Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Guardian View on Boris Johnson: Bad Actor, Dishonest Script

THE GUARDIAN: ‘Boris’ is a stage persona that Britain’s likely next prime minister uses to mask serious character flaws

The most insightful contribution to the Conservative leadership contest was made this week by a smoked fish. That does not reflect well on the human candidates, one of whom brandished a kipper as a prop to facilitate a rhetorical point. Boris Johnson told a hustings audience that “Brussels bureaucrats” had caused distress to a businessman by requiring that shipment of his product be accompanied with an “ice pillow”.

But the kipper told a different story. Its refrigeration was a matter of domestic rules. “The case described by Mr Johnson falls outside the scope of EU legislation,” a European commission official clarified. The prop was only there to set up a pun about “kippers” as former Ukip voters, whose repatriation to the Conservative fold is a promised electoral benefit of Mr Johnson’s candidacy. It was a theatrical flourish to tickle a receptive audience. To that end, facts were immaterial.

Unfashionable though it may be in the Tory party, telling the truth still matters. Especially so when the UK’s EU membership expires in little over three months and Mr Johnson claims, in that time, to be able to enact a deal in Brussels different from the one negotiated by Theresa May. He cannot. A new settlement is not on offer and, even if it were, an extension to the article 50 period would be required to complete it in orderly fashion. As with the smoked fish, Mr Johnson is either lying intentionally or avoiding engagement with facts. Both explanations would be consistent with his character – that word applying in the sense of his temperament but also his stage persona. » | Editorial | Friday, July 19, 2019

Boris Johnson Blimp to Join 9ft Farage on Anti-Brexit March in London

THE GUARDIAN: Pro-Europe grassroots groups to voice opposition to a Johnson premiership

Protesters will take to London’s streets on Saturday for a “No to Boris. Yes to Europe” march days ahead of Boris Johnson’s widely anticipated move into No 10.

A Boris Johnson toddler blimp was launched in Parliament Square at 10am, featuring salmon-pink skin, the politician’s trademark “faux-dishevelled hairstyle”, mismatched running gear and a Brexit-bus T-shirt, according to March for Change.

The singer Billy Bragg and presenter Sandi Toksvig are expected to join the march, which begins at noon in Park Lane and will make its way to Parliament Square.

Tom Brufatto, chair of Britain for Europe, said: “We will not allow Boris Johnson to float into No 10 on a favourable tailwind, or have the summer off, unopposed, after so much hot air on Brexit, with so much at stake.” » | Caroline Davies and Jedidajah Otte | Saturday, July 20, 2019

Iran Seizes British Oil Tanker in Strait of Hormuz

Boris Johnson’s Take on Islam Is Historically Illiterate

THE GUARDIAN: No printing press until the 19th century? Wrong. But why let reality get in the way of a story that fires up his base?

“You mustn’t let facts get in the way of a good story,” Boris Johnson was reported to have once told the French journalist Jean Quatremer in the early 1990s. It is a claim that defined much of his journalistic career and also appears to shape his pronouncements on the Muslim faith. In an essay written by Johnson in 2007 and unearthed by the Guardian this week, he claims that the Muslim world is “centuries behind” the west, because of a “fatal religious conservatism” that prevented the development of liberal capitalism and democracy. According to Johnson “virtually every global flashpoint you can think of – from Bosnia to Palestine to Iraq and Kashmir” is defined by “some sense of Muslim grievance”. Echoing his hero Winston Churchill’s view that there was “no stronger retrograde force” than Islam, Johnson believes “that the real problem with the Islamic world is Islam”.

Johnson has been here before, with his attacks last year on the Muslim faith as “bizarre and unattractive”, and likening women in burqas to “letterboxes” and “bank robbers”. This clearly played well with the Tory grassroots: a recent poll of party members found that 56% believe Islam is “a threat” to the “British way of life” (whatever that is). But Johnson’s 2007 essay – an appendix to a later edition of his book praising the Roman empire – reveals a level of historical ignorance shocking even for such a political opportunist. » | Jerry Brotton* | Saturday, July 20, 2019

* Jerry Brotton is professor of Renaissance studies at Queen Mary University of London

Friday, July 19, 2019

German Reunification - A Short History | DW Documentary (2017)

The fall of the Berlin Wall changed the course of history overnight. But German Reunification was never a guarantee. The situation could have spiraled out of control at any moment. Find out more in 2 + 4 + X: A SHORT HISTORY OF GERMAN REUNIFICATION.

West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl took advantage of the chaos during this turbulent time. His 10-point plan paved the way for the reunification of a divided Germany - but this was done behind the backs of the Allied Forces. Those who witnessed the events tell the story of the “2+4” negotiations and rocky road the world took to reunite the GDR with the West.

Life on Both Sides of the Berlin Wall (2009)

Ilhan Omar Greeted with Cheers, Trump Flip Flops on 'Send Her Back' | The Last Word | MSNBC

The day after a crowd chanted 'send her back' at a Trump rally, Rep. Ilhan Omar was greeted with a different kind of chant when she arrived home in Minnesota: cheers from constituents. Lawrence O’Donnell discusses Trump's attempt to flip flop on the chant with Neera Tanden and Renee Graham.

Why Epstein Is Being Called a Foreign Asset

A federal judge denied bail to billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein on Thursday ahead of his sex-trafficking trial. RT America’s Michele Greenstein and investigative journalist Ben Swann join Rick Sanchez to discuss the Epstein case. Was his “hedge fund” really a hedge fund – or a front for something else? Mounting evidence suggests that he may even be a Mossad agent.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What Happens When the Far Right Takes Over of Democracy?

How is the right wing take over of the Republican party going to do to our country and its citizens and our democracy?

