Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Stephen Miller Story: From Pestering Latino Students in High School to Drafting Muslim Ban

A new investigation by Univision shows how President Trump’s senior White House policy adviser, 31-year-old Stephen Miller, was well known at his Santa Monica High School for heckling his fellow Hispanic classmates, including telling them to speak only English. He’s now best known as one of the architects behind Trump’s Muslim travel ban. For more, we speak with one of Miller’s former classmates, Cynthia Santiago, the first Latina president of the school’s Associated Student Body and now an immigration defense lawyer who has been helping people impacted by Trump’s travel ban. We also speak with Univision reporter Fernando Peinado. His recent piece is titled "How White House advisor Stephen Miller went from pestering Hispanic students to designing Trump’s immigration policy."

Democracy Now! »

Annihilating Art and Civilization

When a jihadist attacked the Louvre Museum in Paris he intended to do more than kill people. He carried paint bombs. His intent was to destroy the finest art of Western civilization.

Why art? Art that involves animals or humans is forbidden in the Sharia. Art is the work of the kufar and is part of jahiliyya (civilization of ignorance). Islam annihilates a civilization piece by piece and leaves nothing of its native roots. Civilizational jihad destroys the very cultural history of every nation it comes into contact with.

We see the jihadist annihilation of museums and ancient architecture for the same reason. This civilizational war has been this way for 1400 years.

[This interview was posted first on Gates of Vienna.]

Hume: Intel Agencies Wanted to Undermine Flynn, Who Wasn't Best for Job

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume gives his take on the resignation of Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and its ramifications

President Donald Trump Tweets: 'Fake News Media' Pushes 'Conspiracy Theories' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Donald Trump is up tweeting on Wednesday morning about the Flynn fallout, saying the 'fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred.'

Hannity: The DC Swamp Is Rising to Take Down Trump

The left is trying to make Flynn's resignation into the next Watergate

Michael Flynn Fallout 'Looks Like The Steps Leading To A Total Meltdown' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Top Talkers: The Morning Joe panel discusses the continued fallout from the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who knew what and when and what it could mean for the WH.

French Presidential Race: Will Marine Le Pen Benefit from 'Penelopegate'?

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sean Spicer Press Conference over Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser, February 14, 2017

White House Briefing Spokesman Sean Spicer briefs reporters and responds to their questions on a variety of topics, including National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s decision to resign over his contact with Russia prior to President Trump’s swearing-in.

"You're Not the President!" Whoopi Goldberg Says Donald Trump Is Putin's Puppet

Michael Flynn Resigns – Inside Story

Before Michael Flynn resigned from the US government on Monday, 348 days was the record for shortest tenure as National Security Adviser.

Trump's Troubles: What General Flynn's Fall Says about the New White House

Jewish Survivor: Helena Jonas Rosenzweig Testimony

You are watching Jonas Rosenzweig, a Jewish Survivor, Aid Giver, from the Holocaust.

Joe: This Is A White House In Chaos, And A Storm Is Coming | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel discusses Michael Flynn's exit, possible replacements for him, the impact if President Donald Trump knew about Flynn's conversations and why the WH needs a new chief.

"You Make No Sense:” Matt Lauer Destroys Kellyanne Conway

Matt Lauer Grills Exhausted Kellyanne Conway Over Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s Resignation: 'That Makes No Sense!'

SophieCo: Merkel against Trump Because She’s the Spearhead of Obama’s Confrontation Policy – Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Assembly –Ex-VP, Willy Wimmer

Chancellor Angela Merkel has been dominating the German – and European – political landscape for over a decade. But after years of economic and refugee crises, unpopular decisions, and a growing divide between EU members, Merkel is facing opposition inside her country and across the Atlantic as well. With anti-establishment forces strong across Europe and a new leader in America, how will the German political landscape shape up this year? And with the new president in Germany standing against confrontation with Russia – should we be ready for a policy shift? We ask the former vice-president of the OSCE Assembly, and former state secretary to Germany’s defense minister – Willy Wimmer.

Chuck Todd: ‘This Is A White House That Doesn’t Like To Admit Mistakes’ | TODAY

"You're a Disgrace!" Morning Joe Attacks Donald Trump's Advisor Stephen Miller

Morning Joe Will Not Interview Senior Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway Anymore

I Told Steve Bannon: ‘We Are Not At War With Islam.’ He Disagreed

THE WORLD POST: I was the target of Islamist ire for publishing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper. But a war against all Muslims is not the solution.

In late May 2016, I was invited to a private home in New York for a chat. Like a lot of other people, the host was concerned about Islam’s growing influence in Europe, and she wanted to meet because back in 2005 and 2006, I had been been at the center of the Danish cartoon controversy, one of many clashes between Islam and the secular values of freedom of speech and the right to criticize and satirize religion. Read on and comment » | Flemming Rose | Senior fellow, Cato Institute; former foreign editor, Jyllands-Posten | Monday, February 13, 2017

Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn Resigns after 24 Days. Here’s What You Need to Know

Read the Washigton Post article here