Saturday, November 30, 2019

Suisse : les fumeurs discriminés à l'embauche

LE POINT: En toute légalité, certaines entreprises suisses privilégient le recrutement d'employés qui ne fument pas. Une pratique interdite en France, souligne LCI.

La fumée n'est plus vraiment en odeur de sainteté de l'autre côté du lac Léman. Les entreprises suisses n'hésitent pas à pratiquer une discrimination à l'embauche entre les fumeurs et les non-fumeurs. Un critère de recrutement qui s'affiche dès les annonces d'embauche, explique LCI.

En 2017, 27,1 % des Suisses de plus de 15 ans fumaient, selon l'office fédéral de la santé publique, soit près d'un quart de la population helvète qui pourrait avoir des difficultés à trouver un emploi. … » |Par | vendredi 29 novembre 2019

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s Lighter Moments

As Jean-Claude Juncker prepares to step down as European Commission president after five years at the helm of the EU executive, the BBC looks back at the lighter moments of his tenure.

North Korea Threatens Japan with 'Real Ballistic Missile'

BBC: North Korea has branded Japan's PM Shinzo Abe an "imbecile" and "political dwarf", and accused him of mislabelling its latest weapons test.

Mr Abe condemned the North for "repeated launches of ballistic missiles" after two projectiles were fired on Thursday.

But the North insisted it was testing a "super-large multiple-rocket launcher".

On Saturday, state media said Japan "may see what a real ballistic missile is in the not distant future".

North Korea is banned from firing ballistic missiles under UN Security Council resolutions. » | Saturday, November 30, 2019

How Donald Trump Betrayed America (w/ Mark Pocan)

How Poor People Survive in the USA | DW Documentary

Homelessness, hunger and shame: poverty is rampant in the richest country in the world. Over 40 million people in the United States live below the poverty line, twice as many as it was fifty years ago. It can happen very quickly.

Many people in the United States fall through the social safety net. In the structurally weak mining region of the Appalachians, it has become almost normal for people to go shopping with food stamps. And those who lose their home often have no choice but to live in a car. There are so many homeless people in Los Angeles that relief organizations have started to build small wooden huts to provide them with a roof over their heads. The number of homeless children has also risen dramatically, reaching 1.5 million, three times more than during the Great Depression the 1930s. A documentary about the fate of the poor in the United States today.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Opinion: Britain’s Dirty Election

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A serial liar. A campaign of online disinformation. The risk of foreign meddling. Sound familiar?

LONDON — Pity British voters. Not because they face a choice between two historically unpopular candidates for prime minister — Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn — on Dec. 12. Nor that they are being forced to trudge to polling stations for the third general election in five years, this time in the depths of the miserable British winter.

Pity British voters because they are being subjected to a barrage of distortion, dissembling and disinformation without precedent in the country’s history. Long sentimentalized as the home of “fair play,” Britain is now host to the virus of lies, deception and digital skulduggery that afflicts many other countries across the world.

In this as in other respects, Prime Minister Boris Johnson — a serial liar who lost his first job as a journalist for inventing quotes — resembles President Trump. And Britain, whose election is breaking down under the pressure of manipulation, increasingly looks like the United States. Truth and falsehood have become malleable concepts. Anything goes. » | Peter Geoghegan and Mary Fitzgerald | Friday, November 29, 2019

BBC Bars Johnson from Marr Show Unless He Agrees Neil Interview

THE GUARDIAN: PM will not be allowed to pick the shows he wants appear on, says broadcaster

The BBC has refused to allow Boris Johnson to appear on the Andrew Marr Show this weekend unless he agrees to take part in a one-on-one interview with Andrew Neil, amid ongoing tension between the Conservatives and broadcasters.

The prime minister has failed to set a date for his proposed half-hour primetime interview with Neil, despite every other party leader agreeing to do one.

Labour has accused Johnson of dodging one of the toughest interviewers on television, insisting they were operating in the belief that the prime minister was already signed up when they agreed to let Jeremy Corbyn appear on the programme.

“The reason [Johnson] is doing this is because he thinks, like his Bullingdon friends, that they are above the rest of us, that they don’t need to be held to account, they don’t need to be treated like the rest of us,” said John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor.

