifestyle that God defines as sin,” he said.

“The Bible also tells us that God hates pride,” he continued. “Shame on the nation that celebrates and glorifies sin.” He noted that everyone sins, but added, “Instead of celebrating and taking pride in our sin, we should come to God, our Creator, in repentance, asking Him to forgive us and cleanse us.”

Graham, who heads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, founded by his late father, has a long history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, delivered supposedly in the name of Christianity. » | Trudy Ring | Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Isn’t it also a sin to make gazillions on the back of Jesus Christ, Mr. Graham? Jesus lived the simple life: he didn’t live high on the hog! Interestingly, Jesus said zippo about homosexuality. Moreover, if you are going to use Leviticus from the Old Testament to justify your bigotry, then you should also condemn so many other things that people do, too, including eating shellfish, adorning one’s body with tattoos, piercing one’s body, and men wearing make-up (see above)! (I very much doubt that Jesus wore make-up before making speeches to his followers as you do, Mr Graham.) I should ask you a very pertinent question: As a fervent Trump supporter, weren't you also supporting "sin" when you supported him? How many sex scandals has Trump allegedly been involved in? So, Mr Graham, let’s have a little consistency apropos of this topic, please. – © Mark

England’s Reopening Plan Is a ‘Dangerous Experiment’, Ministers Told

THE GUARDIAN: Health experts say ending most Covid rules on 19 July will affect certain groups disproportionately

Boris Johnson’s decision to lift a vast swath of Covid restrictions on 19 July is “a very dangerous experiment” that will disproportionately affect a host of people already susceptible to coronavirus, according to experts involved in an independent inquiry into the government’s pandemic response.

The damning report states that disabled people, those from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds or those on low incomes are now at greater risk after rules on mask-wearing and self-isolation, as well as the requirement to work from home when possible, are set to be axed.

Dr Tolullah Oni, an epidemiologist at the University of Cambridge, warned that lifting restrictions would affect communities unequally. “We’re further widening the health inequalities we’ve seen play out in the last year,” she said. » | Rachel Hall | Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What else should we expect from a dangerous, self-aggrandising fool but a “dangerous experiment”? BoJo’s government is not fit for purpose! – Mark

Just in case you have forgotten what BoJo looks like, this is he:

LGBT : si Budapest ne revient pas sur sa loi, l’UE lancera une procédure

LE QUOTIDIEN : La présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, a menacé mercredi de lancer une procédure d’infraction contre la Hongrie si elle ne revenait pas sur sa loi accusée de discriminer les personnes LGBT, qui doit entrer en vigueur jeudi.

“Si la Hongrie ne corrige pas le tir, la Commission fera usage des pouvoirs qui lui sont conférés en sa qualité de gardienne de traités”, a déclaré la responsable allemande devant le Parlement européen. Elle a de nouveau qualifié de “honte” cette loi interdisant la diffusion de contenus sur l’homosexualité auprès des mineurs. » | AFP/LQ | mercredi 7 juillet 2021

Peru’s Middle Class Shrank by Almost Half in 2020

THE RIO TIMES: According to the new data, only 24% of Peruvians now belong to that category against 43.6% in 2019 due to the economic impacts of the coronavirus health crisis.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – A new study released Tuesday (6) by the Institute of Economics and Business Development (Iedep) of the Lima Chamber of Commerce showed that some 6.3 million Peruvians fell out of the country’s middle-class social group during 2020.

According to the new data, only 24% of Peruvians now belong to that category against 43.6% in 2019 due to the economic impacts of the coronavirus health crisis.

The Iedep survey specified that 7.9 million people remain within the concept of the middle class, while that group consisted of about 14 million in 2019.

To be classified into that category, individuals need to at least live in four-person households with monthly incomes ranging between S/2,150 and S/10,750 (between US$560 and US$2,795).

The coronavirus crisis has thus dealt a severe blow to the country’s fight against poverty which can also be expressed as a ten-year setback, as the number of people under that line grew to be 30.1% of the population during 2020, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI). » | Latin America News | Wednesday, July 7, 2021

More news from Peru HERE »

Democracy News: Top US & World Headlines — July 7, 2021

«Tschüss Schweiz» – Warum Deutsche der Schweiz den Rücken kehren | Reportage | SRF DOK

Feb 11, 2014 • Es gibt gute Gründe, warum Deutsche der Schweiz den Rücken kehren. Heimweh, ein erfreulicher Arbeitsmarkt, staatliche Rundumhilfe bei der Job- und Wohnungssuche.

Dann aber gibt es Deutsche, die sich in der Schweiz beim besten Willen nicht emotional ansiedeln können. Zwei bewegende Beispiele.