Tuesday, July 04, 2017

F24Debate: North Korea Missile Threat: Old Problems, New Solutions?

Naomi Klein: Trump Is the First Fully Commercialized Global Brand to Serve as US President

A decade after Naomi Klein published her now-iconic book "The Shock Doctrine," the best-selling author and activist reflects on how President Trump represents a form of continuous shock and how he ran a branding campaign—more than a political campaign—in order to capture the presidency. Naomi Klein’s latest book is "No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need."

Naomi Klein on Trump, Corbyn and the Global "War on Affordable Housing"

Naomi Klein says "Trump voters wanted to raise middle finger". The author and activist talks about her new book charting the Trump presidency, the shock tactics which got him elected, and about Jeremy Corbyn's success, and the wider causes of the Grenfell Tower fire in London.

Germany: Merkel's Party No Longer Considers US a 'Friend'

Monday, July 03, 2017

The Guardian View on Macron: Progressive and Pro-European. What’s Not to envy?

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: In a speech in Versailles, France’s centrist leader seized his moment. The contrast with Theresa May’s agenda is a sobering one

Emmanuel Macron went to the Palace of Versailles on Monday and proclaimed a French revolution. For those with a feel for French history, this juxtaposition of venue and idea was rich in irony. But the French president’s speech to the newly elected parliament and the senate was one that matters in the here and now, not just in the republic itself but across Europe – and in Britain, too.

In one sense, Mr Macron’s address was familiar for those who have studied his rise. There were few new policy commitments. Those that he made – they included a reduction in the size of the national assembly and other state bodies plus, importantly, the lifting later this year of France’s post-Bataclan state of emergency – were familiar from his presidential campaign. There will be more detail when France’s prime minister, Édouard Philippe, outlines the government’s legislative programme on Tuesday. » | Monday, July 3, 2017

The Debate – The 'Sun President': Macron Sets Out Five-year Plan at Versailles Palace

Inside Story - Can Washington Push for a Dialogue on the Gulf Crisis?

There's a week to go for Qatar to meet a list of 13 demands imposed on it by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. It includes shutting down the Al Jazeera network and aligning Qatar's foreign policy with that of the GCC among many other demands. Qatar has rejected the list, saying it violates its sovereignty.

Meanwhile, the US is calling on all sides to sit down and talk. A statement from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says while some of the measures will be very difficult for Qatar to meet, there are significant areas which provide a basis for ongoing dialogue leading to resolution. So, is dialogue even possible?

Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Abdulaziz Al-Horr - CEO of the Qatar Finance and Business Academy; Ahmed Al Burai - Lecturer at Istanbul Aydin University; Hillary Mann Leverett - Former White House official.

Stop Fascism: Chris Hedges in Portland (Parts 1 & 2)

Chris Hedges: America Is a Tinderbox

Helmut Kohl from the Province to the World Stage | DW Documentary

From the province to the world stage: Helmut Kohl maintained close ties to his home region, Rheinland-Pfalz, and used it to his political advantage. How did Kohl's relationship to this region influence his political career, and his historical legacy?

With his burial on the grounds of Speyer cathedral, Helmut Kohl returns to the region that made him what he was: an international politician from the provinces. Kohl was often pilloried for his provincialism, but he used it to his political advantage: he entertained world leaders at the Deidesheimer Hof hotel, and treated them to his favorite local dishes. In this way, he eased their concerns about the possibility of a unified Germany -- and especially, the concerns of the French. And as far as a united Europe was concerned, Kohl envisioned not an abstract bureaucracy, but a community of regions. At the same time, there were serious problems in Kohl's family life. His two sons and second wife argued about how to maintain Kohl's political legacy. The CDU in Kohl's hometown of Ludwigshafen is also divided on Kohl's place in history -- because of his participation in a campaign financing scandal. For this report, we traveled to Rheinland-Pfalz to find out how this region affected Helmut Kohl's political career.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Does Trump Want to Redo 1953 CIA Coup in Iran?

Historian and author Ervand Abrahamian of Baruch College analyzes the recently revealed files on the CIA's role in the 1953 Iran coup, as Trump officials and allies float the possibility of regime change in Tehran

Inside Story - Will More Troops Protect the Sahel Region of Africa?

Emmanuel Macron has been president of France for just two months - and already has made his second visit to Mali, where French troops and UN peacekeepers are fighting armed groups.

The Queen’s Mother-in-Law: Princess Alice

Prince Philip: The Plot To Make A King

Thousands of UK Protesters March against Austerity

Demonstrators in Britain marched through central London demanding an end to austerity measures from the Conservative government. They are pressuring Prime Minister Theresa May to change her government’s economic policies. Al Jazeera’s Sonia Gallego reports from London.

Thailand Cracks Down on Criticism of the Royal Family

Thailand's military government is ramping up its crackdown on people insulting or criticising the royal family.

Over the past three years, more than one-hundred people have been charged or convicted under strict lèse-majesté laws.

Wayne Hay reports from Khon Kaen.

The Richest Scot in the Empire | BBC Documentary

John Crichton-Stuart, the 3rd Marquess of Bute, was a fabulously rich, maverick Scottish aristocrat. He spent a Welsh fortune on his many passions, creating some of the most extraordinary Gothic architecture in the world.

Canada Celebrates 150th Birthday

Canadians are celebrating the nation's 150th birthday. In 1867, a constitution was created to merge three colonies into one dominion which would eventually become present-day Canada. Al Jazeera’s Daniel Lak reports from Canada.

Trump Escalates His War On The Press, Threatens To Sue CNN

During his first re-election fundraiser this week, Donald Trump joked with the crowd about the possibility of suing CNN over their retracted Russia story. Republicans are trying to make attacking the press the staple of their 2018 campaigns – they’ve admitted that themselves – but it is never wise to attack outlets that reach millions of people throughout the day. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Is Al Jazeera at the Heart of the GCC Crisis? -– The Listening Post