The Conservatives had said they would allow Johnson to appear on this Sunday’s Andrew Marr Show. A BBC source said this offer had been declined and suggested the broadcaster would not let Johnson pick which shows he wants appear on. » | Jim Waterson and Heather Stewart | Friday, November 29, 2019

Boris Johnson Grilled by LBC Listeners - Watch in Full

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Jorge Flechas, MD: Boron and Oral Health

Jorge D. Flechas, MD, MPH is the Medical Director of Flechas Family Practice in Hendersonville, NC. In addition to family practice, Dr. Flechas’ subspecialties include iodine therapy for thyroid and breast disorders, bio-identical hormone replacement for both men and women, and diagnosis and treatment of cardiac-related issues such as coronary artery disease, arthrosclerosis, and hypertension.

He majored in Physics at Southern Missionary College in Tennessee and achieved both his Doctorate in Medicine and his Master’s Degree in Public Health from Loma Linda University in California.

Jorge Flechas – Total Body Iodine Sufficiency – AARM (2012)

Dr. Jorge Flechas' presentation on Total Body Iodine Sufficiency. A true iodine expert, Dr. Flechas made this presentation at the annual Restorative Medicine conference. Hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine, this conference brings in great speakers each year.

Jorge Flechas, MD, MPH, is a researcher, physician and nationally known speaker who specializes in Iodine Therapy for hypothyroidism and fibrocystic breast disease. Dr. Jorge Flechas is the Medical Director of Flechas Family Practice in Hendersonville, NC, specializing in hormonal therapy for treatment of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) since the late 1980s.

The Historical Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman: Other Sources

A Short History of The Moors –Trailer

Granada, the word in Spanish means pomegranate, a fruit brought to Spain by Moslem tribes from North Africa, in the 8th century.

They were known as the Moors and they came to Europe from what is now known as Morocco. For nearly 800 years the Moors ruled in Granada. And for nearly as long in a wider territory of that became known as Moorish Spain or Al-Andalus.

In Granada, where the Moors first came in 711, they built a fortress palace, the Alhambra. It was never conquered by their enemies but in 1492 the Moors surrendered their citadel, by then the last outpost of Moorish Spain, to the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand and Isabel. It would bring to an end an era and mark the beginnings of the Spanish Inquisition.r

But much of what the Moors built on the Iberian Peninsula and in their North African homelands has survived, and can still be visited today. In this episode of Short History of the World, we explore the rich architectural legacy of the Moors, the dynasties that built an empire, and what they left behind.

Jo Swinson Says 'Sexist and Patronising' Boris Johnson Unfit to Be PM

THE GUARDIAN: Lib Dem leader urges tactical voting and claims party is well placed to block Tory majority

Jo Swinson has attacked Boris Johnson’s fitness to be prime minister, saying he does not care about people, is dishonest and complacent, and empowers bigots with his use of racist and sexist language.

In a speech in London, the Liberal Democrat leader said Johnson was complicit in encouraging prejudice against Muslims, had written “sexist, patronising crap” about women and faced allegations of groping.

“This man isn’t someone our sons can look up to, that our daughters can have faith in,” she said. “Boris Johnson is not fit to be prime minister.”

Answering questions after the speech, Swinson accepted that her start-of-campaign pledge that she could become prime minister now seemed unlikely, and she urged people to vote tactically to prevent a Conservative majority.

“Clearly, when you look at the polls during the campaign, that’s pretty unlikely, as we stand here right now,” she said. “But we are in a position to stop Boris Johnson becoming prime minister. And that is hugely important with two weeks to go. We need to get that message out there.” » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Thursday, November 28, 2019

'Our Democracy Is Under Threat', Former Cambridge Analytica Employee Tells FRANCE 24

Brittany Kaiser is a former employee of the British political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica, which is now notorious for its involvement in the election of Donald Trump and in the Brexit campaign. She has just released a memoir about her time working for Cambridge Analytica, entitled "Targeted". She spoke to FRANCE 24 about how she witnessed the firm deliberately create targeted ads for political aims, why she decided to speak out, and why she believes we are not any more protected from manipulation today than we were in 2016.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Michael Heseltine Appears with Lib Dems to Urge Tactical Voting

THE GUARDIAN: Tory joins Chuka Umunna and Sam Gyimah in plea to back Lib Dems to stop Brexit

The Conservative grandee Michael Heseltine has made an impassioned appeal to people to choose “the national interest” and ignore traditional party loyalties to help elect Liberal Democrats through tactical voting.

