Thursday, June 22, 2017

Brexit: 'Dreamer' Tusk Says UK May Yet Stay in the EU

N24 Nachrichten - Gedenkfeier für Helmut Kohl: Lammert kritisiert die Witwe Maike Kohl-Richter

Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert hat an das Lebenswerk des verstorbenen Altkanzlers Helmut Kohl erinnert. Gleichwohl äußerte er Kritik an Kohls Witwe Maike, die einen deutschen Staatsakt verweigert.

Saudi Arabia's 'Prince of Chaos'

Former Muslim Al Fadi Explains Why He Left Islam and Followed Christ

Ramadan Bombathon in Iran | David Wood

Why Saudi Arabia Is Our Friend And Iran Is Our Enemy

The official reasons from the US government are lies. Jimmy Dore, and Steve Oh discuss on the latest episode of Aggressive Progressives.

Saudi Succession Change | World

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has promoted his favoured son, Mohammed bin Salman, to crown prince in a shake-up of the established succession order that clears the young royal’s path to the throne.

Glenn Beck: Islam Is Taking Over And No One Is Paying Attention

Boris Johnson Has Embarrassing On-Air Meltdown in Car Crash Queen's Speech Interview

Read the article in the Mirror here

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Piers Morgan is an Enemy of Reason and an Affront to Human Dignity

Has the Press Lost Its Power? - BBC Newsnight

Are the days when "It's The Sun Wot Won It" over? The BBC's media editor Amol Rajan reports on the political power of the press today.

Saudi King Ousts Nephew for Son - BBC News

Saudi Arabia's king has appointed his son Mohammed bin Salman as crown prince - replacing his nephew, Mohammed bin Nayef, as first in line to the throne.

King Salman's decree also means Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 31, will become deputy prime minister while continuing as defence minister.

Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, 57, has been removed from his role as head of domestic security, state media say.

He has pledged allegiance to the new crown prince, his younger cousin. Why is this significant?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Dave Rubin on Political Islam, Sharia Law, and “Islamophobia” (Full Interview)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Human Rights Activist) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the preaching of Islam, the left’s alliance with Islamists, the dangers of political Islam, Sharia law, "Islamophobia", her serious fight against the practice of female genital mutilation as well as, her political and idealogical awakening, her foundation and activism, and much more. *This episode was filmed on location, not in The Rubin Report studio.

Brigitte Gabriel and Dave Rubin: Terrorism, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Linda Sarsour

Inside Story - Are the US and Russia Headed for a Conflict in Syria?

Russia warns the US and its allies it will shoot down any aircraft flying west of the Euphrates river. It's a new red line and this time in the form of a river. Russia says it will shoot down any aircraft that flies west of the Euphrates river in Syria.

The US military shot down a Syrian fighter jet on Saturday. The White House is insisting the action was taken in self defence. But the Russian and Syrian governments have condemned it. So what does this mean for the war in Syria? | Presenter: Sohail Rahman | Guests: Pavel Felgenhauer - Defence and Military Analyst and a Columnist with the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta; Jean-Marc Rickli - Head of Global Risk and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Larry Korb - Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and a former naval Flight Officer.

Mohammed bin Salman Named Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince

Mohammed bin Salman named Saudi Arabia's crown prince.

Saudi Arabia's King Salman has appointed his son, Mohammed bin Salman, as heir, in a major reshuffle announced early on Wednesday.

A royal decree removed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, a 57-year-old nephew of the king, as next-in-line to the throne and replaced him with Mohammed bin Salman, 31, who was previously the deputy crown prince.

Al Jazeera's Moreana Hond reports.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 21, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Top US & World Headlines — June 20, 2017

Brexit – No Future for Europeans in the UK? | DW Documentary

Published on 20 Jun 2017 | EU citizens in the UK are worried about their future. After Brexit the country is struggling to retain qualified EU professionals – we meet those affected.

It’s now been one year since the UK electorate voted in favor of "Brexit”. Overnight, more than three million EU citizens living in the UK realized they were unwanted migrants, with a big question mark hanging over their future residence and work permits; people who had previously assumed they could stay in Britain for as long as they wanted.

Since then, they have lived with a growing sense of uncertainty. Brigitte Vollmer, a German doctor working at a clinic in Southampton, is considering looking for a job outside of the UK. She came as a European, not as a migrant whose presence is merely tolerated. Some British hospitals are concerned they won’t be able to keep operating if all the EU migrants leave. German scientists are now also turning down professorships at prestigious British universities - unthinkable just a year ago. The future of science and research in Britain is now considered too uncertain, given that a good portion of funding for research will be lost when the UK leaves the European Union. The sense of unease and uncertainty is great among EU citizens.

Amir Ashour, the Queer Face of Iraq (June 2016)

Interview with the founder of IraQueer, the first movement to come out openly in the country torn by sectarian militias and partly controlled by Isis. Ashour, who lives in Sweden, has reported about the very dangerous life of the LGBT community in his native country during a meeting organized in London in the Baker & McKenzie Law Firm.