Friday, August 17, 2018

Sweden Struck by Co-ordinated Arson Attacks 3 Weeks before Elections

A string of arson attacks has rocked Sweden, 3 weeks ahead of September elections. Three suspects have been arrested, one of them in Turkey. It's widely thought that the timing of the fires, which appear to have been co-ordianted, was not accidental. Speculation is rife as to who carried out the attacks and what impact they may have on the electoral race.

Trump: I've Never Respected John Brennan

As he departed the White House for Marine One, President Trump made comments about John Brennan from the South Lawn.

Turkey - US Spat: Trump Called for Release of American Pastor to Win Evangelical Vote

World Financial Markets Suffer as US-Turkey Ties Decline, Washington Vows to Keep Sanctions

The US says economic sanctions against Turkey will remain in place even if Ankara releases an American pastor, whom it arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences. That's after both sides imposed further tariffs on each other. Concerns over whether the situation has escalated too much, were raised at the US State Department.

Aretha Franklin Remembered – BBC Newsnight

The Queen of Soul has died. Joan Armatrading and Estelle remember the greatest soul artist of all time.

US Press Unite against Trump ‘Fake News’ Attacks

The 'fake news media' is the opposition party, President Trump declared today, but across the United States some 350 newspapers from the New York Times to the Kentucky Times Tribune have launched an unprecedented joint campaign to counter the President's attacks on the media.

Jake Tapper: Stunning Admission by Trump

CNN's Jake Tapper looks back on the White House and President Trump's conflicting explanations on why he revoked former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

John Major at Chatham House on the Realities of Brexit for Britain and Europe

In his first public speech since the EU referendum, Sir John Major outlined the realities that he believes both Britain and Europe face in the future at Chatham House.

Turkey Willing to Talk with US as Equals over Tariffs and Pastor | Al Jazeera English

Turkey says its ready to enter talks with the United States regarding the ongoing trade and diplomatic disputes. The US insists that the steel tariffs are not related to Turkey's detention of Andrew Brunson, a US pastor that Ankara links to the 2016 failed coup attempt and are based on national security grounds. Turkey's foreign minister has said that it is prepared to negotiate with the US as equals, but will not be dictated to. The White House, however, has not changed its threatening rhetoric thus far. Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna reports from Washington, DC.

Robert Mueller Prosecutors: Paul Manafort Is a Lying Criminal | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

The jury in former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort’s trial has the case and will begin deliberations Thursday. Mueller’s prosecutors say Manafort is a lying criminal in their closing argument and that “the star witness” in the case is “the documents”. Former Prosecutor Eli Honig says Paul Manafort’s defense suggests he’s “hoping for a pardon”.

Is Donald Trump Likely to Be Impeached? – BBC Newsnight

As the trial of Donald Trump's former campaign chief heats up, is the collusion probe even the biggest legal threat for the president?

Here the US President’s former adviser Sam Nunberg and Elizabeth Holtzman, who helped impeach Nixon, give their thoughts on how likely Donald Trump is to be impeached.

Ian McEwan on the Burka and Freedom of Speech – BBC Newsnight

Author of the Children Act Ian McEwan gives his take on religious freedom v freedom of speech.

Saudi-Canada Diplomatic Row Obscures Canada’s Support for the Deadly War on Yemen

Canadian Journalist Anthony Fenton Explains Canada’s Extensive Arms Sales to the Saudi Autocracy

Lemon: Trump's Actions Straight Out of a Dictator's Playbook

CNN's Don Lemon discusses President Trump's recent decision to revoke the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan.

Burnett: Trump Is Going After His Enemies

CNN's Erin Burnett wonders why the White House chose to revoke former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance today.

Trump Revokes Security Clearance for Ex-CIA Chief, Vocal Critic

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Lawrence: Trump's ‘Dog’ Tweet Shows ‘Something Seriously Wrong’ With Him | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell on Pres. Trump's tweet calling his African American ex-aide Omarosa a "dog" as she releases another damaging recording of the Trump campaign.

John O. Brennan: President Donald Trump Is ‘Dangerous To Our Nation’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Fmr. CIA Director John Brennan says Trump “will never understand what it means to be president” and tells Lawrence why Donald Trump is "the most divisive president we have ever had in the Oval Office".

German Police Attack a Jewish Professor, and Blame It on “a Palestinian”

Prof. Yitzhak Melamed was the victim of a hate crime in Bonn, perpetrated by those whose duty is to protect him

Turkey’s President Erdogan Vows to Win ‘Economic War’ With US

Economist Heiner Flassbeck and Political Analyst Ekrem Ekici say Turkey’s economic crisis runs deeper than US sanctions