Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Will Trump's Nominee for Supreme Court Pass the Senate Vote? | Inside Story

The latest political battlegound in the U.S. Senate is soon set to become Donald Trump's choice for Supreme Court judge.

The president's nomination of Republican loyalist Brett Kavanaugh is opposed by Democrats. They say Trump's trying to tilt the nine justices in the highest court in the land towards the conservative right.

Advocacy groups have already begun spending millions of dollars to persuade senators to make the right choice when they vote in the autumn. Their confirmation is expected to shape the Supreme Court for many years to come.

On Inside Story, an in-depth discussion on the rôle of the Supreme Court in the U.S. system.

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Sandy Levinson, professor of government at the University of Texas Law School; Kenneth Joast, author of the Superme Court Yearbook and legal affiars blog, Jost on Justice; Matthew Mack-o-veeyack, Republican consultant and former aide to President George W Bush

As Brexit Throws UK Government in Turmoil, 'We See Only the Shadows' of What is Really Happening

Prof. John Weeks talks about what is behind the Brexit maneuvering that has led to Boris Johnson's and David Davis's resignations from Theresa May's cabinet and how this will affect the process by which the UK plans to leave the European Union

Brexit Turmoil: Resignations Leave May Fighting for Survival

Monday, July 09, 2018

Tory Civil War amid Plot to Bring Down PM over Brexit Policy

Boris Johnson resigned from the Government hours after David Davis walked out over Theresa May's Brexit deal. How long can the Prime Minister hold on?

#F24Debate : Cabinet Crisis: Johnson, Davis Resign PM's Brexit Plan

Why the Far Right Believes Every Muslim—Including Me—Is a Liar

At a protest the night before Donald Trump’s inauguration last year, a woman accused me of “taqiyya” on the street. I didn’t know it at the time, but she was telling me I’m a liar because I’m Muslim.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 9, 2018

Theresa May Addresses Parliament after Davis, Johnson Quit

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Trump’s Latest Airing of Grievances Includes New Jabs, More Praise for Putin | Deadline | MSNBC

Trump Says That People Who Criticize Him Are a Threat to This Country (America)

During a disgusting softball interview with Fox News recently, Donald Trump made the absurd claim that his critics are dangerous for this country. Trump is attempting to incite violence once again by claiming that those who don’t blindly follow him are a threat. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Friday, July 06, 2018

The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America

Nancy MacLean, Author of must read Democracy in Chains joins the Thom Hartmann Program to the deep history of the radical right's stealth plan for America.

Remembering Ed Schultz

Ed Schultz, host of ‘News with Ed’ on RT America, passed away on July 5 at his home in Washington, DC. The veteran radio and television broadcaster was 64. RT America’s Anya Parampil is joined by Ed’s RT colleagues for a tribute, including Larry King, Lionel, Mitch Ceasar, Ashlee Banks, Steve Christakos, Dan Cohen and Ed’s longtime producer, Brent Jabbour.

For decades Ed was a prominent sports and political radio commentator and personality in the upper Midwest. After several years as one of the most watched anchormen on MSNBC, Ed moved to RT America in January of 2016. The News with Ed Schultz aired weeknights, Monday – Thursday at 8PM Eastern. Ed’s broadcast was the flagship show at RT.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 6, 2018

#bbcqt : Question Time – July 5, 2018

This week's Question Time, filmed in King's Lynn, with the main focus of debate being dominated by Brexit, and the concept of party before country. All rights go to the BBC and Mentorn Scotland.

Guy Verhofstadt: Biggest Waste of EU Resources Is Nigel Farage's Salary

Thursday, July 05, 2018

May Meets Merkel ahead of Showdown Brexit Talks

To Brexit or Not to Brexit: Uncut Interviews with Tony Blair and Nigel Farage

Vote Leave ‘Broke Electoral Law’ - Whistleblowers Respond

Whistleblowers Shahmir Sanni and Chris Wylie respond to Vote Leave's alleged overspending ahead of an Electoral Commission report expected to find the official Leave campaign guilty of breaking electoral law. Earlier Vote Leave's former chief Matthew Elliott spoke to Channel 4 News and denied the allegations.