Ursula von der Leyen: Hard Brexit Would Be Massive Blow for Both Sides

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: newly elected EU chief suggests there could be emergency help for Ireland

The European commission’s new president has said a hard Brexit would have “massively negative consequences” for both Britain and the EU, and said Brussels could provide emergency help for nations such as Ireland that bear the brunt of such an outcome.

In her first interview since narrowly being approved for the post by the European parliament on Tuesday, Ursula von der Leyen said the withdrawal deal concluded between Theresa May and the commission’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michael Barnier, would remain the basis of any future talks.

“We don’t want a hard Brexit, it’s a bad outcome for both sides. We have a good withdrawal agreement,” she said in an exclusive interview with the Guardian and four other European newspapers.

Both of the contenders to succeed May, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, have vowed to renegotiate the exit deal with the EU, declaring that the most controversial component, the Northern Ireland backstop, is unacceptable.

When asked about their position, Von der Leyen said the withdrawal agreement was “not dead”. She said: “No, it is a good agreement, which was negotiated properly in accordance with the red lines drawn by the British government.” » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Thursday, July 18, 2019

Trump's Iran Treaty Withdrawal and Sanctions Based on Lies, But War Could Be a Reality

Khury Petersen-Smith outlines how Trump's untruths and policies are making America the aggressor, not Iran, and how American media from the New York Times to Fox News are falling for his rhetoric.

Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister, Iran – BBC HARDtalk

HARDtalk’s Zeinab Badawi is in New York for a rare interview with Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif who is attending high level talks at the UN. Hostilities between Iran and the US are at a historic high; recently, President Trump said he was ‘ten minutes away from war with Tehran’. Could the two countries stumble into a war? And is Iran raising the stakes in the Persian Gulf after Washington tore up the nuclear deal last year?

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — July 18, 2019

1992 Tape of Trump and Epstein - The Day That Was | MSNBC

November 1992 tape in the NBC archives shows Donald Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate more than a decade before Epstein pleaded guilty to felony prostitution charges in Florida. MSNBC hosts discusses.

Crowd Chants ‘Send Her Back’ at Trump Rally | The Last Word | MSNBC

After Trump continued his attack on four freshmen Congresswomen, the crowd at Trump’s rally launched into a chant of “send her back!” Lawrence O’Donnell discusses with Leonard Pitts, Jr., Yamiche Alcindor, and Rep. Eric Swalwell.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is Donald Trump Racist? | Inside Story

The House of Representatives has condemned as racist, comments by the US President about four congresswomen. The House's resolution was backed by 240 votes to 187, with only four Republicans supporting the motion.

Trump has launched a series of attacks on the congresswomen of colour, known as the 'squad' - telling them to ‘go back to the crime-infested places from which they came'.

The politicians – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib, were born the U.S., and Ilhan Omar came to the US as a refugee aged 12.

The remarks have been widely denounced, mainly by Democrats, who have renewed calls to launch impeachment proceedings against Trump. But as he remains defiant, what does it mean for race and ethnicity in the US?

Presenter: Nastasya Tay | Guests: Rina Shah, Republican strategist and consultant; Christopher Metzler, conservative commentator and author of the book ‘Divided We Stand: The Search for America's Soul’; Christine Pelosi, Democratic strategist and the daughter of House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Guardian View on Donald Trump: A Racist in Substance and Style

THE GUARDIAN: The US president’s bigotry has a political purpose: to distract voters and energise his base. He doesn’t care about the damage he might inflict in the process

Donald Trump’s agenda is to turn the clock back in the United States half a century, to a time when elected leaders spoke the language of white supremacy. Like Mr Trump, they did not use dog whistles. Until 1967, 17 states had laws banning interracial marriage. Mississippi did not vote to abolish the 13th amendment of the US constitution, which outlawed slavery, until 1995. Of course, legal segregation is a distant memory today, and race in America is not the chasm it once was. The country has had a black president and immigrants, white and non-white, have become rich and famous. Yet Mr Trump has, in a short space of time, remoulded the Republican party by excluding and gagging anyone who challenges him. This is no longer a question of the Republican leadership’s inability to deal with the president’s racism, but of its complicity in it. » | Editorial | Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How Did Neo Nazis in Italy Acquire Missiles? | Inside Story

A huge stash of weapons is found in Italy with neo-Nazi sympathisers and the government says the seizure is unprecedented.

An arsenal of weapons has been seized by Italian police in a raid on a far-right group. The stockpile was discovered during an investigation into the involvement of Italy's far-right movement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine; and it included an air-to-air missile, rocket launchers and automatic rifles described as 'latest generation'. Neo-nazi propaganda material was also seized.

Police have arrested three people, including a former candidate for the neo-fascist Forza Nuova party. Fabio Del Bergiolo's house was found to contain a huge stash of arms, as well as Hitler memorabilia.

So, how significant is this? And what does it tell us about the re-emergence of Nazism and the far-right movement in Europe?

Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests Stefano Vergine, Italian journalist; Michal Bilewicz, Chair at the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw; Ludovica Di Giorgi, Manager of the Far-Right Programme at the social enterprise group Moonshot Countering Violent Extremism

Jeffrey Epstein Just Had a Really Bad Day In Court

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was in court on Monday for his bail hearing, and things could not have gone worse for him. The prosecutors unloaded a treasure trove of new information showing that Epstein was not only a flight risk, but that his lawyers’ claim that he’s been squeaky clean for the past decade is an absolute lie. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what happened.

Trump Says His Racist Tweets Are “Not at All” Racist

Four outspoken Democratic politicians - all women of colour, all US citizens, all but one born in the United States, yet, according to President Trump, they should all go home and fix the problems in their own countries.