Thursday, June 21, 2018

One Year since Mohammed bin Salman Crowned Prince of Saudi | Al Jazeera English

Top US News & World Headlines — June 21, 2018

Iran: Zarif to US: End Interference in Our Affairs

The trade row between the E-U and the United States is in its full force as the European Commission says it will begin charging 25 percent import duties on a range of American products. The E-U formally adopted a law to put in place the duties on 3-point-two billion dollars worth of U-S goods including steel, aluminum and farm products from Friday. The move is in response to the U-S tariffs imposed on E-U metal exports. The U-S president hit the E-U, Canada and Mexico with 25 percent levies on steels and 10 percent on aluminum at the beginning of June. Mexico retaliated against the move two weeks ago while Canada said it would place tariffs on U-S exports from July the first.

Israel: PM Netanyahu’s Wife Charged with Fraud

Caliph Donald Trump and the Rise of the Christian Taliban

Mehdi Hasan is here to warn you about a growing threat to the laws and values of the United States from a group of religious extremists and fanatics.

No, he's not talking about so-called jihadists or Islamists, or to “creeping Sharia.” Mehdi is referring to what he like to call the “Christian Taliban” — those Bible-thumping fundamentalists who are bent on theocratizing the U.S. government.

There's the attorney general of the United States, Mullah Jeff Sessions, who wants Sharia law, but of the biblical variety. And there's Mullah Ted Cruz, who calls himself a Christian first and an American second.

As in the Middle East, to really politicize religion, you need a bunch of politicized clerics. Caliph Donald Trump can call on some of America’s finest to make the case for Christian supremacism.

Mullah Robert Jeffress said God gave Trump the authority to “take out” Kim Jong-un. Mullah Jim Bakker says we have to “obey” Trump because God “had him elected.”

If that isn’t the language of theocracy, of zealotry, then what is?

Bernie Sanders Reacts to Trump's Executive Order

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) discusses President Trump's executive order that ended his policy of separating families at the border.

A Once Silent Crisis is Now Turning into a Deafening Cry

Trump's policy of separating immigrant children from their parents and holding them in cages is sparking a wave of public outrage

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What Is behind US Decision to Abandon UN Human Rights Council? | Inside Story

The United States has announced it's leaving the UN Human Rights Council. It calls the 47-member body 'hypocritical' and 'self-serving'. The decision follows months of threats by President Donald Trump.

The United States has long had a conflicting relationship with the UNHRC and says it has to be reformed. President Trump has recently faced widespread, and vociferous condemnation for his zero tolerance immigration policy, that's separating children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

So, how will this decision impact the global fight to protect human rights? And will this further isolate the U.S. on the world Stage?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Guillaume Charron - Director of the global advisory group, Independent Diplomat; Rosa Freedman - Professor of Law and Global Development, University of Reading; Mohammed Cherkaoui - Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University

Jake Tapper: Trump Surrendered for the First Time

CNN's Jake Tapper breaks down President Donald Trump's decision to back down from his administration's practice of separating immigrant families at the US-Mexico border.

German Right-wing Leader, Beatrix von Storch, Challenged on Immigration – BBC Newsnight

Deputy Leader of the right-wing German AFD party, Beatrix von Storch, speaks to Emily Maitlis about her party's immigration policy.

Melania Trump's Immigration Lawyer: Our Doors Need to Be Hinged Open

First lady Melania Trump's former immigration lawyer Michael Wildes criticizes the Trump's administration zero-tolerance border policy that has separated children from their families.

Don Lemon: If You Thought This Couldn't Get Worse Listen to Lewandowksi

While appearing on Fox News, Corey Lewandowski dismissed the story of a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome who was reportedly separated from her mother after crossing the border illegally. The former Trump campaign manager responded "womp womp."

Cooper Blasts Trump's Rhetoric, False Statements

CNN's Anderson Cooper breaks down President Donald Trump's meeting with lawmakers at Capitol Hill over his administration's policy of separating immigrant families.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 20, 2018

Khaled Diab: Debunking Myths about Islam

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Jake Tapper: Trump Using Darkest Language Yet on Immigration

CNN's Jake Tapper says President Donald Trump is employing some of his harshest rhetoric since the opening of his campaign when describing immigrants coming to the United States.

Should the Government Be Reviewing Medicinal Cannabis? | Alexis Conran

The controversial topic of legalised cannbis use for medicinal purposes has divided many members of the public, as well as senior politicians. Journalist Peter Hitchens tells Alexis Conran that it should not be legalised as it will do more harm then good, and clashes with Saira Khan.

“Trump Creates Crises & Preys on Fear”: Rep. Jayapal on Policy of Separating Kids from Parents

Top US News & World Headlines — June 19, 2018

'The Frozen Heart of America': Condemnation as Migrant Families Torn Apart in US