At a press conference alongside Chuka Umunna and Sam Gyimah, who sat as Lib Dem MPs in the last parliament having begun their careers with Labour and the Conservatives respectively, Lord Heseltine said he was still a Tory party member but planned to “lend my vote to the Lib Dems on this one issue” of stopping Brexit.

Heseltine, whose 25-year ministerial career included a stint as deputy prime minister under John Major, saluted Umunna, Gyimah and those who were planning to vote tactically.

“There are men and women whose commitment to our country, their sense of what matters to Britain, where the future of Britain lies, where the future of the younger generation lies, means that they have torn up their traditional loyalties,” he told the event in London. » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dominic Cummings Tells Brexiters: Election Is Tighter Than It Looks

THE GUARDIAN: No 10 adviser issues ‘bat signal’ asking Vote Leave supporters to persuade friends to vote Tory

Boris Johnson’s adviser Dominic Cummings has told Brexit supporters that the general election is “much tighter” than polls might suggest and urged them to persuade their friends to vote Tory.

Cummings has worked closely alongside Johnson from the moment he entered No 10, though he has taken a back seat during the election campaign. With little more than a fortnight to go until polling day, he used his blog to send up what he called a “bat signal” to Vote Leave supporters, warning them Brexit is at risk.

“You will see many polls in the coming days. Some will say Boris will win. Trust me, as someone who has worked on lots of campaigns, things are MUCH tighter than they seem and there is a very real possibility of a hung parliament,” he said. “Without a majority, the nightmare continues. ALL other MPs will gang together to stop Brexit and give EU citizens the vote. It’s that simple.” » | Heather Stewart, Political editor | Wednesdday, November 27, 2019

Britain's Health Service Is For Sale, Leaked Trade Docs Suggest

The United Kingdom's National Health Service is up for grabs in a post-Brexit trade deal with the United States, the opposition Labour Party revealed on Wednesday, despite Prime Minister Boris Johnson's unequivocal denials.

Johnson has repeatedly stated in clear and absolute terms that the NHS - which offers British citizens free healthcare at the point of access, regardless of illness - was not up for sale, but a 451-page internal government document, revealed by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, details a series of secret United States-UK trade negotiations covering a whole range of British public services - from food regulation to healthcare - to which Washington wants "full market access".

One detail suggests the UK would be open to longer patents on US-produced medicines, which Corbyn says would push up the price paid by the NHS for pharmaceuticals - perhaps by as much as 500,000 pounds ($645,000) a week.

Corbyn had challenged Johnson over the privatisation and sell-off during their first televised leaders' debate, waving a sheaf of heavily redacted papers covered in blacked-out text. On Wednesday, he said he had got hold of the unredacted version, which detailed six rounds of talks between US and UK trade representatives.

Al Jazeera's Paul Brennan reports from central London.

Clive James, Australian author and Daily Telegraph critic, dies aged 80

THE TELEGRAPH: Poet, critic and broadcaster Clive James has died at the age of 80.

James, who moved to England in 1961, wrote the weekly television critique page in the "Review" section of the Saturday edition of the Daily Telegraph until mid 2014.

After being diagnosed with leukaemia, kidney failure and lung disease almost ten years ago, James spent much of his final years writing about his terminal illness.

According to his agents, he died at his home in Cambridge on Sunday 24th November 2019. A private funeral attended by family and close friends took place in the chapel at Pembroke College, Cambridge on Wednesday. » | Verity Bowman | Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A life in pictures »

Clive James, writer, broadcaster and TV critic, dies aged 80 »

Sir Jonathan Miller, writer and director, dies aged 85 »

Sir Jonathan Miller obituary »

Gary Rhodes, TV chef and presenter, dies aged 59 »

Gary Rhodes: the spiky-haired scoundrel who became the first superstar chef »

Gary Rhodes – a life in pictures »

Nicola Sturgeon Vows to Back New Brexit Referendum

The SNP leader and first minister of Scotland said: ‘A vote for the SNP is a vote to escape Brexit’, as she launched the Scottish National party’s election manifesto. Nicola Sturgeon said Boris Johnson was ‘dangerous and unfit for office’ and rejected the prime minister’s claims that voting Conservative would ‘get Brexit done’ by 31 January. ‘The truth is that Brexit will dominate Westminster politics for years and years to come, and Scotland will pay a heavy price,’ she warned.

Manuel & The Music of the Mountains - Rodrigo's Guitar Concerto de Aranjuez [1971]