Monday, September 04, 2017

Undercover in North Korea: Even the Élites Have No Idea

The Woman in Pink: Who Is KCTV’s News Anchor?

Ri Chun-hee, the main news anchor for Pyongyang’s KCTV news channel has attracted interest after reappearing to announce North Korea’s latest nuclear test. Now a grandmother, Ri has been the face of the country’s news media since the 1970s. Although officially retired, she has made numerous returns to make military announcements

The Lady in Pink »

North Korea Crisis: Pyongyang May Be Preparing New Missile Launch, South Korea Says

Turkey: Two Further German Citizens Detained in Antalya | DW English

Germany's foreign ministry says Turkey has arrested two German nationals for "political reasons." They were taken into custody at Antalya airport. Ankara has detained a number of German citizens since an attempted coup in 2016.

Kim Jong-un's Ticking Time Bomb

Could North Korea Trigger a Nuclear War? - Video Explainer

North Korea’s latest nuclear test appears to be its most powerful yet. As South Korea responds by test-firing conventional missiles, President Trump answered a question on whether the US would go to war with the reply “we’ll see”. But how did we get here? And what is driving Kim Jong-un’s military aggression?

Sunday, September 03, 2017

The Collapse of British Culture

At the federal level in Britain, there can be no Christian prayer in government meetings.

At the local level in Manchester, England, a government meeting opens with Islamic prayer.

A young man wrote on his body, Stop Muslim Rape Gangs. This in reference to “Asian” rape gangs in the media. He was arrested for inciting racial hatred.

The West has always failed to call Muslims, “Muslims.” Instead they call them Arabs, Saracens, Turks, Moors, and now the Brits call them Asians.

The British spend their political capital to denigrate their own culture and elevate Islam. We are seeing the collapse of Britain due to a civilizational war with Islam.

How Should the US Respond to North Korea's Nuclear Testing?

Discrimination against Muslims May Have Fueled Spain Attacks

The Muslim community in Spain has come under scrutiny after two attacks carried out by immigrants last month killed 15 people.

Most of the attackers were Moroccan-born young men who had been radicalised in Catalonia. That has raised questions about whether migrant communities are integrating into society.

Low wages, poor education and racism are common obstacles to integrating Moroccan immigrant families in the European country.

Al Jazeera's Karl Penhaul reports from the city of Terrassa.

Houston and South Asia Flooding, Free Speech, Brexit, Game of Thrones

North Korea Nuclear Test: Hydrogen Bomb 'Missile-ready' - BBC News

North Korea says it has successfully tested a nuclear weapon that could be loaded onto a long-range missile.

The secretive communist state said its sixth nuclear test was a "perfect success", hours after seismologists had detected an earth tremor.

Pyongyang said it had tested a hydrogen bomb - a device many times more powerful than an atomic bomb.

Analysts say the claims should be treated with caution, but its nuclear capability is clearly advancing.

North Korea last carried out a nuclear test in September 2016. It has defied UN sanctions and international pressure to develop nuclear weapons and to test missiles which could potentially reach the mainland US.

South Korean officials said the latest test took place in Kilju County, where the North's Punggye-ri nuclear test site is situated.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Princess Diana - Tragedy or Treason – Documentary

Explore Princess Diana’s life in an emotional special that will tell the story of the “People’s Princess” with exclusive footage, never-before-seen interviews, excerpts from her journal in her own words and new insight into the conspiracy theories surrounding her untimely death.

Proof! America Is Becoming a Nazi Country

Neo-Nazi Groups Are a Threat Worldwide

After the events in Charlotesville, RT's Alexey Yaroshevsky takes a look at neo-Nazis in the US – and places like Ukraine.

Christians Facing Persecution in Turkey | DW Documentary

The Turkish directorate of religious affairs is set to seize over 50 churches, monasteries and cemeteries belonging to the Christian Syriac community in southeastern Turkey.

Blasphemy, Islamophobia, Free Expression: Panel

The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell September 1, 2017

Ann Coulter Urges President Trump to Terminate DACA

Ann Coulter on The Larry O'Connor Show (September 1, 2017)

Trump’s Wall: A Symbol of His Presidency? - BBC Newsnight

Senior Republicans are resisting spending on the controversial wall when the money - they say - should be spent on disaster relief. The wall was meant to separate America from Mexico but the divide so far has been between the President himself and his party. Division that points to a gulf of differences on other issues - between those who are broadly internationalist and those who cry America First. Gabriel Gatehouse has been to the site of the wall in Arizona and sent this report.

North Korea’s Missiles May Turn Japan Away From Pacifism

North Korea’s ballistic missile test on Tuesday flew directly over Japanese territory. The Self Defense Force said it didn’t shoot it down because it was not in danger of hitting anywhere in the country. But the provocative act did reignite a discussion about Japan’s pacifist constitution. Al Jazeera’s Scott Heidler reports from Tokyo.